Adele Roberts shared an update with her fans after she had surgery to remove a tumor following her diagnosis of bowel cancer.
The BBC presenter, 42,- who has been sharing her journey on her Instagram- took to the platform on Thursday to update her followers.
Former I’m A Celebrity host explained that her scars have healed after her surgery for cancer treatment. She also showed signs of bruising from the warfarin shots she received.

Update: Adele Roberts gave fans an update about her health after she had surgery to remove the tumour that was discovered in her abdomen following her diagnosis of bowel cancer on Thursday
She showed her stomach scars and said, “Scars are healing really nicely, I got that one & that one, my C section you don’t want the world to see.” All is well, though.
As she showed the bruising all over her thighs she explained: ‘So these are the result of the warfarin injections…’
Adele asked Kate, her girlfriend: “Does everyone with a toma get them?” Does that prevent you from getting blood clots, too? She said, “Yeah,”
Adele said, “So they’re on both ends.” Although we have to rotate the place where the injections are given, Kate is the best nurse I’ve ever seen.


Scary: A former I’m A Celebrity host explained how her scars healed from surgery after she had to have her breast cancer removed.

She showed her stomach scars and said, “Scars are healing really nicely, I got that one & that one, my C section you don’t want the world to see.” All is well, though.
It comes after she told her Instagram followers she felt she had ‘turned a corner’ after the operation which took place in October.
Adele shared a photograph from her hospital bed for the first-time and told her worried followers, “Just a quick note of thanks to everybody.” It’s been an amazing experience! You were so kind and sent good wishes to my family.
Adele concluded: “You are the greatest!” I’ve been able to keep going because of you. Although I have had some ups and downs throughout the week, today I feel that I am starting to make progress and I will be able to return home soon.
“I’m sorry, I haven’t been in here very often. My family and I are so grateful for everyone’s support. They have received so much comfort from you. I am grateful from the bottom of my soul.

She feels good after telling her Instagram followers that she believed she’d ‘turned the corner’ following October’s operation.

Adele shared a photograph from her hospital bed for the first-time and told her worried followers, “Just a quick note of thanks to everybody.” Your kindness and support have been amazing! Thank you so much for your kindness and taking care of my family.
Her medical team was thanked and she said, “God Bless the NHS.” They are amazing and I am amazed at how they put in so much effort. They’re next level – so special.
If you are going through difficult times, I am sending you lots of love. Particularly if you are living with cancer. My ward has a handful of women who inspire me every day. They’re warriors – stopped me feeling sorry for myself many a time! It also reminded me that this isn’t the end of the world and it can get worse.
“Thank you again everyone who helped me get through. Thank you, BT Tower.
Radio host, Lisa Gomez, went on to discuss the little positives in each day. She enjoys watching the BT Tower as she wakes up each morning and watching London rise each morning.

Positive: She spoke out about the positive aspects she finds in each day. This included watching the BT Tower rise before each radio show and seeing the sun rise when London gets up.

She said, “I keep my faith strong. I always watch out for the message of each day.” Never did I know that someday I would be looking at the sun from another side.
She continued, “I look for the message of each day as well,” she said. I didn’t realize that someday, I would be looking out for the sun on the other side.
“Seeing the words “Good Morning London” every day has been a blessing and a reminder of how much everything will be okay.
“Have an amazing week, everyone. Please go to see someone if anything is not right for you. It’s better to be early than later. I do not want any of this horror to happen again.
Adele shared that she was first diagnosed in the middle of March and said “the outlook is optimistic” for those who are suffering from symptoms.
She said, “Ok, it’s not an easy way to accomplish this, and it feels strange, especially when posting on social media [I’m going all Black Mirror]], but I hope it will reach everyone who could benefit from it or reading it.
“For quite some time, my digestive problems have been a problem. A conversation that I had with my dad a few decades back led me to go to the doctor for a check-up.

Check yourself: Adele stated that she had been diagnosed with the condition at the beginning of this month and added, “The outlook is good” as she encouraged anyone who has symptoms to visit their doctor.
“I will be truthful, it was embarrassing but I knew it could have serious consequences. Just in case, I decided to go. At first, I wasn’t aware of the possibility and assumed that it was food sensitivity.
“After several phone calls, I was sent to have some tests and examinations. The doctor diagnosed me with bowel cancer. I was diagnosed at the end of the month.
“It happened too quickly. I apologize for posting this, but it is my hope that it can help others who are worried about their health or living in fear. Please make an appointment to have any concerns checked out.
“The earlier you see your GP and talk with someone, the quicker you will be able to get help. I may not have been so fortunate if I didn’t.
Adele praised the NHS and stated that she will receive all her care.
She stated that there is no “normal” with cancer. Unfortunately, it can happen to anyone at any age. It does not discriminate. It can be detected early and saved your life.
“The NHS has been INCREDIBLE. They’re heroes. Tomorrow I will have surgery to remove the tumor and see if any further treatment is necessary or if it has spread.
“So far, the outlook has been positive. I am so grateful that I have the ability to be treated. This is just the beginning of my journey, but it’s going to be rewarding.
Wishing everyone a wonderful week. My family, thank you for everything. Words cannot express how grateful I am to all of your support over the last week. Thank you for saving me.
“You are my angels, and I will be thinking about you tomorrow. It’s so exciting to see you beautiful faces every morning (through FaceTime, if it is possible for me to concentrate enough to use my phone). Your voices will suffice, if not you’ll be my everything. It’s all that I wish for.
Adele said that it was the most difficult part of receiving her diagnosis, telling her family and especially Kate Holderness about it.

Happily married: Adele shared that her hardest part about her diagnosis was sharing it with her family, particularly her girlfriend Kate Holderness.