TikTok has made a viral video of a mother showing her sons, eight months old, refusing to go to bed unless she is in their same bed.  

Mother Brenna Grund (27), from Minnesota explained that twins Lane and Lennox have trouble settling when placed in their own cribs. 

This clip shows Brenna bringing the baby back together after they scream so hard they are bloody from being left alone. 

Brenna shared that her heart broke when she separated them. After a while, Brenna decided to take them out and calm down. Then she put them together in bed and they fell asleep within a matter of minutes.

American Association of Pediatrics does not recommend this practice. They say that siblings shouldn’t share a bed.   

Mother-of-four Brenna Grund, 27, who lives in Minnesota with her family, revealed her twins Lennox and Lane, pictured, cannot sleep without each other

Mother-of-four Brenna Grund, 27, who lives in Minnesota with her family, revealed her twins Lennox and Lane, pictured, cannot sleep without each other

One of the Twins crying out because Brenna separated him from his brother

The other twin between equally distraught about the separation

Brenna displayed in video how her left- and right-side twins are inconsolable after she seperates them at bedtime

The inseparable pair often holds hands, pictured, when they sleep together in videos shared by Brenna on social media

They often sleep in the same bed together, as Brenna shared on Instagram. 

Mother-of-four Brenna trying to convince one of the twins to sleep alone

The doting mother could be hear saying 'can you try to sleep by yourself'

Brenna (pictured) tried to convince one twin to sleep alone via a TikTok video. You can hear her asking the baby, “Can you sleep alone tonight?”

The eight-month-old brothers cannot sleep without one another, and only settle once they are reunited

They can never sleep apart at eight months old, but they will be happy if they get to share their bed. 

Brenna, who is a mother to four and shares her family with 56,000 TikTok fans, talked about the close bond she has formed with her sons.  

She explained that cuddling and holding hands is a very relaxing and soothing thing for children. 

Their bond is one that can only be understood by twins. They are so amazing to their mother. 

She also claimed that she didn’t believe she should ‘cry it out’, meaning that she wouldn’t let her four-year-old children cry in their own rooms. She places them together to make it easier for them to settle down.  

The eight-month-old brothers loves to snuggle up, and Brenna keeps a watchful eye when they nap

Brenna is attentive when Brenna’s 8-month-old twin brothers nap. They love to curl up together. 

Brenna said it is 'heartbreaking' for her to separate her twins boys, and said she'll let them sleep together until they are older

Brenna stated that it was a heartbreaking decision to split her boys. She said that she will let the twins sleep together until their older years. 

Brenna has posted videos of the twins to the social media platform MomtotheGrundTwins. She is candid about her life with them. 

They spent 20 days in the NICU following their births, where they suffered from colic. 

Also, they had their tongues and lips tied. After that operation, Covid-19 was discovered and the patients suffered from numerous colds. 

Brenna, a loving mother, has shared many adorable videos with her boys, whom she refers to as ‘Chubbies’, playing together or separately, and cuddling with their mother. 

In a 2012 American Association of Pediatrics report, they stated that bed sharing did not prevent Sudden Infant Death Syndrome or suffocation. 

The research found that the AAP did not consider any particular bed-sharing arrangement safe. However, it recommended some situations to be avoided. 

“Twins, triplets and infants of higher numbers should all have their own sleeping areas, not share a bed. 

The twins always cuddle when they sleep together. Some viewers pointed out the American Association of Pediatrics (AAP) does not recommend that siblings share a bed

When they are together, the twins will always snuggle. One viewer pointed out that the American Association of Pediatrics doesn’t recommend siblings sharing a bed. 

The AAP said in a 2012 report that bed sharing among siblings should be avoided, and that twins, triplets and other sets of siblings should sleep in separate beds. But Lennox and Lane have been sleeping together since birth

According to the AAP, bed sharing between siblings is not a good idea. They recommend that triplets, twins and any other siblings have separate beds. Lennox and Lane are known to have slept together from birth. 

The twins cuddling. Brenna said in another video that she also co-sleeps with her twins sometimes

Cuddling the twins. Brenna stated in another video, that sometimes she co-sleeps alongside her twins.

But, those who saw it said Brenna should allow the twins to cuddle and “be happy”.

One wrote: “Why would anyone want them apart?” They are in a comfortable relationship with one another. I’m jealous. It’s normal to let them snuggle and feel happy.

One wrote, “Omg they slept together at the ending was the sweetest friggin’ thing.”

A third added: ‘My twins don’t sleep together because they always wake each other up…. However, I’d support them sleeping better together if it was possible! It doesn’t matter what you do!

One fourth said, “My twins are completely opposite.” Although they share a bond, their bodies are not able to sleep together.

The pair have had several health issues since birth, including multiple ear infections and contracting Covid-19. As a result, they had to spend some times in hospital

Since birth, the couple have experienced several health problems including numerous ear infections and Covid-19. They had to stay in hospital several times. 

The pair snuggling together. Parents on TikTok said they understood why Brenna wanted to keep the babies together at night

Both of them snuggled together. TikTok’s parents agreed that Brenna was right to keep them together at night. 

The pair will sleep together until they are old enough to sleep by themselves, Brenna said on TikTok

Brenna shared her TikTok statement that they will continue to share their sleep until the time when they feel comfortable sleeping alone.