Four Kenyan police officers found guilty in manslaughter of Alexander Monson’s death, British aristocrat son. They were taken to custody in 2012. 

On Monday, four Kenyan policemen were found guilty in the murder of Alexander Monson. Monson was the son of an English aristocrat and was discovered dead at Diani beach in 2012.

Eric Ogola, a judge at Kenya’s High Court issued the verdict during a Mombasa court hearing. This high-profile case has brought to light the brutality of police officers in East Africa.

Monson, 28 years old, was arrested and later found out that he had been smoking marijuana in Diani on Kenya’s Indian Ocean Coast.

Ogola stated that drugs had been planted on Monson’s body after his death to cover it up. He also said that Monson was healthy prior to arriving at the station, and that he was tortured while there.

These four officers are Naftali Cherge, Charles Wangombe Munyiri and Baraka Bulima.

Monson was Nicholas’ son, 12th Baron Monson. He was also heir to a Lincolnshire family estate.

Two reports from government pathologists were seen by Reuters and concluded that Monson had died following a traumatic brain injury. 

A coroner found that there were attempts to conceal the incident, and threats made against witnesses.
