After one of the doors on the armored truck burst, cash was spewed all over the San Diego Freeway. Now the FBI and California Highway Patrol are searching for the thieves. 

Drivers stopped their daily routine Monday, and ran to get ‘free’ money at the Carlsbad side of Interstate 5 near Carlsbad. 

According to authorities, the trunk was on its route to the Federal Reserve in order to deposit the money when it burst into the back at around 10 a.m. 

After already arresting two individuals who were locked out of their cars during the panic, the FBI and California Highway Patrol (CHP), are looking to find the people responsible for taking the cash. The amount of money that was taken from the trunk is not known.

Demi Bagby (a fitness guru from San Diego) was one of those identified after posting an Instagram video showing her with her friends picking money up. 

“This is the most bizarre thing I have ever seen. Someone dropped cash all over the freeway, and San Diego shut down. Bagby posted a video for 2.5 million of her followers, “Look at the freeway now. Oh my godsh!” 

“Literally, everyone stopped on freeways to get money off of the freeways,” she says. She says that this is crazy.  

Several drivers on Interstate 5 got lucky on Monday after an armored truck spewed money over the freeway - but authorities are looking for them to return the cash

A truck carrying an armoured vehicle poured money on Interstate 5 on Monday, causing several drivers to be lucky. However authorities want them back.

Fitness guru Demi Bagby (pictured) posted a video on Instagram of her and her friends collecting money on the freeway

Demi Bagby, fitness guru (pictured), posted an Instagram video showing her and friends earning money on the freeway. 

Unidentified people were seen looking excited with handfuls of cash

Unidentified individuals were seen looking thrilled with a few dollars. 

Other people were also seen with large amounts of cash and two women who picked up money. FBI took screenshots from Bagby’s video. They want to meet with those who were featured in the footage. 

To hide their identity, another driver covered up the license plate using what appears to have been a white towel. 

Bagby, her friends and their car passed the trunk with an armored roof. It appeared as though the truck’s drivers were gone. Bagby and her friends saw the drivers talking with police earlier. 

Another driver, Travis Fisher, told Fox 5 that he thought there was an accident before noticing the money. 

‘I see all these things floating around and I realize it’s money,’ Fisher told Fox 5. It was quite crazy. It was everywhere. 

Police were seen talking to the truck drivers

Truck drivers were questioned by police 

The money flew out of the trunk after the back door flew open. The FBI and CHP are investigating as to why the door opened

After the back door opened, the money was released from the trunk. CHP and FBI investigate the reason for the opening of this door. 

Police collected fallen money in garbage bags and are now asking those who took cash to return it to the Vista office within 48 hours or face 'potential criminal charges'

Officers found money that was not in bags, and asked those who stole it to give the cash back within 48 hours. 

By the time Bagby left the scene, the truck driver was gone

Bagby had already left the scene when Bagby saw the truck driver. 

Fisher estimates that there are thousands of dollars spread across the road. 

CHP and FBI now ask those who stole the money to repay it. It’s illegal to take government property. 

Fox 5 reported that a spokesperson for CHP stated, “If anybody picked up money, we ask you bring it to our office in Vista immediately.” I just wanted to inform everyone that there’s a lot more video evidence. 

The authorities are giving you 48 hours to either return the money, or they could charge you with a possible criminal offense.  

Several people stayed behind to look for more money

Many people left to search for more income. 

The FBI are now also looking for these women

The unidentified women were seen grabbing cash

FBI is currently looking to find Bagby, her friends and these women (pictured).

The police says there's 'a lot of video evidence' showing people picking up money, and encourage them to return it

Police say there is “a lot” of video evidence showing individuals picking up cash and encourage people to return the money. 

Although police took the cash in bags and cleared out the area, some unidentified people continued to look for it. 

Fox 5 lawyer Greg Wiseman stated to Fox 5 that a ‘finder’s keepsers’ approach won’t help them get very far. 

People get the wrong notion, they think that “finder’s keepers” is true, and they also think “possession nine-tenths the law” but this is not the law. 

According to him, the “negligent” act doesn’t create a financial windfall in which people can just say the right place at the right time and get the money. 

Many commenters slammed Bagby for posting the video (which is still up on her page) and that it could get her in serious trouble. Bagby herself joked she was going to spend the money at Sizzler, a restaurant chain that was founded in California. Others wished it was them

Bagby’s posting of the video was condemned by many. Bagby laughed and joked that the money would be spent at Sizzler in California, which is a chain of restaurants. Some others wished it was they 

Bagby and her friends were criticized for filming others. Many commented on Bagby’s video, one saying: “This will get you in court. [sic]They track them down. 

One other warned her not to brag about her gold mine. 

She even said it herself: “Who is coming to sizzler tonight?” Sizzler is an American restaurant chain. It was started in California. 

Another commenter focused on the driver and wrote: “Someone’s being fired.” 

Some people just wish it was them. But one person asked to go to the East Coast, and to drop some bills. 

“Damn, someone please come up to the east shore and drop some money for us!” 

One wrote, “The only thing you would like to be stuck on is the freeway!” Please send them all. 

Bagby or her friends might still be in possession of the cash.  

A maximum sentence for theft of government property is 10 years imprisonment and a $500 fine.  

CHP is also investigating. asked Bagby to respond.