Ros Atkins, a BBC News reporter has shared his bizarre past as a drummer and bass DJ before his first child was born.

After making an unexpected appearance on BBC Radio 6 Music’s Desert Island Disco All-Dayer, Mr Atkins (47) revealed his colorful background.

He has been praised for creating forensic explanation videos about stories such as the Downing Street Party scam. The host posted a number of pictures on Twitter that show him during his early DJing years in the late 1990s.

According to Mr Atkins, during his time in South Africa, he worked on the decks at a “huge rave” inside Johannesburg’s train station.

He stated that he had performed his last gig in London’s Regents Park on June 6, 2006. This was a “reasonably sweaty affair”. 

His oldest daughter, his only child, was born ‘a few more days’ after he had given birth. He hasn’t performed since.

Atkins presented his favorite tracks on Monday to radio listeners. 

Revealing his ‘set’ on Twitter, he said it included hits from ‘DJ Hype & Ganja Max’ and ‘Shimon and Andy C’.

BBC News reporter Ros Atkins has revealed his surprising past life as a Drum and Bass DJ, before the birth of his first child put paid to his hobby

Ros Atkins is a BBC News journalist who revealed the surprising life he led as a Drum and Bas DJ prior to having his first child.

Mr Atkins, 47, revealed his colourful background after making a surprise appearance as the presenter of BBC Radio 6 Music's Desert Island Disco All-Dayer. He shared a series of images of him performing, including at his last gig (above) in Regents Park in 2006

After making an unexpected appearance on BBC Radio 6 Music’s Desert Island Disco All-Dayer, Mr Atkins (47) revealed his colorful background. A series of photos of Atkins performing were shared, including one from his final gig in Regents Park (below) in 2006.

Before beginning his 25-minute set, he stated that ‘Before BBC allowed me to anywhere near a TV Studio, I used DJ drum and Bass, and to my delight Steve Lamacq (and the team at BBC Radio 6 Music) asked me if i would like to be back behind the decks today’s desert island disco alldayer.

“This mix was inspired in part by Brixton electric, South London. This is where I’ve had many great nights of drum and bass, so hopefully more will be.

Cornelian-born Mr Atkins said that he began listening to hardcore Drum and Bass music as a teenager in Cornwall.

He shared an image of him with his friend wearing a high-viz jacket after spending a long time at the Helter Skelter rave in Milton Keynes (Buckingamshire) in 1997.

According to him, he started DJing around the same time as LTJ Bukem after being inspired and taught by other DJs like Daniel Williamson.

Then Mr Atkins shared an image showing him at an event in Brixton. He also claimed he had performed in Cambridge, Cornwall, and Cambridge.

Mr Atkins said that, while living in South Africa, he also worked the decks during a 'huge rave' inside Johannesburg train station. Whilst in the country, he also performed at Pretoria's 'Oppi Koppi' festival. Pictured: Mr Atkins at Oppi Koppi

Atkins stated that he was also a DJ during the ‘huge dance’ at Johannesburg station while he lived in South Africa. While in South Africa, Atkins also participated at the Oppi Koppi Festival in Pretoria. Picture: Oppi Koppi – Mr Atkins

The presenter, who has received praise for his forensic explainers of stories including the Downing Stret Party scandal, displayed a series of photos on Twitter of him in his DJing days in the late 1990s and early 2000s. He said the above image showed him after a 'long night' at the 'Helter Skelter' rave in Milton Keynes

He has been praised for his ability to provide forensic explanations of scandals such as the Downing Stret Party affair. The host posted a number of pictures on Twitter that showed him during his early DJing years in the late 1990s. He stated that the photo above showed him at the end of a long night at Milton Keynes’ ‘Helter Skelter” rave.

Speaking of his time in South Africa, he said: ‘I also lived in South Africa for a while and, improbably, ended up playing in the D&B room at a huge rave in Joburg train station.’

While in Pretoria, he performed at the ‘Oppi Koppi Festival.

When family life interfered, his final gig was the one he took.

“I had been booked to play at the Regent’s Park Festival. He described it as a sweaty event.

“A few days later our oldest daughter was born, and I suddenly had less energy and time! It didn’t work in my life and I haven’t done any gigs since.

Atkins stated that he accepted an invitation to Radio 6 Music, ‘before anybody had the chance to reconsider the offer.

Milton Keynes's 'Helter Skelter' event was held at The Sanctuary music venue (pictured)

The Sanctuary Music Venue hosted Milton Keynes’s “Helter Skelter” event. (pictured)

A poster for the 1994 Helter Skelter event. The Sanctuary was famous for holding enormous raves from 1991 onwards

Poster for 1994 Helter Skelter. Since 1991, The Sanctuary has been hosting massive raves.

He explained that the “mix” he picked was inspired by some of the “brilliant preCOVID night’s” he had spent at Electric Brixton.

According to the broadcaster, his idea that he would do a BBC mix was a nonsense for his younger self. It was a great honor to be asked.

The Sanctuary was the venue where Milton Keynes held his ‘Helter Skelter” event. It was demolished in 2004. In its place, an IKEA branch was built.

Mr Atkins said he began DJing after being inspired by DJs including 'LTJ Bukem' (pictured)

According to Mr Atkins, he started DJing because he was inspired by DJs like ‘LTJ Bukem (pictured).

From 1991, the Sanctuary is known for hosting huge raves. According to estimates, 750,000 people have been to the Sanctuary. It could host 9,000 people at one time. 

In Milton Keynes, the MK Gallery hosted an exhibit commemorating this rave hotspot last year. 

Before it became a warehouse, the Sanctuary was an ordinary building. The Dreamscape 1 party took place in its original form. It is considered historic by many music lovers. 

The Prodigy as well as The Cult were among the bands that performed at this venue.