House Republicans demand that the Biden administration disclose all information it has about an apparent Russian invitation to Iran for a proposed “interim” nuclear deal. This is amid ongoing tensions between Tehran, major powers and Iran.

The U.S. is ‘aware’ of the proposal, NBC reported, amid administration efforts to try to revive the 2015 Iran nuclear deal.

Such an interim deal would involve a lifting of some sanctions on Tehran in exchange for additional restrictions on its nuclear program – the same kind of trade-offs that make up the 2015 deal negotiated during the Obama administration that President Donald Trump scrapped.

House Republicans from national security backgrounds demand that the government share all information it has about possible strides in light of the lackluster information. 

The Biden administration is 'aware' of a Russian nuclear proposal to Iran, according to a weekend report. House GOP lawmakers are demanding to see it

According to weekend reports, the Biden administration was aware of Iran’s Russian nuclear offer. House GOP lawmakers want to see it

“Russia has sent secret agreements to Iran. Russia now wants to be the leader in negotiations with Iran. It is secret. We haven’t seen it,’ complained Rep. Michael McCaul (R-Texas), the top Republican on the House Foreign Affairs Committee, in comments to the Washington Free Beacon.

The ongoing tensions with Russia, amid concerns of a Russian invasion of Ukraine, add to this concern. In light of the standoff, President Biden is considering sending U.S. military forces to help allies in Balkans and threatens economic sanctions to Russia.  

Rep. Mike Gallagher is an ex-Marine Corps Intelligence Officer who currently serves as the Armed Services Committee. He called reports that the administration was ‘working with Russia’ regarding the matter ‘doubly worrying’.  

“First they cause a conflict with Russia because we want to stop an invasion of Ukraine. The Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act would also be violated if preemptive sanctions relief is not given to Congress and if an interim deal is not transmitted to Congress. He told the publication that both Russia and Iran must be resisted simultaneously by the administration.

'This is a secret agreement. We haven’t seen it,' complained Rep. Michael McCaul (R-Texas)

This is a secret agreement. We haven’t seen it,’ complained Rep. Michael McCaul (R-Texas)

Secretary of State Antony Blinken (L) and Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov shake hands before their meeting on January 21, 2022, in Geneva, Switzerland. Blinken said there was a closing window to revive the deal

Antony Blinken (L), Secretary of State and Sergey Lavrov (R) shake hands in front of their meeting, January 21, 2022 in Geneva, Switzerland. Blinken indicated that the closing window was available to revive this deal.

Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi delivers a speech during a session of the State Duma, the lower house of Russia's parliament, in Moscow, Russia January 20, 2022

Ebrahim Rashi, Iranian President, gives a speech in a session at the State Duma. This is the lower chamber of Russia’s Parliament. It was held in Moscow on January 20, 2022.

Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi (R) meets Russian President Vladimir Putin (L) in Moscow, Russia on January 19, 2022

Ebrahim Rasi (R), Iranian President, meets Vladimir Putin Putin (L), Moscow, Russia. January 19, 2022

Administration is not a party to the proposal. 

Senior citizen NBC was informed by the Biden administration that an interim agreement is not under discussion.

“Though we don’t have any information about the talks between Russia or Iran, it is certain at this moment that we do not discuss an interim arrangement,” said the official. We will not comment in the press on claims or negotiations regarding an interim deal. Our timeline is based on a technical assessment of Iran’s nuclear progress rather than a temporal clock.’

Russia presented a draft that said Tehran should stop enriching uranium to 60% purity. It would also get rid of its oil stockpile. This would unlock billions in frozen crude oil revenue.   

A request to comment was not received by the White House immediately. 

The Iran Nuclear Deal Review Act was signed by President Obama into law in 2015. This act addresses congressional concerns regarding the agreement and requires that the administration provide any final agreements for Congress to be reviewed. 

At the moment, Iran is refusing direct negotiations with U.S. negotiators. 

After Secretary of State Antony Blinken, amid tensions in Ukraine, met with Sergei Lavrov (Russian foreign minister) in Geneva and advised there was still time to reach an agreement on Iran.

‘The talks with Iran about a mutual return to compliance with the JCPOA have reached a decisive moment,’ Blinken said, referring to the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action.

If a deal cannot be reached within the next weeks, Iran will continue to make nuclear weapons that would render the JCPOA unusable. Blinken stated that there was still an opportunity, but a very limited window to conclude the talks and to address any remaining concerns.