A 12-year old boy scout discovered a bear eating through his sleeping bag when he woke up during a camp trip to upstate New York.
Henry Ayers of Cooperstown was camping at Tom Jones Shelter, Harriman State Park, on May 5, when the bear ripped into his sleeping bag. It happened around 1:01 a.m.
Henry stated that Henry felt an immediate, sharp sensation and a pain in his leg.
“I saw it as a gigantic bear when I looked up. It seemed like a nightmare to me. It was truly crazy. I thought I was asleep.
Diana Nicols, scoutmaster Diana, claims that Henry yelled, kicked, and scared off the bear for a while. However, the bear returned to Henry several times before leaving for good at around 4 a.m.
The scout suffered minor abrasions on his legs and a contusion, and received nine rabies shots since the incident.
He admitted to having accidentally drawn the bear to his camp.
Henry admitted that “I made an error,” to abc7. “I forgot some food and spilled some. There was also trash left by other people.
Nicols explained that the bear was a young adult searching for food. He was most likely attracted to the trash in the park.
“I think the bears make it harder for the humans to do their jobs,” she said. She wrote that the scouts had collected 12 gal bags of trash from camping sites when they first arrived.
He will be getting a bear patch as a reward for his passion for camping.
Henry Ayers, of Cooperstown woke up to a bear gnawing on his leg through his sleeping bag during a camping trip in upstate New York
Minor abrasions to his legs were caused by the contusion.
On May 5, while camping at Harriman State Park’s Tom Jones Shelter, the bear approached the sleeping bag of the man.
Nicols said that Scout “is okay” with some minor abrasions. “This child is quite extraordinary.”
According to her, after their first encounter, bears didn’t approach close enough for them to spray bear spray.
It was hung higher so that it would be less attractive, but the bag eventually left. This low bear bag, however, was not ours. This is a great example of how we can practice bear etiquette. Elle added.
“The Scouts of our troop call it a tasting.” They felt satisfied with the way they had completed our climbing and hiking trip.
The bear bags were hung higher in order to avoid temptation, and the animal left. This low bear bag, however, was not ours. This is a great example of how we can practice bear etiquette. Elle added.
Henry Ayers (left), at Harriman State park with another Scout colleague
He will be provided with a bear patch as a reminder of his passion for camping.
Diana Nicols, scoutmaster Diana, said that Henry yelled at the bear and kicked him, causing him to flee for a time. Minor abrasions to his legs and contusions were sustained.
Nicols stated that this was a valuable lesson for the children.
I think that the kids who were there to witness this event know what happened. She said that they know bears do the things bears do.
After the US Department of Agriculture (DEC) Conservation examined the case, the bear was put to death on May 5.