Send your Christmas cards to this address! The festive knit-wits, who decorated red pillars using woollen creations, bring joy to the entire world.

Keep an eye out when you go to send those Christmas lists off to Santa, because postboxes across Britain have been struck with a mystery infestation of knitted mice, snowmen and even gingerbread men, all left by ‘yarn-bombers’.

Several groups of crafters with festive ideas have been gathering to use their crochet hooks and knitting needles. They then gathered in the middle of the night to place their creations across the country.

They are a secret society of Hertford crafters who created 42 Christmas scenes throughout the county.

A spokeswoman for the close-knit group, who formed in 2017, says: ‘It feels rather naughty for us ladies of a certain age to be going out in the dark, yarn-bombing postboxes.’

According to 160 members of the group, each bauble measures approximately 24in diameter. It took them 584 hours on average to create.

Post boxes across Britain have been treated to festive Christmas toppers by 'yarn-bombers' looking to spread Christmas cheer Pictured: Post box in Market Warsop, in Nottinghamshire

In order to spread Christmas cheer, ‘yarnbombers’ gave Christmas topper to Post Boxes across Britain.

Knitivity scene: The baby Jesus gets a warm welcome in Northwich, Cheshire

Scene from Knitting: A warm reception is extended to the baby Jesus in Northwich (Chery).

Groups of crafters have been wielding their needles and crochet hooks, then getting together in the dead of night to install their creations. Treemendous: Bollards in Breaston, Derbys

Several crafters were seen working together to create their masterpieces. Treemendous – Bollards in Breaston and Derbys

A postbox in Brampton Road, St Albans

Crocheted topped in Bushmead shops, Luton

Festive companions: A postbox in St Albans (left), and a Luton crocheted shirt (right).

A spokeswoman for the close-knit group, who formed in 2017, says the women feel 'rather naughty to be going out in the dark, yarn-bombing postboxes’. Pictured: Warwickshire

A spokeswoman for the close-knit group, who formed in 2017, says the women feel ‘rather naughty to be going out in the dark, yarn-bombing postboxes’. Warwickshire

Post box 16 Gainsborough avenue St Albans

Crocheted postbox topper - created by Jan Gibson in Wallington, Surrey

Box on Gainsborough Avenue, St Albans and one by Jan Gibson, Wallington, Surrey

Pictured: a festive scene on top of a post box in Marshalls Drive in St Albans

Pictured is a happy scene at the top of Marshalls Drive, St Albans

The Secret Society of Hertford Crafters are the most prolific postbox toppers and have created 42 festive scenes around their county. Pictured: A postbox near the clock tower in St Albans

Secret Society of Hertford Crafters, who are prolific at creating festive scenes in their area, have made 42 of the best postbox toppers. Pictured is a postbox at the St Albans clock tower.

West Malling, Kent

Charmouth Rd in St Albans

It is beginning to look more like Christmas. West Malling in Kent and Charmouth Road in St Albans
