This horrifying video shows how a bus with members of a choir was carried away by a flood in Kenya, leaving more than 20 dead.
A yellow school bus, which was being hired by a church to carry a group of choir members to a Saturday wedding ceremony, came upon a road that had become flooded with rapid-flowing water.
The bus was able to cross the river with help from people on the other bank.

Within seconds, the majority of the bus had submerged.

This horrifying video shows how a bus with members of a choir was carried away by a flood in Kenya, leaving more than 20 dead.
The incident took an unexpected turn. About three quarters of the distance across, the entire bus tiptoed onto its side and began to sink.
The bus submerged in a matter seconds. People rushed to help those in need. Passenger and passers-by could both be heard screaming for help.
The bus was rescued by ten passengers, however more than twenty people died in the accident.
Later, rescue divers recovered 23 bodies from water.

It took place on the Enziu River about 125 miles east from Nairobi, the Kenyan capital.

Bystanders as well passengers could hear people screaming for help.

There were 10 passengers who managed to get out of the bus safely, however more than 20 people died in that accident.
This incident occurred along the Enziu River approximately 125 miles east the Kenyan capital, Nairobi.
Charity Ngilu was Kitui County’s governor at the time of the incident. She said that there had been a terrible and terrible accident on Saturday.
“The bodies which have been recovered so far are more than 23. More bodies are in the bus.
William Ruto, Deputy President of Kenya was there to offer condolences and to remind motorists that heavy rains in Kenya could cause serious flooding.