The moment I learned Liz Hurley was launching a new fitness program that would change my life, I took another deep breath, and I prepared myself to devote a great deal of time and money to achieving perfection.

So I was stunned and delighted when the 56-year-old icon told fitness magazine Women’s Health that those abs are a result of something called ‘found fitness’, a form of exercise you can work into your domestic life. ‘I’d rather do housework than go to the gym. I’d rather scrub a mirror, it does just as much,’ she admitted

Julia Buckley is a bestselling author and trainer. She believes Liz is onto something. So she devised a chore workout for me to try at home, adding: ‘Everyday housework can torch calories and help you build strength and fitness more than you probably think.’

Yes, I accept the challenge

Found fitness: Liz Hurley, pictured, told fitness magazine Women's Health that her abs are a result of 'found fitness', exercise that you can work into your domestic life

Liz Hurley, shown in this photo, said that she has found fitness. This is an exercise program that can be integrated into the daily routine of her domestic life.


I get bored brushing my teeth — the two-minute timer seems to last forever — so I’m genuinely excited about having the chance to do something useful, instead of standing over the sink running through my to-do list.

I check out Julia’s 6-Week Kickstart programme to make sure I’ve remembered how to do a squat correctly, and stand with my feet hip width apart, and lower myself slowly as though I’m sitting in an imaginary chair.

At first, it’s tricky to do it with my toothbrush in my mouth, and I spill a bit of toothpaste down my front.

But, this exercise offers unexpected advantages. It can make me anxious to get up in the morning because I am worried about the future. Concentrating on my squats helps me to feel relaxed and focussed.

Daisy Buchanan doing the Liz Hurley 'found fitness' at her home in Margate, raking the grass to

Daisy Buchanan doing Liz Hurley found Fitness’ at home in Margate. She rakes the grass. 


Liz uploads a photo of a pose in yoga every so often to her Instagram. It inspired me and got me started. Do I have the ability to multitask and sneak a little Ashtanga in my chores at home?

While I’m washing up I do a Tree Pose. I balance on one leg while I wash my hands to help strengthen my ankle, knee, and calf muscles.

I raise my right foot up and push it against my inner left thigh. My hips wobble slightly. I don’t think any yoga teacher would approve of my posture, or the amount of dirty water I’m spilling on my leggings — these challenges are messy!

Still, I’m glad of the opportunity to engage my brain in a different way, my balance improves as I practise and I’m able to hold the pose for a little longer each time.

Yoga in the kitchen: UK writer Daisy Buchanan, pictured, tries holding a yoga pose in her kitchen, at her home in Margate, while completing her day-to-day tasks

Yoga in the Kitchen: Daisy Buchanan from UK tries a pose of yoga in her Margate kitchen while she completes her day-today chores


Liz enjoys gardening. Julia also loves it. ‘You are turning from the waist — great for the core. The push-pull movement will work your arms.’

She suggests switching things up and using your non-dominant hand too ‘to work both sides of your body’.

I’ll admit that at first, I struggle to find the enthusiasm to get out in the garden on a grey, chilly day, but after five minutes of raking, I’ve warmed up.

Again, my busy mind is distracted, and I love feeling that I’m doing something useful. Afterwards, my body feels slightly achy — it’s the same sensation I get after an intense HIIT workout. The fresh air helps me fall asleep quickly and deeply.


At first, I’m not sure about this one.

Surely when Liz goes shopping, she’s skipping down Rodeo Drive swinging bags filled with designer bikinis, not plodding down the road, weighed down by tins of tuna on a three-for-two? A quick Google search reveals Liz loves Lidl, and she does indeed carry her own bag.

‘Not only does carrying heavy bags work calves, thighs, bum, arms, shoulders and core — putting the shopping away is great cardio too,’ says Julia.

I’ll admit that this is one of my least favourite chores. But, I find that I feel more positive when I stand straight and not let the shopping weight me down.

It hurts a little bit, but I can reach up and stretch to get the shopping bag away.


Mirror muscles: Julia Buckley says that cleaning a large mirror works the arms and shoulders and helps with flexibility. Daisy, pictured, determined to get every crevice and corner

Julia Buckley recommends cleaning large mirrors to strengthen the muscles of your mirror eyes. Daisy (pictured) is determined to clean every corner and crevice.

You can tone up and be ready for selfies, which Liz loves. Julia explains: ‘Cleaning a large mirror works the arms and shoulders and helps with flexibility.’

To reach every corner, I climb on top of a chair.

As I step up and down, I realise this feels much more satisfying than the stair climber at the gym, yet I’m definitely toning my glutes.

Usually, I hate being beside a mirror while I’m working out. However, I’m too focused on the task at hand to think anything critical about my body. Mind you, there’s a moment when I stretch and think: ‘Oooh, my upper arm is looking a little more toned!’

Daisy, pictured squatting while brushing her teeth. She says the exercise has an unexpected benefit: 'Sometimes I feel quite anxious in the morning, as I worry about what might go wrong in the day. However, concentrating on the squats makes me feel calm and focused'

Daisy is pictured sitting down while she brushes her teeth. Daisy says that the exercise is a surprise benefit. She said, “Sometimes, I feel anxious in the morning because I worry about the future.” Concentrating on the squats helps me to feel calmed and focussed.


Liz is a huge animal lover and swears by dog walking. I don’t have a puppy of my own, but I have plenty of friends who are always in the market for a dog walker, so I go to see one with an adorable and energetic terrier.

We go to the beach — walking on sand is especially good for strengthening your ankles and foot muscles — and we marvel at several interesting sights, sounds and smells, as Teddy gets stuck into some very ripe seaweed.

Again, it’s an excellent way to start the day. It makes me feel happy, calm and energized. Julia says that dog walking ‘incorporates full body movements’ and is good for cardio and stamina.

Liz Hurley often pictures in her bikini brand, Elizabeth Hurley Beach, looking fit as ever - but says she would 'rather do housework' than go to the gym

Liz Hurley frequently photographs in Elizabeth Hurley Beach bikinis, always looking as fit as ever. However, she said that while Liz would rather housework than hit the gym.

My mental well-being is more important than the physical benefits.

I don’t feel as glamorous as Liz, but I definitely feel healthier, and more importantly, happier.

These challenges made me realize the best benefits to moving my body were a calmer and more focused mind.

I’m sleeping more soundly, my stamina is improving, and I can’t speak for my abs but the garden has never looked better. I’ll be wearing my white jeans with confidence — just not when I’m doing the washing up.