February: Arthur’s biological mother, Olivia Labinjo-Halcrow, 29, kills her partner Gary Cunningham by stabbing him 12 times with a kitchen knife.
Arthur moves into the care and custody of Thomas Hughes (29). Emma Tustin is later his online date.
Hughes and Arthur moved in an annexe to the backyard of Arthur’s parent’s yard.
Arthur’s grandmother stated that Arthur started out nervy but grew to be a happy, well-rounded kid.
August: Hughes and Tustin met on Plenty of Fish, a dating site. Their first date was in a pub.
Tustin did not reveal her 2013 suicide attempt.
She did not reveal the circumstances in which her two first children moved to live with their fathers.
Hughes proposed Tustin as Arthur after three dates.
September: Blake Hughes said Hughes’ brother Hughes had seen his nephew change in behavior.
According to him, his brother was more nervous about being told off and his brother was’much stricter’.
Hughes also recalls an incident in which he had a heated argument with Tustin after he purchased Arthur Subway sandwiches, which she called ‘a wasteful treat’.
October: Aileen Cartabine, special educational coordinator at Arthur’s school said Arthur was “deteriorating” that month.
She stated that he was more cautious, anxious and less smiling.
November: Thomas met Joanne, his mother to discuss growing concern about Thomas’s behaviour.
Teachers stated that Arthur was experiencing nightmares and that his father had ‘killed him’.
Hughes fell pregnant with Tustin, and she had a miscarriage.
December: Arthur became upset during a Christmas nativity when the baby was taken out of its crib.
Hughes proposes to Tustin at the annexe.
JanuaryArthur’s school begins to raise concern about Arthur, such as his clinginess and obsessive use of soft toys.
February: Tustin brought Arthur along to get her hair cut. Arthur had to sit down at the table, his knees on the ground and was forced not to move.
MarchHughes and Arthur arrive in Solihull to live with Tustin.
April 16: Arthur’s paternal grandmother, Joanne Hughes, made a call to Solihull council’s emergency team to report bruises on his shoulders.
April 17, 2009 Social worker Jayne Kavanagh and support worker Angela Scarlett-Coppage visit Tustin’s home but report ‘no concerns’.
April 20Joanne Hughes is desperate and tells Arthur’s School about the referral she made to social services four days before. Michelle Hull from Dickens Heath community primary school is safeguarding lead. However, she contacts social service and they tell her that they are ‘not concerned’.
April (Original date not known): Thomas Hughes slanders Arthur’s school online, insisting that he is “doing grand”.
April (specific date uncertain) Arthur’s uncle Daniel Hughes attempts to alert the police about Arthur s bruises.
May/June (specific date unclear): When John Dutton, Tustin’s stepfather, says he made an anonymous call to social services.
June 8: Hughes didn’t send Arthur back to school after Arthur’s school was reopened. His son complained of a poor night’s rest and he would return him the next day.
Arthur wouldn’t return to school.
June 12-15: Arthur spent more than 35 hours in isolation in the hallway.
Arthur had to stay in the hall on Friday for fourteen hours and 19 minutes while Tustin, her son, ate McDonald’s in their living room.
On Saturday Arthur was made to stand in the hall for 11 hours and 49 minutes.
Hughes is seen hitting Hughes on the head, while Tustin grabs Hughes by the scruff and drags Hughes from the kitchen into the hallway.
They spent their time enjoying ice cream and the hot tub in their backyard.
Arthur was kept in the corridor for 10 hours, 54 minutes on Sunday. Arthur was given a fleece onesie.
June 15: Tustin is seen waking Arthur up at 7.06am by ripping his bedding from underneath him.
The horrifying final video features Arthur, emaciated and struggling to grab a duvet off the floor of his living room where he was forced to sleep.
June 16: Arthur suffered an ‘unsurvivable injury’ caused by Tustin repeatedly banging his head on a hard surface.
June 17: Arthur was taken off life support and died in the hospital.
July 2, 2021: Labinjo-Halcrow is jailed for 11 years for killing Mr Cunningham.