TikTok has made a Chinese medicine expert viral for his alternative treatments to almost all issues, such as acne, weight loss and hair growth.
A company called Eastern Philosophy has gained a lot of attention online for posting videos of their various products – from a pill they claim ‘gets everyone pregnant’ to a dried berry that they say will help you lose weight.
“Traditional Chinese medicine” is the oldest continuously used method of medicine. Since over 5,000 year, Chinese medical practitioners have relied on all-natural methods to address countless human illnesses.
“Herbal medicine can also be found in other countries, however the Chinese practice of herbal medicine has been the best documented and most comprehensively catalogued.
TikTok has made a Chinese medicine expert viral for his alternative treatments to almost all issues, such as acne, weight loss and hangovers, infertility, and aging.
Eastern Philosophy gained online attention for sharing videos featuring their products. One video includes a berry they claim will aid in weight loss (pictured).
Hawthorn berry is claimed to’reduce body weight and fat accumulation’, ‘improve heart health, and lower blood pressure’
They also sell Baifeng Wen, which was made to help with menstrual cramps and irregular periods
They claimed, however that Baifeng Wenwas “getting everybody pregnant”.
A recent customer sent them an email claiming she must cancel her order due to the fact that she is pregnant.
Hawthorn berries are one of the products they offer. The company describes them as a “superfood” for weight loss, and a traditional Chinese remedy that aids in healing.
TikTok stated that “Hawthorne Berries are the most recommended herbs for weight reduction in traditional Chinese medicine,”
It was approved by the government in the Tang Dynasty’s first pharmacopeia (659 AD).
It’s a bright red fruit that is used in many Chinese fruit snack recipes. Research has shown that eating high-fat snack foods can lead to fat accumulation and body weight reductions in rats.
The caption was added: “Hawthorn also increases heart health and lowers your blood pressure.”
They also showed off another product they claimed helps hair grow – it comes from He Shou Wu.
They explained that a 2020 study had shown He Shou Wu extends the anagen phase and reduces the effects of androgen in cultured hair cells.
“Studies have also shown that it stimulates body’s production of superoxide dimutase. This powerful antioxidant enzyme helps to slow down the aging process.
A third video was shown in which they claim that Baifeng Wan (a medicine used to relieve menstrual cramps) was the one responsible for getting everyone pregnant.
The two of them shared an email exchanged by a customer, who stated that she had to cancel her order as she was expecting her first child.
They also showed another video that contained a product they claim helps hair grow. It comes from He Shou Wu.
The researchers claimed that it “extended the anagen-growth phase and abrogated the effects of androgen on cultured human hair cells.”
According to TikTok, another of their most popular products is the pill which is claimed to treat acne, eczema and dermatitis.
Nina, who was the founder of the company, was born and raised in China, but she later moved to the U.S.A. and Europe.
The brand was founded by her in 2019. She shared her “long-form science” and historical research about Traditional Chinese Medicine via Instagram. It exploded.
“I believed there was an under-served community in the West, that wanted more information about Traditional Chinese Medicine,” she said.
I support [each product]Use scientific research wherever possible to honor Ancient China’s rich culture.
According to TikTok, another of their most popular products is the pill which is claimed to treat skin conditions like eczema and dermatitis.
It’s made of He Shou Wu as well as mother-of pearl powder. This is an anti-inflammatory that promotes “regeneration of skin cells and increases collagen levels.”
The company also claims that it contains reishi mushrooms, which are regarded as one of the most potent antioxidants in nature.
They also showed off an all natural product that, according to them, prevents stomach upsets.
These best-selling tablets were created in 1896. They contain 14 herbs that relieve upset stomachs and nausea.
It’s made from Mother of Pearl Powder, which (left) is an anti-inflammatory substance that promotes “regeneration of new cells and collagen levels” and reishi mushroom (right).
Another video showed off an item that they claimed can be used to treat upset stomachs and prevent hangovers – which is made out of angelica root, magnolia root bark, poria mushroom, and germinated rice seed
They can also be used to prevent headaches, fight fatigue, combat body aches and help with hangovers.
“Ingredients are angelica root and magnolia bark bark, poria mushrooms, and germinated Rice seed.”
You can also purchase an oil to ease joint and muscle pains and an herb which is claimed to lower cellular aging and boost your cognitive ability.
The National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health, NCCIH states that there have been mixed results from studies of Chinese herbs used in traditional Chinese medicine for various medical conditions.
But they cautioned: “Some Chinese herbal product have been contaminated by toxic compounds, heavy Metals, pesticides and microorganisms. These products may cause serious side effects.”
“Manufacturing mistakes, where one herb is incorrectly replaced with another have also led to serious complications.”
WebMD also reports, ‘Herbs can be tricky. They don’t go through the same FDA process as drugs.
‘That means there’s not as much research on them, and it can be hard to know exactly what’s in them.
‘Plus, herbs can have side effects or impact other medicine you’re taking. It’s important to go to someone who really understands their practice. Also, always consult with your doctor.