The best thing about true love? Having a bank account together. A study has shown that couples who do not pool their earnings run a greater chance of losing their marriage in money rows.

  • Half of married couples in Britain combined their incomes during the 1970s
  • The trend is a decline in the number of married women and an increase in working mothers
  • Swedish researchers were interested in how accounts affected relationships.

Couples who have joint bank accounts are more likely to stay together because they don’t fall out about money as much, a study claims.

Researchers found that those who did not pool their earnings and kept their finances separate were at far greater risk of ruining their relationship in money rows – especially when times are hard.

In recent years, joint accounts have been less popular. Around half of the UK’s married couples combined their incomes in 1970.

Couples who have joint bank accounts are more likely to stay together because they don¿t fall out about money as much, a study claims

Couples who have joint bank accounts are more likely to stay together because they don’t fall out about money as much, a study claims

However, this number has fallen to 1 in 8 couples. The lowest levels are in the twenties and thirties. 

This trend is believed to have been caused by the decline in traditional marriages and rise of working mothers.

Sweden’s researchers wanted to know how separate or joint accounts affect relationships. 

Studies have previously shown that quarrelling about cash can lead to long-lasting rifts. The rows are the biggest single predictor of divorce – above sex, children or the in-laws.

Stockholm University’s team interviewed almost 10.000 men and women between 20 and 80 years old to determine if financial sharing was associated with relationship quality.

Results showed that people who have money issues in a joint account were more likely than couples with just started to get together to make stronger relationships.

Joint accounts have fallen out of favour in recent years. In the 1970s, roughly half of all married couples in the UK combined their incomes

In recent years, joint accounts have been less popular. Around half of the UK’s married couples combined their incomes in 1970s.

The researchers said in the report, in the Journal of Social and Personal Relationships: ‘Having difficulty making ends meet can cause conflicts. 

“Streits over finances are often more serious than other forms of conflict, because they last longer and tend to cause more damage.

‘We found that in older people over 50, keeping money separate is correlated with more of these conflicts than pooling cash. But in younger couples it was less important.’
