According to Covid-19 researchers, some muscle mass can increase by as much as 60% in patients. Researchers believe this may indicate a severe immune response.
According to Jessa Hospital of Hassalt in Belgium, an immune response to Covid-19 can cause damage to mitochondria.
The researchers were shocked to learn that the condition was present. Muscle shrinkage is an increasingly common problem in patients with severe illnesses.
The biopsies were taken from 18 Covid-19 patients. They found that four of the muscle mass had increased significantly over the normal level, but not for the other 18.
Toon Mostien (lead author) says that this swelling could lead to the death of muscle fibers, however, it was probably a temporary effect.
Researchers have found that Muscles may increase in size up to 60% in Covid-19 patients. This could be an immune reaction.
The researchers found that the muscle fibers of one group had increased in size by 62% and another 32% respectively. Both are used to support endurance sports as well as quick, strong movements.
If the people who defied the trend were removed from the calculation, those remaining showed substantial muscle loss.
Dr. Mostein claimed that Type I fibres shrinked by 11 per cent, and Type 2 fibers by 17 percent.
Three days in advance and up to five to eight days following admission, tissue from the vastus lata was taken. It’s the biggest and strongest muscle in your thigh.
Average age was 69, and most of the participants were males.
It isn’t known why the muscle fibres increased in size in four of the patients but one possibility is that their immune response to Covid damaged their mitochondria, the tiny structures that provide cells with energy.
The microscope was used to examine the samples for changes during intensive care’s first week.
Mechanical ventilation and bed rest often lead to muscle loss, which can hinder recovery and impact mobility as well as quality of life.
Recent research shows that fibers shrink by about a fifth when they are in ICU for a week. Covid-19 may cause more harm, it was believed.
The immune response to Covid-19 damage mitochondria, which are power stations for cells. It also causes a loss in energy fuels, which leads to water buildup, which, in turn, causes muscles swelling, according to Jessa Hospital in Hassalt.
Researchers found that the capillaries that supply type I and II fibers with nutrients and oxygen decreased by five to ten percent, respectively.
Dr. Mostien explained that, although these results are not statistically significant, the drop of 10% in perfusion could contribute to muscle fiber loss.
He said that there are fears about an immune reaction to Covid, which could lead to muscle loss.
“Given the worldwide burden of Covid-19, it is crucial that we find out more. This is the first important step in our research.
Euroanaesthesia was a virtual meeting of European Society of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care. The results of this study were presented.