Boris was correct. Though hospitalisations are on the rise, the Sage committee has yet to see the two million daily infections by the end December. Their warning about 6,000 deaths per day by mid January will also fail to materialize.
‘[NHS]The Trust CEOs are aware that there is a threshold that must be crossed before the Government will impose additional restrictions. They can also see why this threshold hasn’t been reached yet in the absence of a surge of seriously ill older persons, Chris Hopson, head of NHS Providers said Thursday.
The doomsters knew it was not meant to be this way. Christmas 2021 wasn’t supposed to be a time of joy and goodwill. It was meant to be a season of carnage, chaos and destruction. The NHS in danger of collapsing. Stockpiles empty. Fuel fisticuffs. Turkey tantrums. As Brexit logjams halt Santa’s sleigh, small children are silently crying on the streets.

Yes, Boris’s boosterism could become repetitive and misplaced. Yes, Labour’s leader must question the government and hold ministers accountable. He must strike the right balance between calling out Ministers and crying wolf.
All of this never happened. Keir Starmer predicted that we would see the effects in delivery and it will continue for several weeks or months until Christmas. This prediction was made at the peak of the petrol panic. “I believe everyone will say we must do something.”
We didn’t. The nation pulled its crackers, enjoyed its sherry and continued. And this was not the case with Her Majesty’s Opposition leader.
Starmer’s 12 month tenure has been good. The polls have shown him moving ahead. He’s temporarily stopped the internal grumblings.
He was first caricatured by Captain Hindsight and slowly, but surely transformed into Labour’s Corporal Jones. It is unlikely that he will ever be able to get over his dependence on Apocalypse Politics.
Covid is a good example. Omicron’s emergence has meant that Britain is finally making progress in the pandemic. Boris is sticking to his plan to return to normality, despite the bumpy road.
The vaccine has made it unlikely that 2020’s death and destruction will be forgotten.
As Britain continues to make a slow but steady return to normality, the Corporal Starmer was born to pull Britain back.

Starmer’s 12 month tenure has been good. The polls have shown him moving ahead. His internal moaning has temporarily subsided. But unless he can begin to shake his addiction to Apocalypse Politics, 2022 is going to find him out
The Prime Minister announced that the lockdown would be lifted on the same day. It is a dangerous thing to do so, especially when Johnson’s variant appears out of control.
“We are heading now to a NHS summer crisis. It’s possible to see 100,000 new cases per day.
The highest number of cases was 60,000. Delta did not spiral out of control. There wasn’t a summer NHS crisis.
There was also the petrol crisis. Ministers calmly explained that fuel was not in short supply, there weren’t significant fuel shortages and people should continue to shop as normal and not panic.
However, Corporal Starmer had a different view. The Parliament needed to be called back. The streets needed to be manned by troops. A summit of industry leaders was needed to address the emergency. He claimed that the crisis was inevitable because we had left the EU.
It was done a few days later. It was right, Ministers. Fuel was plentiful and there were no problems with supply. There wasn’t a Brexit fuel shortage.
However, again Corporal Starmer was determined not to let a crisis go unattended. He claimed that the celebrations were on edge and needed to take urgent action.
Restrictions on EU workers had to be reversed – 100,000 new visas had to be issued ‘today’, he demanded.
He said, “I don’t want to see another Christmas ruin by the Prime Minister’s incompetence at planning,”

However, infections and hospitalisations are on the rise. The Sage committee’s prediction of 2 million cases per day by December 31st has not come to pass.
They didn’t issue visas. The lorries continued rolling. There weren’t empty shelves. Christmas was not ruined.
Corporal Starmer still remains a mystery for most voters. It has been surprising to see him embrace his inner Clive Dunn with such frequency in 2021.
The first is that it gives an indication of what kind of government he can expect to lead if he takes up residence on Downing Street.
For example, it is clear that Britain under Prime Minister Starmer would have spent nearly the entire 2021 in some type of lockdown.
His guiding principle will be to over-react, not under-react. Similar to his responses to the panic over fuel, he’ll be following Gordon Brown’s obsession with micromanagement in every micro-crisis.
He tried to distribute visas as confetti to drivers in an attempt to address driver shortages. This shows that despite all his lip service to Brexit acceptance, he is going to start dismantling it in the real world as soon as possible.
Starmer has also revealed the extent to which – despite his grand talk of reform and renewal – he remains beholden to his party’s vested interests.
He is still a loyal Labour member who believes in Kennedy’s principle, that British citizens should not ask what their NHS can do but how they can help their NHS.
He is not able to separate from Remainers that insist Brexit should be blamed everywhere from an insufficient supply of digestives, to the loss the Ashes.
He also refuses the challenge to those MPs who long for free movement and the liberation of migration control.

However, deaths have not increased at the same speed as cases of coronavirus in the UK.
Starmer did indeed make some progress in the last year. Starmer’s constant cry “Don’t panic!” is not going to stop him. He will eventually rebound. He is doing the PM a favor by seeing national disaster lurking around every corner.
It is becoming so low that the benchmark of basic competence can be surpassed by even an emotionally wounded Boris.
It’s possible to frame the fact that the NHS isn’t insolvent, the fuel pumps are working and shelves don’t empty as an example of good governance. This is a very low standard! Boris’s critics are going to charge. Correct. It is correct.
There is also another problem. That is, the psychology of a country which has had to endure the Covid wringer for two years.
Britain had enough. The impending disaster. Of impending disaster. Doom, gloom, and despair. It is clear what real crises look like. We’re tired of these kinds. Keir Starmer or any other person who is busy manufacturing new ones, are the last thing that anyone wants.
Yes, Boris’s boosterism could become repetitive and unfounded. Yes, Labour’s leader must question the government and hold ministers accountable. However, he must find a way to balance calling them out with crying wolf.
Corporal Starmer failed to accomplish this feat all too often over the last year.
Britain is not in the clear. NHS is still under severe pressure. Brexit will bring more problems. Covid’s global economic impact will be felt. Starmer needs to bring attention to these issues. He cannot exploit or exaggerate these problems.
Are there any challenges in the next 12 months? Yes. Apocalypse? No.