It isn’t about getting lucky.
This article is not about an illegal Christmas party at Number 10 Downing Street.
Today’s lava-like eruption across Britain is a sign of something deeper.
We don’t trust Boris Johnson anymore, and most of his Cabinet officials as well as his Cabinet members actually do not believe in his inhumane, draconian, and blanket Covid restrictions that they have been placing on all of us for 20 months.
Yet tonight – in a pathetic bid to distract from a catastrophic week where the PM’s own authority has been close to terminally undermined – they have rushed out plans to enact the dreaded Plan B, which will be the death knell for so many businesses, at the exact moment public trust in everything they tell us is at its lowest ebb.
It is a disturbing scheme to terrorize us all again.
The PM stated that everyone should work remotely again, and said it was possible to extend the use of masks as well as introduce Covid passports for nightclubs.
Terrify us into being prepared to give up our God-given freedoms and human rights once more – possibly forever – because of the Omicron scariant that hasn’t killed one person anywhere in the world as far as we know and is actually by all accounts a milder form of the virus.
He warned that Omicron was growing faster than any other Delta-type variants and spreading quickly all over the globe.
But Plan B will cost us a predicted £18 billion overnight – two per cent of our GDP – and be a hammer blow to the confidence that was building when the UK had the balls to open up this summer.
Our inner-cities that are so vital to our economy and just beginning to falter back into existence, will be destroyed by work from home.
Mask-mandates in cinemas, theatres and most other indoor venues make us a nation of virtue signallers, constantly being prompted into unnecessary fear of our muzzled neighbours, even though there’s minimal evidence cloth masks do any good halting the spread of Covid-19.
And don’t get me started on vaccine passports, those liberty-sapping health papers that have been proven not to work but will be the start of a two-tier society and add nightmarish red tape into the day to day lives of even those vaccinated.
Not to mention the already announced cumbersome and expensive testing requirements making foreign travel impossible for anyone who isn’t rich.
Boris, who would be reluctant to even discuss mandatory vaccinations, suggested a “national conversation” about the subject.
Were we really meant to be here? And where are we going now?
Personally, I want to keep my normal life.
After 20 months of being manipulated by panicked ministers and scientists from the doomsday government, I am exhausted.
It is unacceptable to be afraid of the new threat, even though we are an 80/cent double jabbed nation with 95% of our adults having Covid antibodies.
Even the Covid hysterics at CNN today were cautioning against stories panicking people about Omicron because, they reported, ‘the variant is starting to look more like a nuisance virus than a big killer.’
We’re not stupid, but I do worry that we’re exhausted by this constant cycle.
The first March 2020 lockdown saw people vote with their feet. They stayed at home, scared, because of the fear.
‘The main course is the Prime Minister’s then official spokeswoman Allegra Stratton (pictured) guffawing when asked about the infamous Downing Street festive bash that never happened when she thought we weren’t watching’, writes DAN WOOTTON
People will do the exact same if they see that masks and vaccine passports and social distancing are being used to make their lives miserable.
It can be even worse if your symptoms are not present and you end up being confined for 10 days.
It’s a self-fulfilling prophecy that will only end when the public revolts.
How on Earth can Boris and his government enforce measures that curtail our civil and political liberties, when their moral authority has been eroded?
They have no faith in the rules, as evident by the behavior of those who make them.
Visually-impaired Dominic Cummings and revoltingly randy love rat Matt Hancock – two key architects of the control measures imposed on Brits – were the aperitif and starter.
The main course is the Prime Minister’s then official spokeswoman Allegra Stratton guffawing when asked about the infamous Downing Street festive bash that never happened when she thought we weren’t watching – just as the government cancelled Christmas for millions, legislated to stop us spending times with those who we love after the toughest year in living memory, and even banned folk visiting dying relatives in hospital.
‘Is cheese and wine alright? It was a business meeting,’ Stratton tittered in a leaked video to ITV News when put on the spot by a colleague about the Christmas bash in a mock press conference.
She then proclaimed to giggles all round from the room: ‘This fictional party was a business meeting and it was not socially distanced.’
Those in power are literally laughing at us all for being stupid enough to follow the rules they don’t actually think are necessary.
It’s unfortunate for Stratton – who emotionally quit today – that her reaction was caught on camera, but just imagine how many more of these conversations are taking place every hour of every day behind closed doors at Downing Street, where they have never worn masks or practised social distancing measures.
Last Christmas, I was the only one awake at Christmas.
Just like most Brits I cancelled all plans to see loved ones. I believe strongly in the rule of law and have spent months, publicly, protesting against Covid’s largely unneeded restrictions. However, my belief that we all deserve to be able to make good decisions about our lives is something I am proud to say.
But my belief in continuing to follow never-ending Covid measures when the people responsible for making the rules can’t even be bothered is fast dissipating.
Last Christmas was a difficult one for me.
Last night Chrissie Lefranc tweeted me: ‘I’m sitting here in tears. I wasn’t able to visit my mother in a nursing home last Xmas and it was her last one which she spent alone without family. To say I’m angry is an understatement, I am absolutely effing livid.”
So am I, Chrissie, so am I.
I’m absolutely furious at myself that I didn’t follow the rules, even though they seemed absurd to me.
I am absolutely effing livid that the government’s response to this crisis looks like it will be to rush through even more Covid restrictions – the dreaded Plan B of working from home and vaccine passports.
I am absolutely effing livid that Boris Johnson – a man who so brilliantly delivered Brexit and was on course to become a great PM – has put his legacy in doubt by turning his back on libertarianism and following the easy playbook of fear and authoritarianism.
Margaret Thatcher told the Conservative party conference in 1975: ‘The first duty of Government is to uphold the law. If it tries to bob and weave and duck around that duty when it’s inconvenient, if government does that, then so will the governed, and then nothing is safe—not home, not liberty, not life itself.’
Boris, his men and their minions have been bobbing and weaving for the last 24 hours and the Iron Lady would be in grave.
And I’m genuinely fearful about where such a breakdown in trust will lead us.
Is mass civil disobedience now the only way to get through to this government?Of course, I don’t want to see that happen, but I understand that many will feel they have no choice.
I wouldn’t give a damn what went on in Downing Street a year ago if the very people living it up large while they locked us down had accepted that such regulations are futile and nonsensical.
They are instead addicted to power and control and refusing to acknowledge that the crisis is over as the virus spreads.
Michael Gove – perhaps the most control-obsessed of them all in Cabinet – said in 2009 as he campaigned against Tony Blair introducing ID cards: ‘The general rule over human history is that once powers are yielded to the state at moments of crisis or emergency, it’s never the case – or very very, rarely the case – that the state hands them back.’
It’s ironic.
Now it’s a Tory government who won’t hand back the new powers they have wielded over us.
That’s why the leaked Stratton video must be a final wake up call.
We now have categorical proof that those in power are literally taking the p*ss out of the entire population.
However, they will only continue to do that if we allow them.
Forget about plans B, C or D. This is your chance to reclaim your life.