Here’s a hilarious example of a dog pretending to eat imaginary treats.
Filmed in British Columbia (Canada) in January 2021 shows the dog opening his mouth and chewing on its lips like it was eating real food.
The owner approaches the dog and gives him treats to test his reactions.

Filmed in British Columbia (Canada) in January 2021 shows the dog opening his mouth and chewing on its lips like it was eating real food.
As she holds up her hand, the dog appears to be looking towards its owner.
As she questions the dog about what they are tasting, you can hear her laughing.
It seems that the dog enjoys pretending to chew as much as playing pretend.

It seems the dog is enjoying pretending with its owner by closing and opening his mouth.
The owner of it was participating in TikTok challenges with her own version.
She explained that the TikTok challenge was to give imaginary treats to your dogs and watch their reactions. Her dog actually tried to pretend to take part in this exercise and ate all of my fake treats.
The challenge was met with a positive response by the dog, but other dogs appeared angry when TikToks were used to show that their owners did not have real treats.
The video does not represent the first time that a dog has been captured playing with its owner.
A clever, funny dog named Leo learned how to train his brain in only 20 minutes.
Emily Anderson (a 30-year-old dog trainer from Aberdeen) shared the video footage with the pooch. He managed to learn how to use the xylophone, and he played through complicated games.

Another funny video shows how Leo, an intelligent dog from Aberdeen, masters brain training tricks in 20 minutes.