It is a disgusting fact that your cats and dogs should not sleep at the foot of your bed.

  • Dyson’s annual global dust survey has been released with some shocking findings
  • According to the well-known brand, 45% of Australians have a bed and a pet.
  • However, they aren’t aware of the potentially dangerous side effects.

Research suggests almost half of Australians allow their pets to sleep in their beds, but they are not aware of possible health problems.

An annual global dust study analyzed cleaning behaviours and habits, and explored how dust can impact our health and well-being.

12309 people from eleven countries participated in the study. It found that many are still concerned about how their homes will look after the pandemic. 

Dyson has shared the results of its annual global dust study, investigating cleaning habits and behaviours and delving into our understanding of household dust and the potential impact it can have on our wellbeing

Dyson shared its results from the annual global dust survey, which examined cleaning behaviors and habits as well as our knowledge of dust in the home and how it could impact our health.


● Over 60% of Australians did not know that pollen can reside on their pets, and just under half (49%) do not know that bacteria can reside on their pets too

● Nearly two thirds off Australian pet owners are unaware that viruses and house dust mite faeces can reside on their pets

● Less than half (45%) of Australians groom their pets to keep their home, and their pets, clean

According to the Dyson survey, 93% of Australians clean their homes just as often, or more than last year.

A surge in pet ownership was also a result of the pandemic. 57% of all households around the globe now have a pet. 52% of Australian households own a pet. Only 52% of the owners restrict where their pets may go. 

Over 60% of Australians don’t know that pets can be polluted, while just 49% know that pets can harbor bacteria.

About two-thirds of Australian pet owner are not aware that their pets can be infected by viruses or house dust mites.

Monika Stuckzen, Research Scientist in Microbiology at Dyson said that many people believe pet hair is the worst because of its visible nature. 

“It’s not surprising that pet owners aren’t aware of other particles on their animals, as these particles can be very microscopic.

Over 60 per cent of Australians did not know that pollen can live on their pets, and just under half (49 per cent) do not know that bacteria can reside on their pets too

More than 60% of Australians didn’t know pollen could live on pets. Just 49% knew that bacteria can also reside on pets.

Many people believe that pets hair can trigger allergies. Some allergens can be found in pet fur. 

Nearly a third Australian pet owners bathe their animals at home once per week. However, 81% do it with a brush and comb. 

This decreases pet hair’s amount in the house, but microscopic particles can still be found on pets and could spread throughout the house.

This ignorance extends well beyond pets, as 38% of Australians confess that they don’t care if there are visible particles of dirt or dust in their homes.

Monika explained that it was a concern for those who only spot dusty floors.

“It is very likely that dust mites are present in your home by the time you spot visible dust.”

This lack of awareness around what constitutes household dust extends beyond pet owners, with 38 per cent of Australians admitting they are only motivated to clean their home when there is visible dust and dirt

The lack of knowledge about household dust extends to pet owners as well. 38% of Australians say they only feel motivated to clean up their homes when visible dirt and dust are present.

However, people vacuume more of those spaces every year. 

However, 77% don’t vacuum their mattresses. This is especially concerning considering that 48% of pet owners share their bedding with their pets.

Monika stated, “We hope that this research will inspire you to consider what’s in the dust inside your home,” 

“Just because something isn’t visible doesn’t mean that it shouldn’t be remembered.” Your health and well being may be affected more by microscopic dust particles, such as dust mite allergens and pet dander.
