…Senior Fash ion Assistant Stephanie Sofokleous’s standout checks

…Senior Fash ion Assistant Stephanie Sofokleous’s standout checks

Make a sweeping statement in this striking cover-up Coat, £120, riverisland.com

Start the day as you mean to go on… luxuriously Robe, £135, rixo.co.uk

Add oomph to your sofa, armchair ‒ or wall Blanket, £101, clrclr.com

What’s your favorite way to cosy up? Plump for playful Cushion, £90, Opah Store, goodhoodstore.com Top off your look with this big softie Hat, £19.99, mango.com

Cool kicks to put a zing in every outfit Trainers, £57, vans.co.uk Style is… in the retro detail Ring, £95, julychild.co.uk