After his near death, a father-of-3 who was not vaccinated spent Christmas in an ICU with Covid.

Andrew Pugh (52), spent three weeks in Worcestershire Royal Hospital following his December 1st virus attack.

The doctors warned the girlfriend that the chances of him surviving were slim. He could hear the nearby ventilators switching off, and his ward was filling up.

As family and friends feared for his safety, Pugh was unable to eat, walk, or sleep at one time during the entire ordeal. 

After his near-death experience, the ex-anti-vaxxer now appeals to fellow jab-sceptics for their shot.

“I did not get the vaccine. I believed I was the hero.” If it wasn’t for the nurses and the fact I’m a non-smoker I wouldn’t be alive – they saved my life,’ he told Worcester News. 

You can’t say, “I wish I’d had the vaccine” when you are dead and your loved ones are devastated.

“This is very true and everyone needs to do their job.”

Andrew Pugh, 52, spent three weeks at Worcestershire Royal Hospital after catching the virus at the start of December

After contracting the virus in December, Andrew Pugh (52), spent three weeks in Worcestershire Royal Hospital.

Wychavon District Council binman Mr. Pugh has been released from hospital’s intensive-care ward. He is still on oxygen daily as he heals from Covid. 

As others tragically passed away around him, Mr Pugh admitted he was ignorant in ignoring the threat of Covid and now believes he is ‘lucky to be alive’. 

A chilling clip shows Mr Pugh, barely audible but wheezing, thanking nurses and doctors for the help they gave him and hoping to see his family soon.  

Since December 5, he has been admitted to the hospital only once, but he shares regular updates from hospital with his close friends on Facebook. 

At one point during the ordeal, Mr Pugh could barely eat, sleep or walk and received the majority of his oxygen through a full faced mask as friends and family feared the worst.

As family and friends feared for his safety, Pugh was unable to eat, walk, or sleep at one time during the entire ordeal.

Mr Pugh's girlfriend was warned by doctors that it was a 'fifty-fifty' chance the refuse collector would survive, as he the ward began to fill up and he could overhear nearby ventilators being switched off

Dr. Pugh warned his girlfriend, Mrs. Pugh, that the chances of Mr. Pugh surviving were slim. He was in the hospital filling up rapidly and could hear the nearby ventilators switching off.

But now the former anti-vaxxer has now begged fellow jab-sceptics to get their shots after his brush with death

The former anti-vaxxer is now begging fellow jabsceptics to take his shot after his encounter with death.

Social media posts by Mr. Pugh reveal that he can still not fully breath on his own and that he was afraid his “pigheaded” decision to avoid getting vaccinated might have led to his death.

He stated, “Please folks get your shots. I don’t want you to become like me.”

Recent updates from Mr. Pugh show a brighter picture. He is now capable of standing on his own, even though he still uses oxygen for breathing.

The British vaccine rollout continues to move forward in the new year. 

Since AstraZeneca has been injected into Brian Pinker (192 years old), an Oxford dialysis patient, 9 billion Covid doses including AstraZeneca were given in 12 months.

Over 12s in Britain have received their first shot, with 90 percent having had it. More than 80 percent have received two doses and 33 million boosters.

Over 150,000 new infections have been reported by the UK Health Security Agency in six days. This is in addition to nearly 100,000 cases registered each day during almost two weeks. 

The latest data suggests that growth in Covid hospitalisations, which are seen as an indicator of future events in the country, slowed in London in the year-end. However holiday reporting problems could have affected the total.

31/12/2011 saw 319 admissions to London hospitals, a 14% increase over the week prior and 450 by 30/12/2011. That’s a 15% rise in week-on week.

Although the holiday effect might be keeping the numbers down, it is still a significant increase over the previous days that had a 32% increase in admissions from December 29 through 511.