Off you go! Moment: A frightless woman wrestles with a stranded Swan and then lobs it from bridge onto Berlin canal

  • Berlin’s brave lady helped the confused Swan to find its way back in the water.
  • The elderly lady is seen arguing with the bird while she holds it. 
  • Twitter complimented her “experience” and praised her “fearless” actions. 

The moment that a woman managed to wrangle a confused swan from a bridge and get it back into the ocean is this.

A video taken by filmmaker and photographer Marcy Mendelson captured the elderly woman pick up the bird as she throws it over the railing in Berlin, Germany on January 3.

The woman, who sells newspapers by the Admiralsbrücke bridge, saw that the swan landed on the bridge and became disorientated.  

The woman goes to grab the swan so she can hoist it over the bridge and return it to the water

She grabs the swan and lifts it across the bridge to return it to water.

In the background, you can hear people reassuring swans that “she means well” and saying that “it’s all right”.

They end up congratulating the woman and calling her “so brave”. 

Later, Ms. Mendelson praised the “fearless” intervention.

She said, “I saw the swan fly far too low to pass the bridge. It landed just in front the railing.”

It was confused and slightly dazed.

“As worried and confused onlookers looked at her, she got up and did the right thing.”

The young swan finds its way back to the water after an old woman on the the Admiralsbrücke bridge in Berlin, Germany helped

The young swan finds its way back to the water after an old woman on the the Admiralsbrücke bridge in Berlin, Germany helped

In an Instagram account, Ms Mendelson described how the swan was trapped on the bridge because it had’miscalculated’ its landing. 

She added: ‘Swans are dangerous birds and can seriously injure people but this woman fearless lady took no s***.’

Ms Mendelson posted the video on Twitter as well, which has more than 24,000 followers and was shared nearly 3,000 times. 

Comments made by the commenters were impressed with Berliner’s determination and perseverance.

Jacquie Hahn stated: “Never underestimate grandmothers in large coats.” Their superpowers are hidden beneath all of that insulation. 

Another from user @sarcocornia read: ‘She knew exactly what she was doing, that’s years of experience. I wouldn’t mess with her slightly smiling face.’ 

Kate Gregory said, “Not only braver but trained and skilled.” You can pick up large birds trying to hurt your hands by knowing the techniques. It was a technique she knew and didn’t hesitate to use.

Commenters claim Emma is the older woman in the comment, which was a well-known newspaper in Kreuzberg.

She was born into a German-speaking family Volgograd, Russia and as a small child was sent to a Siberian labour camp, where she was until 17, the Kreuzberger Chronik reported.

The elderly woman approaches the swan and calmly takes a hold of it as she wrangles with the bird to get it over the railing

An elderly woman walks up to the swan, calmly taking hold of the bird as she wrestles with it.

They moved to Kazakhstan after the war ended. Emma and her family remained there until the fall the Berlin Wall.

A slightly cream-colored brown color on its wings suggests that it is a young, adolescent swan.

The Swan Sanctuary in the UK says that swans are a threat to human health and can break a person’s hand using their wings.

According to the website, it’s theoretically possible if a full-span wing with velocity hit an older person or child.

“In actuality, it’s almost impossible to imagine and never used in an attack because swans are defensive birds.

“They only become aggressive when protecting their nesting grounds or cygnets. They will pursue intruders (either other swans or geese) who are too close.
