Today’s testimony was from a woman who told jurors she experienced paralysis as a teenager after being repeatedly assaulted sexually by her former Olympics showjumping coach, while she slept.

John Sillett (55) is accused of sexually assaulting and raping unnamed women over a period of seven years that began when she was only 12 or 13. This made her feel ‘worried and uncomfortable, according to a court. 

SIllett was a famous name in the horse riding world and trained riders to compete in Rio 2016. The court heard that SIllett would sneak in and remove the girl’s pyjamas.

A woman claimed that she was scared of dark and was paralysed. 

She claims that she did see Sillett after her third incident. 

According to the woman, Sillett had invited her in his bedroom four years ago and given her “a strange smile” before finally raping her. 

He denies the nine allegations against the father-of-2, Wellington Riding. Wellington Riding was based on the Duke of Wellington’s estate in Hook, Hants. 

John Sillett, 55, of Wokingham, Berkshire, is accused of raping and sexually assaulting the unnamed woman over a seven year period, beginning when she was just 12 or 13-years-old

John Sillett (55), of Wokingham in Berkshire is charged with raping and assaulting an unnamed female over seven years, starting when she was only 12 or 13.

The woman said that she stirred during her first attack in a taped interview with police, which was played for jurors Wednesday.

When she first felt the handle on the door, she wasn’t quite sure it was real. Then she experienced someone sitting next to her.  

“I was afraid so much that I wouldn’t even want to move. It just wasn’t clear to me what to do. “I was terrified of the dark at that moment,” she said.

“At the beginning, he seemed very gentle. It was hard for me to understand and I wasn’t sure how I should react. 

“I was a very light sleeper.” To begin with, I didn’t know who entered the room. 

“But he breathes quite heavy. He was a big guy and it wasn’t easy to sit on his bed. 

The jury was told that she was wearing long pajamas and that Sillett had pulled her bottoms down at the time. 

She added, “I did not open my eyes when the door was shut.”

Winchester Crown Court heard that the victim was sexually assaulted after five minutes. 

“He just took his hand and fled the room,” she said. She continued. 

Three times this occurred, and the jury was told by the woman that it had all happened in the same way. He would touch my face. 

Kerry Maylin, the prosecution, said that after spending a considerable time, Sillett assaulted and raped her as a teenager. 

Sillett (pictured) is a renowned name in the equestrian world and trained riders for the 2016 Rio Olympics

Sillett (pictured) has a long history in the horse riding world. He trained riders for Rio Olympics 2016.

Today, jurors heard that the victim told Sillett she smiled when he touched her. 

“He continued to touch it, and then it became sex. 

“He started to touch me, to pull my dress down and give me an odd stare. 

I don’t really know the right way to describe it. [it]I noticed that he gave me an odd smile.

“I was kind of lying there, sort of frozen.” It was hard to know where to turn. 

As he stood naked, he removed his clothes and she said that she challenged him.

She was heard by the court asking him, “What did I do to make you think that this is okay?” He stood his ground later.

“No matter what I do, he is determined to achieve his goals and nothing can be done for me. “I felt anxious and insecure. 

She added, “I stated to him that I did NOT want to do these anymore.” 

Kerry Maylin, prosecuting, said the alleged assaults against the girl started when the alleged victim was aged between 12 and 13. Pictured: John Sillett at Winchester Crown Court today

Kerry Maylin (prosecutor) stated that the alleged attacks against the girl began when the victim was between 12 and 13 years old. John Sillett, Winchester Crown Court.

Sillett was taken into custody after the woman reported to police. According to the jury, Sillett gave no comments when asked about his past.

Don Tait, Recorder told the Jury: “He [Sillett]All of it was a fabrication, and this is what’s the problem in this instance. 

He ran Wellington Riding for nine years before establishing Sillett Equestrian, based in Farley Hill in Berkshire.

Wokingham’s Sillett describes himself as an ex-international showjumper. 

His coaching achievements include “training riders to Olympic levels, riding with the British ShowjumpingGB Junior Team and many riders who represented their country abroad, as well as riders who regularly compete in the National School Equestrian Association finals.” 

Sillett denied five counts each of rape, assault by penetration, and sexual assaults of the unnamed female over seven years. 

The trial is continuing.