The French government has defended President Emmanuel Macron’s vow to ‘pi** off’ the unvaccinated, saying the unjabbed are already ‘pi**ing off’ health workers and businesses.
Macron, 44, made the cutting remark while responding to a nurse during a question and answer session with readers of Le Parisien on how the government will handle non-vaccinated people.
It drew out a chorus of criticism from its opponents and forced parliament today to suspend debate on a Covid-19 law. The opposition lawmakers demanded answers from Macron.
The French President yesterday said he wanted to ‘pi** off’ unvaccinated people by making their lives so complicated they would end up getting jabbed.
‘By – and I’m sorry for putting it this way – by p***ing them off even more,’ Macron said.
‘I’m generally opposed to the French being p****d off. Administrative blockages are something I complain about all the time. But when it comes to the non-vaccinated, I’m very keen to pi** them off. So we’re going to do it, the end. That’s our strategy.’
Gabriel Attal, spokesperson for government, said that the Government stood behind Macron’s comments.
What are you pissing at today?Attal stated that the answer was health workers who are struggling to deal with the outbreak or business owners affected by it. “It is those who reject the vaccine.
France has set a new record in Covid cases within 24 hours, with 335,000 more infections. This was the first French case to exceed 300,000. It broke the Tuesday record of 271,686 cases.

The French government has defended President Emmanuel Macron’s vow to ‘pi** off’ the unvaccinated, saying the unjabbed are already ‘pi**ing off’ health workers and businesses

In the last few months, hundreds upon thousands of French citizens protested against the mandatory vaccine and Pass Sanitaire for all health workers.
Christian Jacob (chair of the conservative Les Republicans party) said, “A president cannot tell such things,” as parliament discussed a bill that would make it obligatory for individuals to provide proof of vaccination when they enter any enclosed public space.
This legislation removes the possibility of showing negative results, which was in effect removed last year. It effectively bans unvaccinated persons from trains or hospitality venues.
Although the plans were met with fierce opposition from anti-vaccination groups and far right and left groups, they are supported by government that has majority support in parliament.
Officials from France yesterday pledged that they would enact law according to plan by mid January, even though the legislation hit a technical hiccup in Parliament overnight.
Clement Beaune, European Affairs Minister, stated that “January 15” is still our goal for the law’s coming into effect.
Macron could have realized that there are enough vaccine-educated people to support his remarks, which would make him a popular candidate for president in the April election.
It was a hit with many.
Jean, 89, a Parisian pensioner, said, “He is right,” after Jean had received his Covid-19 booster, and also had a flu shot.
“Those opposed to the vaccine need to understand the dangers and get vaccinated.”
But others agreed with lawmaker Jacob that Macron’s use of the slang term ’emmerder’ – from ‘merde’ (sh*t) – was unacceptable.
Maya Belhassen, a 25-year-old sales rep, said, “That’s an aggressive side. It’s a negative word. He’s not very smart.”
Pascal Delord, a newspaper seller, said that “That’s not an acceptable comment from President.”
France is home to more anti-vaccine sceptics in France than any of its neighboring countries, which has led to many protests on the streets.
Nearly 90% of 12-year-olds have been vaccinated, making it one of the highest Covid-19 rates on the continent.

Macron said in Le Parisien that Macron has called for France’s citizens to get immunized.
He said he aims to irritate the unvaccinated into submission, rather than round them up and prosecute them.
“I will not send the unvaccinated to prison. I won’t force them to vaccinate.” We need to inform them that you can’t go to restaurants anymore starting Jan. 15. You won’t have the ability to eat at the cafe, and you won’t be allowed to drink coffee.
Macron’s use of a very informal French phrase, which can be translated as ‘to p*** them off’, prompted immediate criticism by rivals on social media.
Macron said that while he did not state whether or not he will run for reelection, he stated that he “would like” to.
Marine Le Pen of far right responded to Marine Le Pen’s tweet, “A president shouldn’t speak that.” Emmanuel Macron is not worthy of his office.
To enter cinemas, cafes, or trains stations such as those in the city of London and other venues such as cafés and bars across Europe for more than a month, one must show proof that they have been vaccinated.
The government dropped the option to test for Omicron and Delta variants of Omicron-related infections in the bill because they were so prevalent.

French far-right party Rassemblement National (RN) candidate for the 2022 French presidential election Marine Le Pen said of Macron’s comments: ‘A president shouldn’t say that. Emmanuel Macron does not deserve his office.

Protesters display posters with the words “Freedom” and “No To Health Pass” during an anti-COVID-19 demonstration that was held in Paris last year by Right-wing Party ‘Les Patriotes. This sanitary pass grants individuals who have been vaccinated greater accessibility to Francen venues.

At a Paris demonstration on August 14, protesters held posters that read ‘Freedom’ and ‘No To Health Pass.
Just before 2am GMT (0100 GMT), it was stopped by the opposition. It was resumed later in the afternoon.
Jacob said before suspending that while he was in favor of vaccine passes, he could not back any text that would ‘piss off the French’.
Is it your ultimate goal? Without a clear answer, we can’t continue to debate.
Macron is the clear favorite in polls. However, he hasn’t yet declared he will run, but his lieutenants have already begun to prepare a campaign.
Macron announced that France will not be subject to new Covid restrictions in the wake of an influx of infections, just hours before a government meeting.
France had around 270,000 daily records on Tuesday. This is a new record.
In past criticisms of the French president, many French said that he made off-the-cuff comments which were perceived as rude, arrogant or disrespectful by others. Later, he expressed his regret on numerous occasions.