Ghislaine Maxwell was first accused, known as Jane. She has now taken to the stand to prove that she was just 14 when she had her first’sexual contact with Jeffrey Epstein.
Bombshell testimony was given Tuesday afternoon by the woman that Ghislaine Maxwell was present in the room at the time of the abuse. The judge allowed the accused to use pseudonyms, and the court’s sketch artist could not depict them.
She described how Epstein brought her to a poolhouse and then proceeded to masturbate against me.
“And then he went in the bathroom, cleaned himself, and behaved like nothing ever happened.” “I’ve never seen anything like that,” she stated. Jeffrey began to masturbate once more. Ghislaine was kissing him and rubbing his back.
Jane stated that Maxwell behaved ‘like everything was normal’ and was very casual about their encounter.
“I was confused. You don’t know what you are doing when you turn 14
Jane said Maxwell gave her advice, ‘That if you f*ck them you can always f*ck them, they’re sort of grandfathered in,’ adding, ‘I didn’t know what it meant.’

Ghislaine Maxwell’s initial accuser was known as Jane. She testified Tuesday that she was just 14 when she made her first’sexual contact with Jeffrey Epstein.

Maxwell, aged 59, is currently being held on sex trafficking and sexual assault charges. She pleaded no guilty to all charges
Assistant U.S. Prosecutor Maurene Comey questioned her about the age at which she made first contact with Jeffrey Epstein.
“Who was there?” Comey asked.
Jane said: “Ghislaine Maxwell”, before Jane pointed out Maxwell. ‘There. This is the beige turtleneck.
Maxwell and Epstein were the first people she had met, according to her. “The man claimed that the woman owned a dog, and they were huge benefactors. They needed my mother’s telephone number. They asked for a landline number, she replied.
Jane claimed that she was at the pool with Maxwell, Epstein and Jane. “There were four women and Ghislaine. Some were topless, and others were naked. It was shocking. That was the first time I’d seen it. Maxwell asked me to answer the question “Do I have boyfriends?” She added.
Jane said yes to Epstein’s question when she was asked about touching her. Everywhere.’
Jane claimed she had touched Epstein everywhere and that he also used ‘black-massager’ sex toys. Jane described the toys as ‘painful’ but admitted that he did it nonetheless.

Jeffrey Epstein’s pilot of the “Lolita Express” has testified as a prosecution witness during Day 2 at Ghislaine Maxill’s trial

Jeffrey Epstein’s notorious ‘Lolita Express’ private Boeing 727 aircraft flew prominent passengers, and possibly underage girls.
Earlier on Tuesday, Larry Visoski, Epstein’s chief pilot who flew the pedophile financier for more than 25 years, said he was introduced to Jane in the cockpit of the ‘Lolita Express’ in the mid to late 90s.
‘Mr. Epstein brought Epstein to the cockpit. Visoski stated that she had beautiful, powder-blue eyes.
Christian Everdell was Maxwell’s lawyer and asked him during cross examination if he had ever heard of Maxwell having large breasts.
Visoski replied that she is a mature woman.
Visoski responded, “Yes.” When Visoski was asked about Virginia Roberts, Visoski said, “Yes”. Visoski said that he remembers a shorter woman with dark blonde hair.
‘She didn’t look young. That’s what you should understand about young. He added that she was a female in his category.
Visoski was called to testify as a prosecution witness but his testimony seemed to be in defense.
Visoski stated that he never witnessed any sexual activity but that he couldn’t see all of it. When asked if he had ever seen any condoms, sex toys or clothes scattered about the plane, Visoski said that he didn’t and denied any such activity.

Bobbi Sternheim was the first to speak Monday. She said she is proud to be Maxwell’s lawyer
Maxwell’s defense lawyer Bobbi Sternheim started Monday’s opening statement by calling Jane a “talented musician” and a “singer from a musical background.”
Jane was the target of her attack and she attempted to denigrate Jane’s account.
Jeffrey Epstein was described by her as a “patron of arts” and an advocate for young talent. He sponsored artists, musicians, actresses, and other people.
Epstein, Sternheim said, became Jane’s benefactor and paid for her schooling, vocal lessons and even cosigned for an apartment on Wall Street where Jane lived with her mother and brothers.
‘A month before Epstein’s arrest in 2019, Jane did not want to be involved in any criminal case regarding Epstein,’ Sternheim said. ‘But after Epstein died, she changed her mind.
‘When money was on the line, she changed her mind. After hiring a lawyer to represent her, she was made a client. They then got in touch the government and she said that she had changed her mind.
‘Why? Because assisting the government would help a claim with the Epstein fund.’
Sterheim added that once Epstein died and Jane had a lawyer by her side she suddenly ‘remembers all this horror that happened to her and places Ghislaine at the center of it all.’
“Hundreds of events that she experienced that nobody knew about. Not her parents, her siblings, her teachers, or staff at her house. She didn’t miss a beat and no one noticed any anomalies.
Sternheim said that ‘Jane’ is a now a successful actress on a soap opera and has been on sitcoms, reality shows, movies, podcasts and drama series.
“She’s a consummate actress. She’s a natural at playing different roles. Sternheim stated that her characters and scripts change as she plays them. This will affect the story you’ll hear in courtroom.
“I want you to look at her testimony. You will see internal contradictions. Ghislaine was tagged by her when money was at stake.
Sternheim disclosed that Jane was awarded $5million by the victims fund.

Prince Andrew is listed on the flight logs for Epstein’s plane. After serving his sentence in 2011, he was seen taking a walk through New York’s Central Park together with Epstein.

Left, Donald Trump and Jeffrey Epstein in 1997. Lawrence Visoki from the Lolita express, left, was the pilot who testified Tuesday that Trump flew aboard the plane.
Maxwell entered Manhattan’s courtroom Tuesday morning in a cream sweater and black pants. He watched as Visoski was interrogated.
Visoski revealed Donald Trump flew on Epstein’s private plane.

Ghislaine Maxill could spend up to 80 years prison for being found guilty. Yesterday, this photo was taken and entered in evidence
‘I certainly remember President Trump, but not many people associated with him,’ Visoski said, adding that Trump’s flights happened before he was president.
Visoski also confirmed that President Bill Clinton, Prince Andrew and Kevin Spacey were all aboard his flights. He stated that Clinton was asking him to clean up, but did no further detail.
Visoski claimed that Epstein had closed the doors of the cabin in Epstein’s planes so he couldn’t see what was going on.
These famous names were brought up because Visoski was unsure who flew on the Gulfstream G2B or Boeing 727. This is also known as the Lolita Express.
During cross examination, Everdell asked Visoski: ‘Are you aware of Prince Andrew, the Duke of York, he is the son of Queen Elizabeth II of England’.
Visoski responded: “Yes.”
Everdell stated that Epstein flew on his planes.
Visoski answered: “Yes.”
Everdell asked him: “Does he remember when he first flew on an airplane?”
Visoski declared: “No, but I do.”
Everdell had earlier asked Visoski whether he knew all of the names and addresses of the passengers who had flown on the plane. Visoski replied no.
Everdell stated that former President Bill Clinton was a frequent flyer on Epsten’s aircraft in the 2000s.
Visoski replied: ‘Yes he did’.
Everdell stated that you may be given this information ahead of time so that the aircraft looks nice and has special catering.
Visoski responded: “Sure.”
Visoski confirmed, too, that Les Wexner (founder of The Limited), was also on the planes he flew.
Visoski stated that the doors to the cockpit and passenger cabins were shut but that he could still go back to the rear to use the bathroom whenever he needed it. Visoski stated that he has never seen any form of sexual activity.

Unsealed flight logs from 1997 revealed that Trump, along with Eva Dubin and Glenn Dubin were among the passengers on a flight between Palm Beach and Newark.

An image taken on a 2002 trip to Africa depicts Clinton sitting on Epstein’s steps with one arm resting on Maxwell’s shoulder.

Many celebrities made a 2002 Africa trip, including comedian Chris Tucker, Kevin Spacey and Bill Clinton. They all traveled on Epstein’s Lolita Express.
Visoski said Maxwell ‘was the Number 2’ and that ‘Epstein was the big Number 1’ when asked about their relationship.
When asked how many other assistants Epstein had in addition to Maxwell, he replied that there were many, identifying Maxwell’s own assistants.
He specifically named Sarah Kellen. Sarah Kellen is accused of having played a crucial role in Epstein’s Empire: she procured and trained girls as well as acting as Maxwell’s ‘lieutenant.
Visoski was asked by Epstein to help identify areas of Epstein’s Zorro Ranch on New Mexico’s 10,000-acre Zorro Ranch where the airplanes were stored.
According to him, he often went to the main residence to retrieve luggage or to install electronic equipment. Visoski stated that he had performed similar tasks at Epstein’s Caribbean private island Little St. James. Additionally, he would fly the helicopter to and from the island using St. Thomas as a pilot.
He said that you could reach the island also by boat.