Glamorous Australian lollipop lady reveals she got paid more than $5k for four days of work — and why she will still quit the job to pursue a new career

  • Unity Adams plans to pursue a career as a nurse despite the huge amount of money she makes in construction
  • The industry has many pitfalls, even though you can make $5000 per week.
  • Sexist remarks from the public are common, as well as lewd conversation from coworkers.
  • Many women have uploaded TikTok clips outlining their experiences from role 

After seeing the real job, an Australian glamour lollipop girl has announced that she plans to pursue nursing as a career. She earned $5,400 in four days working as traffic controller. 

Unity Adams is a Melbourne-based lollipop girl who also works as an online bikini model. She says traffic control is a lucrative job, but she’s also available to help with other tasks. 

The job was not all bad, she said. There were times when angry men would call her and yell at you to leave the roads. Tradies also talked about other women.

The video was not directed at her coworkers, and she followed her interactions in the public. 

Broken down of Unity Adams’ staggering weekly salary as a lollypop woman from her night shifts:

Friday – $1500 (14 Hours)

Saturday-$1300 (12 Hours)

Sundays – $1300 (12 hours)

Monday-Monday – $1300 (12 hours).

The total cost is $5400

Source: TikTok 

Despite earning over $5000 a week as a lollypop lady, Melbourne based Unity Adams is quitting the construction industry

Unity Adams from Melbourne quits construction despite earning more than $5000 per day as a lollypop Lady.

In a TikTok video earlier this year, the glamorous online bikini model pointed out the aspects of the job she finds challenging - including getting 'cat called' every 20 minutes by members of the public

A TikTok video was released earlier in the year by the glamourous online bikini model.

Ms Adams has confirmed to her social media followers she is quitting work as a lollypop lady to pursue a career in nursing

Ms. Adams confirmed that she will quit her job as a lollypop girl to start a nursing career.

Many traffic controllers are now using TikTok to boast about their salaries, which in some cases can reach $5,000 per week. Other times they complain about the monotonous work that is exposed to cold and hot weather.

Why are you lying if traffic control is portrayed as a rewarding job by everyone? Paris Taylor described it as one of the worst jobs ever, and said that she was proud to have been a part of the traffic control team.

A woman asked Ms Taylor about her pay.

Maria Kefalas (21), a Melbourne woman, vented last month on social media about traffic control being often seen as “easy money”.

She wrote, “I have been watching a lot TikTok videos in regard to traffic control. They are all positive.”

“They will tell you what they make and how often they work.

“They’re giving people false hopes about traffic control…it has got to the be the most inconsistent job that I’ve ever done in my entire life.”

Daily Mail Australia: “Some weeks yes, five days work, but then I was away for two weeks,” she said.

“On other occasions, I received phone calls at 11:00 asking me to travel two hours from Melbourne to work for a 12-hour shift or to go to a job site by 6 AM the next day.

It is not stable by any means.

Another Aussie female traffic controller, Paris Taylor (pictured above), also told her TikTok video followers it can be a brutal and sexist line of work

Paris Taylor, another Aussie female traffic controller (photo above), shared the same message with her TikTok followers that this can be a very brutal and sexist job.

How much are traffic controllers paid?

This is a complicated subject, but it doesn’t always go as smoothly as you might think.

Nationally, the award rate for traffic controllers is $29.79/hour. However, it could be up to $120 per anhour.

Traffic controllers in union jobs get a better salary, however this work can be harder to find or is scarcer.  

CFMEU Union in Victoria offers traffic controllers a chance to earn as much as $55.08 an hour. 

If you work overtime, the hourly rate can climb to $99.15. 

They can earn up to $121.18 an hour on public holidays.

Victoria’s full-time traffic controller positions are usually advertised at between $50,000 to $70,000 per year. reports that the average salary for traffic controllers in NSW is $76,249.  

Traffic controllers are paid between $40,000-$60,000,000.
