Should you go down to the woods today, you’re sure of a big surprise — especially if you are hunting for an acorn.
And you’ll certainly do a double take if you find this collection of little characters weightlifting, skiing, fishing and even wing walking.
Grandad Gez Robinson gave the acorns a new lease of life, setting up intricate scenes around Yorkshire and in the Peak District.

You saw my tweet. This birdwatcher doesn’t need binoculars to spot the blue tit perching on his stick

Bird reader

Can you hear the brakes clicking? Daredevil mice take a ride on a thrilling motorbike

Keep your hands on the handlebark. This bike made for two needs to have some air in its tyres.

It was possible: Grandad Geez Robinson with his figures
Mr Robinson, 60, who lives with wife Amanda, 56, in Rotherham, South Yorkshire, says: ‘People who walk past always stop in surprise. They can’t believe it when they see what the acorns are doing. They think they are amazing.’
The acorn adventures were created by Noah, 9, and Minnie (7 years) two years ago. He adds: ‘I thought it would really amuse them if I made little acorn people and got them doing things like running and fishing.
‘They absolutely loved it and kept begging me to do more. You just need a bit wood glue and a lot of imagination. Noah has even started helping me now.’
Gez took about 30 minutes to create the acorn characters. He says: ‘Quite a few times I’ve set up the scene and then a bird flies down and sits by the acorn person and gets in on the picture.
‘Once, I had set up a scene with a couple of acorn figures riding a bike, and a mouse suddenly appeared at the back of the bike and looked as if it was pushing it along. It really made me smile.’

Do you need one coat? The hardworking painters began to decorate their caravan.

It’s easy to gain strength from weight here: Your body will soon be strong enough for an oak tree.

Ice to greet you: This tiny chap made friends with the snowman

Robin Wood is an archer at Sherwood Forest

Acorn antics: Soaring above the trees, let’s hope these daredevils don’t fall

Pumpkin guys: This big Halloween job is a bit scary … we’ll have to carve up all the tasks