The 50th birthday card from her dad at Christmas surprised a daughter grieving for her father.

  • On her 50th Birthday, a woman was surprised by her father.
  • Marissa Mahon celebrated her 50th birthday on Christmas. She was presented with a card that her father had made.
  • In a Facebook post, she shared her story with The Kindness Pandemic group.
  • Two days prior to his death, the Torquay mother’s sister asked her father for the card.
  • The card was her most precious gift, she said.

An unexpected surprise was delivered to a grieving woman by her sister on her 50th anniversary. She gave the card as a gift from her late father.  

Marissa Mahon posted the touching story to The Kindness Pandemic’s Facebook page. She called the card her father wrote her her “most precious gift” and shared it with her friends. 

Torquay’s mum, who turned 50 in December, said that it was hard for her to celebrate Christmas because she would not be able to see her dad after his April death.

Marissa stated that it had been a difficult morning, but her sister gave her a card while she was enjoying birthday cake. 

She wrote, “I opened it and just sobbed,” 

A grieving woman receiving a touching surprise on her 50th birthday when her sister gave her a card from her father who passed away earlier this year.

An unexpected surprise was delivered to a grieving woman by her sister on her 50th anniversary. She gave the card as a gift from her late father.

 ‘My selfless beautiful sister had my dad write me a card two days before he passed. It is hard to imagine how she came up with it, but her thoughtful gesture will be a lasting memory. 

Marissa claimed she was close with her dad, who she called a’stoic Irishman’ she trusted and loved.

In the blog, she stated that they had worked together for 20 years and saw each other daily. 

“Receiving a card each year from my father meant the world, because that was when he would always tell me how proud he is of me, or other similar sentiments. 

Many group members were touched by Marissa’s posting. They left kind comments in their support. 

One woman said, “So precious, brought me a tear to the eye,” 

It was a wonderful gesture. This will be an everlasting reminder of the love your dad has for you. One other commented that he had many condolences.

It’s hard but joy can still be mixed with sadness when there is such love. “Congratulations on 50 years, and for such loving, thoughtful families,” a third added.  

The Torquay mum turned 50 on Christmas day said she was 'dreading' celebrating the day as it would be the first without her 'much adored' father after his death in April.

Torquay’s mum, who turned 50 in December, said she was “dreading” celebrating Christmas because this would be her first without her much-loved father since April’s death.

Another woman shared an equally touching story about the letter her father sent her on her wedding night. 

“My father wrote me a note to be read aloud on my wedding day in case it happened” the woman said. 

It was truly special. Words can’t even describe it. This is one of the many letters that my father wrote to me, but this was the most precious. I am certain this card from him will be treasured by you,’ she said.  
