Police officers are embroiled in social media conflict with motorists following a warning video posted by them that cyclists will be treated differently. 

Hampshire Police Road and Policing Unit posted a video of a 1 minute duration showing accidents involving cars and bikes that resulted in the officers being arrested.

Each of the four close calls were captured on cycle cameras, and they were reported to police.

The tweet however provoked backlash among social media users, keen to remind cyclists that they also behave badly on roads but can dodge punishment because they don’t have number plates.

The headcams are not evidence that cyclists have done anything illegal.

It has prompted a response from the police, who today warned drivers to not be a ‘Space Invader’.

The tweet comes days after Hampshire Police was slammed by its own Police and Crime Commissioner Donna Jones over the arrest of an army veteran for ‘causing anxiety’ after retweeting a picture of a swastika made out of Pride flags on social media.

One part of the video showed the driver of a flat bed truck is filmed overtaking and braking suddenly to avoid an oncoming bin lorry - leaving the cyclist to stop and throw their hands up in anger

One part of the video showed the driver of a flat bed truck is filmed overtaking and braking suddenly to avoid an oncoming bin lorry – leaving the cyclist to stop and throw their hands up in anger 

Another van is shown narrowly overtaking a bike before braking suddenly, which the driver got a £364 fine and four points in court

Another van is shown narrowly overtaking a bike before braking suddenly, which the driver got a £364 fine and four points in court

Hampshire police used a Gordon Ramsay gift in response to criticism from a member of the public

Hampshire police responded to criticisms from the public by using a Gordon Ramsay present

First, a Volvo car was seen traveling on the wrong side on narrow country roads towards the cyclist. Then it swerved out of his way.

The video – which has been viewed more than 14,000 times – states that the motorist received a £100 fine and three points on their licence.

In the second incident – for which the driver got a £364 fine and four points in court – a van is recorded narrowly overtaking a bike before braking suddenly.

The third was that the flatbed truck driver caught the bicycle overtaking and stopping suddenly in order to avoid an approaching bin lorry. This left the motorist to stop, throw up their hands and go to police for instruction.

A motorist was caught driving directly at a cyclist along a roadway with parked cars either side. The driver received six points for their license in court.

In addition to the tweet, the unit also sent out the following message.

It warned that you shouldn’t become a Space Invader. Are you showing enough care for road users who are vulnerable? This driver was caught by Cycle camera putting cyclists at risk. They were taken to court for not taking enough care.

“We cannot be everywhere, but we can always be somewhere.”

One twitter user wrote: “Cyclists — Red light jumping Riding On Pavements With Mobile Phones.” They think they are above the law. The force responded: “Next, you will ask why cyclists don’t pay road taxes.

“Yes, some cyclists are bad but it was just an innocent group going about their daily business and being endangered. £shareTheRoad’.

A second account posted a clip of a cyclist colliding while doing a wheelie along a busy road. The police account ridiculed them because they didn’t have many followers.

“Well (name removed) and your thirteen followers ….’,” the reply stated. “Perhaps that you can help us understand what all this has to do about ordinary everyday people being at risk.”

Twitter users were quick to point out that not every incident is the driver's fault, with some accounts saying 'it works both ways'

Many Twitter users pointed out that not everyone’s accident was the driver’s fault. Others said it worked both ways.

The police accused driver's of being 'space invaders' and putting the lives of cyclists 'at risk'

According to police, driver’s were accused of being “space invaders” and putting cyclist’s lives ‘at danger’

One twitter users was not impressed by Hampshire Police's response, calling it 'unprofessional'

Hampshire Police’s response was not appreciated by one user on Twitter, who called it unprofessional. 

Responding to the clip showing poor driving, the person said: “Showing just plain bad cycling.”

Another user on Twitter pointed out the poor road behavior displayed by the bicycle featured in this video.

“What about the cyclist’s failure to see behind him before moving into the middle of the road, failing to signal his intention to do so and not signal to take the right-hand fork? They inquired.

Police replied, “A few issues with that comment I would like to address. But I believe that the cycling community can say it better than I so I will leave them it,” before uploading a GIF that shows Gordon Ramsay apparently disbelieving.

Another Tweet said that police must enforce the laws equally. So how about a video of cyclists breaking the law and reporting on how much they have been fined? 

“I’ve seen bicycles entering roundabouts and not stopping, so I had to stop or swerve in order to avoid them.” What number of cyclists were you fined for?

It comes as the force is facing criticism over the arrest of Darren Brady, 51-year-old British Army veteran.

Following his Aldershot home arrest for sharing a meme, he has criticised Hampshire Police.

Darren Brady, 51, (pictured) has slammed Hampshire Police for 'impeding his right to free speech' after he was placed into handcuffs on Saturday at his home in Aldershot for sharing a meme

Darren Brady (51), has slammed Hampshire Police as ‘impeaching his right to freedom of speech’. He was handcuffed on Saturday in Aldershot after he shared a meme.

Full Statement from the crime commissioner criticizing her own police force 

PCC Donna Jones: “I was made aware by the Twitter video that showed the arrests of two Hampshire men yesterday. One for malicious communication and one for obstruction.

“I’ve raised this matter with the Constabulary today. I was informed that officers arrested the suspects in response to a public complaint about an alleged hate crime.

It was prompted by a social media post about Progress Pride flags in a Swastika shape.

‘I am concerned about both the proportionality and necessity of the police’s response to this incident. When incidents on social media receive not one but two visits from police officers, but burglaries and non-domestic break-ins don’t always get a police response, something is wrong.

“As police commissioner, I’m committed to making sure Hampshire Constabulary is serving the public in the way that most people expect. This hasn’t happened, it seems.

“This incident highlights a very important topic that Hampshire Constabulary (and other police forces) need to learn from. To support this, I’ll be writing the College of Policing informing them about the incident and asking for more clarifications on the guidance to help police officers respond better in future. 

Video footage from the arrest was popularly shared via social media. An officer told Brady that Brady was being held because his posting had caused anxiety and been reported by authorities.

Brady shared an image of a swastika, which was digitally modified and made of four LGBT pride banners.

Video shot from a smartphone, Brady asks the police officers, “Why are you in cuffs?”

One officer replied, “It didn’t need to come to that at all.”

Brady responded: “Tell us, why did you raise it so high? I don’t get it.”

An officer added, “Someone has been made anxious by your posts on social media. This is why you were arrested.

Harry Miller, an ex-police officer was also detained after he claimed he attempted to keep the former soldier from being arrested.

MailOnline received a statement from him saying that “Hampshire Police displayed blatant disregard for the law.” They approached Brady and served as summary judge, jury, and executioner. However they were unable to determine the offense he was actually guilty of. 

They claimed that he was being detained for creating anxiety. That is completely absurd.

‘Mr Brady is a British Army Veteran and they were trying to extort him for money by making him pay around £80 for educational course so he could downgrade from a crime to a non-crime, which would still show up in a basic Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check.

They thought they were able to get away with it. This was the worst shakingdown in history. 

Commenting on the video circulating on Twitter, Mr Miller wrote: ‘I’d been locked up by this time and missed this exchange. I’m speechless.’

Mr Miller, who in December won a Court of Appeal challenge over police guidance on ‘hate incidents’, said police visited the man 10 days earlier and has informed him that he could take the option of attending an £80 education course to avoid being arrested and possibly charged with a criminal offence.

Before the officers offered to take him back, the veteran stated that he had to think it through.