After convincing hotel receptionists that he was their husband, a nighttalker in a hotel room sexually assaulted single women in their rooms. He has now been sentenced to 14 years imprisonment.

Depraved Wembley Stadium steward Hugo Delgado, 21, targeted victims as he lurked near where they were staying.

He followed them in the hotels, and attempted to trick receptionists into believing he was their spouse to gain key cards that would allow him to attack them.

Delgado had been deemed dangerous in a pre-sentence report. However, Delgado continued his sexual offenses after being taken into custody.

Scotland Yard described the criminal as “very organized and dangerous” today. He was removed from the streets.

He was jailed for 14 years at Wood Green Crown Court after being found guilty of assault by penetration, sexual assault and trespass with intent to commit a sexual offence. He is required to serve ten years in jail and four with a license.

This was after a seven day trial.

Today, officers encouraged any victims to speak out and said it was unlikely that these were his first offenses.

MailOnline was told by Superintendent Daniel Rutland that Rutland was “a highly organised and dangerous individual.” His history, and the types of activities he’s done in the past show that he is a predatory criminal.

‘These are two violent offences and someone that is offending in that sort of way – it’s unlikely that these are his first offences.

Wembley Stadium steward Hugo Delgado, 21, targeted lone women in hotels during attacks

Hugo Delgado (21), Wembley Stadium Steward, targeted single women in hotels during the attacks

“If anyone knows of any additional victims who have suffered similar attacks, please contact police.

I think that his crimes display sheer honesty. As confident as he was, I believe people would accept him as is at their hotel desks. My impression is that his behaviour and inability to stop remanding offends me.

He is extremely opportunistic. His second offense in a hotel was particularly alarming. His offences are outrageous – he is capable of doing anything. I find it shocking that such people exist.

Delgado’s first known attack happened on October 6, 2019, at a hotel in Shoreditch, 

As she entered her hotel room, he approached a single woman in her 50s.

Delgado claimed that his room belonged to him, and she gave him her key card as proof.

He claimed that he was the husband of the victim at 10.51 pm and concocted reception using a key card.

He left the Hotel at 3 am the next day and returned to her hotel room at 3.07am.

Delgado can be seen on chilling CCTV prowling through the hotel before catching the lift

Delgado, seen chilling CCTV in the hotel as he wanders through the building before getting on the lift.

The brazen sex attacker can be seen calmly waiting for the elevator to take him to the room

You can see the brazen sex attackr calmly waiting for an elevator to bring him into the room

Footage then shows him without his hoody on as he leaves the crimescene and the hotel after he has carried out the sexual attack on his first known victim

The footage then captures him in his unprotected hoodie as he departs the crimescene and hotel following the attack on the victim he first attacked.

Assistance from the police for victims of sexual assault and rape 

If you have been a victim of sexual assault or rape or you have information about an offender, contact police on 101 or 999 in an emergency – there are specially trained officers who will listen and investigate where needed.

Further information, including details of agencies and charities that can offer support can be found on

According to the court, she was raped and abused by him shortly after her awakening at 5 o’clock in the morning.

He ran away, and she screamed as he fled. The incident was captured by CCTV cameras. The police were summoned and an investigation began.

Six days later, he again struck on a young woman in her 20s.

At 4.45 AM, she was in Shoreditch when he approached and pursued her.

She woke up in an hotel room to witness Delgado perform a sexual act upon her. 

He had been also sexually assaulted. She reported it to the police, who later found him in the same room and took him into custody.

It was then officers made the discovery Delgado had earlier on the evening before attended the same hotel and attempted to gain key cards for two of the rooms.

One room did not have any guests, and the wrong name was given to the second.

The deadlock was not broken, so officers believe he got access to the victim’s second room. 

The second victim made a heartbreaking impact statement before the court. He stated: “He will go prison, but prison is like any other place for someone without ethics, values or ambitions. I now have hours and hours worth of therapy, phone calls from the police, reminders about a trauma that will never follow me throughout my life, as well as a challenge for myself to get back on track and carry the torch of this experience, even though it is still affecting me.

I still have no idea what happened and don’t want to hear from the police. It doesn’t matter who, what or whereabouts they live. I just need to understand that this is not fair. Since childhood, I am very careful about who I allow to touch my body. Because it was an act of love, any other would have been against my principles and values. These principles and everything that I had been built upon were destroyed when I was raped.

The investigating officer for the Sapphire Investigations police force, Detective Constable Rob Johnston said that it was evident that the man had been removed from the streets.

I commend the courage and dedication of both the victims to support the case. Without their support Delgado could have placed more women at risk. It is not easy for victims to tell the truth and share their stories. Specially trained officers are available to provide ongoing care, support and guidance during these investigations. While I am satisfied with the verdict, I also fully understand that the incidents could have lasting effects for the victims.

“I encourage all victims of assault who have not yet reported it to me to do so.”