Officially, the couple in Houston House of Horrors have been indicted for the murder of an eight year-old boy. He was beat to death and left in an apartment with his three brothers.
On Tuesday, the Harris County Grand Jury indicted Brian Coulter (32), on capital murder charges for killing Kendrick Lee, his autistic boyfriend, in November 2020.
Gloria Williams, Kendrick’s mom and Coulter’s friend, was arrested on charges of serious bodily injury, injury to child and altering with a body.
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The Harris County Grand Jury has indicted Brian Coulter (left) on a capital murder charge and Gloria Williams (right) on counts of injury to a child, serious bodily injury, and tampering with a corpse
Coulter, who is charged with beating up and punching to death Williams’ autistic eight-year old son Kendrick Lee (pictured), while leaving his body to decay for almost a year
Coulter and Williams were still held on Wednesday on $1 million bonds and $1.550,000 each, respectively, until their Friday court appearance.
According to Coulter’s indictment, on November 20, 2020, the 31-year-old suspect ‘did intentionally and knowingly cause the death of Kendrick Lee… by striking [him]With the defendant’s help, and with kicking [him]With the defendant’s foot.
Coulter, if convicted for capital murder of someone under 10, could be sentenced to life imprisonment without parole or death, assuming prosecutors decide to proceed with the case after reviewing the evidence. was informed by Dane Schiller in an email, Wednesday, that prosecutors have yet to decide whether they will seek the death penalty.
Williams was pictured in court in November 2021. He is now being held in jail under $1,550,000 bail
Coulter is held in $1million bail.
Schiller said that capital murder convictions can only be sentenced to either death or life imprisonment under Texas law. They will never be allowed to return on the streets of Texas in either way.
After Williams’ teenage son alerted police to the possibility of Kendrick Lee being in an apartment in Houston, Texas, on October 24, 2021 her skeletal remains and Coulter were taken into custody.
The couple had their own apartment, and it was furnished. This was in contrast to the CityParc II unit 15 minutes away where Williams’ three remaining sons were then 7, 10, and 15. There, Williams’s brother was still alive, and the body was covered with cockroaches.
They claimed that Kendrick’s remains were in their bedroom, while Williams and Coulter still lived there.
The three boys, who were all malnourished and had to survive for several months on food donated by concerned neighbours and snacks provided by their mother, were described as being starving.
Police claimed that Coulter had punched and kicked Kendrick, killing him around Thanksgiving Day 2020. Williams didn’t report Coulter to the police because she was afraid for her kids and wouldn’t want to risk being taken from them.
Coulter, Williams and others were taken into custody in October 2021 by a public library. They were said to be looking for news articles online regarding their case.
During Williams’ court appearance last year, a prosecutor read aloud a statement of probable cause, which revealed that three of the mother’s surviving children witnessed their brother’s fatal beating.
Coulter, eight years old, was alleged to have struck Coulter with closed fists. He kicked the child in his back, face, and testicles.
Williams, 7 years old, told police that his older brother was present in the room and Coulter kept kicking Kendrick.
The prosecutor said that Kendrick lost his ability to blink after the blackness of his eyes.
Williams entered her bedroom to look for her son, and when she saw that he had died, Williams began fighting Coulter.
The 15-year-old son of his mother told investigators that she believed her mother would report Coulter to the police, but it never happened. Her 15-year-old son told investigators that he believed his mother would call the police on Coulter, but she never did.
William’s 10 year old son said that Williams visited the apartment later and pulled the blanket from Kendrick. She found that Williams’ body, feet, and teeth were deteriorated and his hair had fallen out. The cockroaches were said to have covered his corpse.
In October, police found Kendrick (pictured in white), skeletal remains in a Houston apartment that Williams’ three sons aged 7, 10, and 15.
Prosecutors claimed that Williams and Coulter lived in an apartment with all the necessary amenities, just 15 minutes from Coulter’s home.
He also said that Coulter would beat his 10-year-old brother, hitting him in the stomach, face and buttocks. His jaw was broken three weeks earlier.
Police arrived at the house on Sunday to find the child’s jaw swelling. The boy told police that his mother was aware of the injuries but didn’t seek medical help for him.