After Kyle Rittenhouse was found not guilty in Friday’s fatal shooting of two black men during racial justice protests, the former President Trump felicitated Rittenhouse.
America was split by this verdict. While the left criticized the verdict as a miscarriage justice, Rittenhouse was deemed innocent by the right.
Trump sent an emailed message expressing his gratitude to Rittenhouse, stating that he was found “INNOCENT” of all the charges.
‘It’s called being found NOT GUILTY—And by the way, if that’s not self defense, nothing is!’
A fundraising appeal followed.
“This trial was nothing but a WITCH HUNT by the Radical Left,” said an email sent to supporters, asking them to make donations to WinRed.
“They want to PUNISH law abiding citizens, including Kyle Rittenhouse as a child, because they do nothing but follow the LAW.”
Jurors found Rittenhouse (18) not guilty of all charges. Rittenhouse was convicted of two counts of murder, one count for attempted homicide to wound a third person, and two counts each of recklessly endangering safety during protests marred in arson, looting, and rioting on August 25, 2020 in Kenosha.
Many Democrats were angry about the outcome.

Donald Trump exclaimed his congratulations to Kyle Rittenhouse upon being released from all five of the charges against him in connection with the death shootings of two men as well as the injuries sustained by a third.

Rittenhouse killed Joseph Rosenbaum (36), and Anthony Huber (26). He also fired a gun that tore off Gaige Grosskreutz’s arm, 28. Rittenhouse claimed self defense

President Biden said that while Kenosha’s verdict is likely to make Americans feel angry and concern, he also stated that it was a fact that the jury spoke.
Rep. Jerold Nadler, House Judiciary Chair, stated that the heartbreaking verdict was a miscarriage in justice. It sets dangerous precedents which warrant federal review. [the Department of Justice].
Justice cannot allow armed individuals to cross state borders looking for trouble. However, First Amendment-protected demonstrations can be tolerated.
Rittenhouse cannot be tried again for the same alleged crime, and DOJ does not have the authority to prosecute state crimes – although it does probe law enforcement for bias or misconduct.
President Joe Biden said Friday that he stands by the jury that found Kyle Rittenhouse not guilty – as Republicans renewed demands that he apologize for comparing the Kenosha shooter to white supremacists in the wake of the verdict.
“I stand with the jury until the jury system is over.” Biden said Friday that the jury system works, and that you must follow it. He was returning from Walter Reed Medical Center where he received a physical.
He claimed he only heard about the verdict a second ago and that he didn’t see the trial. The trial featured intense clashes between defense and prosecution lawyers, as well as testimony from the accused teenager in an event that received cable-to-gavel coverage.
Biden issued another statement in which he stated that the verdict had made him and others angry and concerned.
Republican lawmakers and other officials are demanding that Biden apologize to Rittenhouse for comparing Rittenhouse to white supremacists following the Wisconsin jury’s not-guilty verdict.
Senator Tom Cotton, R-Ark. said that Joe Biden should publicly apologize to Kyle Rittenhouse.Following the verdict, he made a statement.

When asked by President Joe Biden about Friday’s Kyle Rittenhouse verdict, he said that ‘the jury system works’ and that he would abide to it.
Biden stated in an official White House statement that despite the fact that Kenosha’s verdict will make many Americans angry and worried, he acknowledged that the jury had spoken.
“I ran on the promise to unite Americans, as I believe what unites is more than what divides. I know that we’re not going to heal our country’s wounds overnight, but I remain steadfast in my commitment to do everything in my power to ensure that every American is treated equally, with fairness and dignity, under the law.’
After the acquittal, he also mentioned his fears about violence in Kenosha.
I urge all citizens to peacefully express their opinions, in compliance with the rule and law. In our democratic system, violence and destruction of properties are not allowed. Both the White House and federal authorities were in touch with Governor [Tony] Evers’s office to prepare for any outcome in this case, and I have spoken with the Governor this afternoon and offered support and any assistance needed to ensure public safety.’
Kamala Harris, Vice President of the United States made some brief comments to journalists about the verdict. She stated that it “really speaks for its self.” Many of you will know that I have spent the majority of my professional career trying to improve criminal justice systems. The former prosecutor stated that there is still much to be done.
Ron Johnson (Republican Senator from Wisconsin) was the champion of the verdict. “I think justice was served in the Kyle Rittenhouse case.” He tweeted that he hoped everyone would accept the verdict and remain calm, and allow Kenosha to heal and rebuild.
Last September while running as a presidential candidate, Biden sent out a tweetDonald Trump’s refusal to label anti-BLM protesters as white supremacists was condemned. The image included a photo of Rittenhouse in Kenosha and the Charlottesville march.
‘There’s no other way to put it: the President of the United States refused to disavow white supremacists on the debate stage last night,’ Biden said.
Ronna McDaniel (Republican National Committee Chair) released a statement in which she stated that Biden made a mistake by prejudging the Rittenhouse case before he had gotten to know the facts. To score political points, he lied about the case and slandered a teenage boy. Biden was reckless and inflaming. Biden should apologize immediately and get on with his business before the left continues to use lies to promote violence.
Twitter was used by lawmakers from both sides to vent their anger or relief.

Biden posted a photo of Kenosha from the campaign, in which he criticised Trump’s refusal to denounce white supremacists.

Five charges were dropped against Kyle Rittenhouse at Friday’s end of the trial. The verdict received almost immediate reaction from lawmakers, who demanded that President Joe Biden apologize to him for tweeting about white supremacism.
The Congressional Black Caucus issued a statement saying: ‘It is unconscionable our justice system would allow an armed vigilante — who traveled to Kenosha, Wisconsin and killed Joseph Rosenbaum, Anthony Huber, and wounded Gaige Grosskreutz — to go free.
Rep. Seth Moulton, D-Mass.): ‘I’d like to have faith in our criminal justice system, but the immediate question that comes to mind with this news is “Would he have been acquitted if he were black?’
Wrote Rep. Carolyn Bourdeaux (D-La.Rep. Carolyn Bourdeaux (D-La.) said: “I hope that this young man understands that he was granted a chance to live – one which we all know would not have been given to him if his race had been Black. He will then dedicate himself to healing the deep fractures within our nation and our community that he caused.
Letitia James, New York’s Attorney General tweeted that it was a difficult day for the justice system. A lawyer like me respects jury verdicts. It is an additional reminder of the need to uproot and reform our entire system.
White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki was informed of the jury’s not guilty verdict in the Kyle Rittenhouse trial during the White House press briefing – and promised reporters President Biden would weigh in with a statement.

The President Joe Biden will likely issue a statement about the verdict

“It evidently just happened while I’m out here. Let me talk with the president,” Jen Psaki (White House Press Secretary) said. Promiseing to issue a statement if possible.

Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) Among those calling on Rittenhouse for an apology was Sen. Tom Cotton, R-Ark.

Wisconsin Senator Ron Johnson stated that ‘justice was served’

The verdict was deemed ‘unconcionable by the Congressional Black Caucus’
After Rittenhouse was found not guilty of any charges for intentional homicide or attempted intentional murder, Rittenhouse was again asked about the incident. This occurred just moments after Rittenhouse, a 12-person jury, had found Rittenhouse not guilty.
“It clearly just happened while it was me out here. So let’s talk to him,” Psaki replied, talking to her team and she would get a statement for you as soon as possible.
When she was asked about the decision of Judge Bruce Schroeder not to use the term “victims” to refer to the Rittenhouse victims who were killed, or severely injured, she said that it had been a difficult question. She replied, “I’m not going give an evaluation of this from now.” We will get you a statement as soon and as possible.
She stated that the administration was’very good before the verdict.To ensure that peaceful demonstrations are supported, we keep in contact with law enforcement officials and officers on the ground. We will encourage this, regardless of what the outcome is.
Rittenhouse was not found guilty of all charges Friday afternoon.
After four days of deliberation, the jury in Kenosha’s shooter trial reached a verdict on Friday.
Rittenhouse was 18 years old when he was accused of first-degree instigated homicide, as well as other counts related to the murders Joseph Rosenbaum and Anthony Huber. Rittenhouse also wound Gaige Grosskreutz. This occurred on August 25, 2020.

Kyle Rittenhouse wept last week on the witness stand as he recalled how Joseph Rosenbaum ‘ambushed him’ the night that he killed him.

In a high-court drama moment, Judge Bruce Schroeder shouted at Thomas Binger the Prosecutor last week.
As expected, protestors have been gathering outside Kenosha Courthouse throughout the week. Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers summoned 500 Wisconsin National Guard members to quell the demonstrations.
This verdict is the dramatic conclusion to a lengthy trial, which was marred by controversy and drama that threatened to derail proceedings multiple times.
Two of six initial charges were dropped before the case ever reached the jury. Judge Schroeder dismissed the curfew violation charge and the final one that was almost a forgone conclusion: Possession of a Dangerous Weapon by a Person Under 18.
The gun charge was dismissed on the grounds that the state failed to satisfy the entire statute which, in Wisconsin, requires not only that the person be under 18 but that the rifle be short-barreled – Rittenhouse’s AR-15 was not.