Are you cleaning your cooker hood regularly? Blogger reveals the top three places you’ve forgotten to clean including the washing machine filter – and shows how grimy then can REALLY get

  • Perth blogger Carolina McCauley revealed top 3 places people forget to clean
  • This mother-of-two demonstrated how disgusting your stove hood filter, washer machine filter, and plugholes can be if left unattended 
  • Followingers were horrified at the after-and-before photos, and the video received over 18,000 Likes. 

Australian blogger and influencer, known for viral “home hack” videos, revealed which three spots people often forget to clean in their week-end chores.

Perth blogger Carolina McCauley has racked up 1 million followers with her home cleaning and tidying hacks, and horrified followers when she took to Instagram to reveal the hidden grimy places lurking in everyone’s home.

A mother-of-2 showed us how filthy the plugholes, washer filter, and cooker hood filters can be if neglected.

Australian influencer for her viral 'home hack' videos has revealed the top three places people forget to clean during their weekly chores. She showed how dirty the drain under your plug hole can get

Australian blogger and influencer, known for viral “home hack” videos. She revealed three of the most neglected places that people neglect to clean when they do their weekly chores. The drain beneath your plug hole could get filthy, she showed.

She targeted the filter above her stove, explaining you should 'deep clean' it every fortnight

The filter on her stove was the one she pointed out, and she explained that you need to ‘deep-clean’ it once every two weeks.

She drained old water from the washing machine filter into a pan, something she does on a monthly basis

Her monthly routine involves putting the old water out of her washing machine and transferring it into a large pan.

Carolina took to Instagram to show how she removed the grime from the plughole of her kitchen sink.

She then addressed the filter on her stove and explained that you need to ‘deep clean it every two weeks by boiling it, dissolving several dishwasher tablets in it until it sparkles.

She finally drained the old water out of her washing machine into a saucepan. This is something she does every month. 

Carolina showed how she cleaned the kitchen sink plughole by covering it with baking soda, before adding washing up liquid and using a scrubber to remove the build-up of grime

Carolina demonstrated how to clean the plughole in the kitchen sink by using baking soda as a cover, then adding liquid washing detergent and using a scrubber with sandpaper to get rid of the grime.

She cleaned the cooker hood by soaking it in boiling water and dissolving multiple dishwasher tablets in the liquid until it's sparkling (before)

The  hood is seen after

Then she soaked the cooker hood in boiling water, and then disintegrated multiple dishes in that liquid.

She drained old water from the washing machine filter into a pan, something she does on a monthly basis

Her monthly routine involves putting the old water out of her washing machine and transferring it into a large pan.

Followings were horrified at the difference between the before-and-after photos, and the video received over 18,000 Likes.


Perth blogger Carolina McCauley has racked up 1 million followers with her home cleaning and tidying hacks

Carolina McCauley, a Perth blogger has 1,000,000 followers. Her home-cleaning and tidying tips have earned her 1,000,000 fans

Other people warned against uncrewing the socket, writing that “Unscrewing it like that will cause the plumbing below to leak.” It is possible that you will need a plumber in order to put it back together. 

You can only use one of the products, and not both. 

A follower added: “I tried to filter my washer the other day, but the water smelled like rotten eggs.”

One person wrote, “OMG dishwasher tablets to fit the range hoods!” I used boiling water.. bicarb and vinegar and a grout brush and scrubbed them clean… came up good but a lot of effort! This is definitely something I’ll try again.’.

Some admitted to feeling overwhelmed. One wrote: “OK… Some admitted feeling overwhelmed, with one writing: “OK…I give up on adulting.”

Carolina horrified followers when she took to Instagram to reveal the hidden grimy places lurking in everyone's home

Carolina’s shocking Instagram post revealed the darkest corners of everyone’s homes, which shocked many.
