Cocktail hour is here: Frozen Margarita

Not only is the frozen Margarita delicious, but the flavored versions are equally as good. You can try this at home – just add 60ml (2oz) of your favourite fruit purée to the recipe. Kapow!

ICEGet Crushed

GARNISH Lime wedge and salt rim


45ml tequila reposado

15ml triple sec (or you can use Grand Marnier if you don’t have triple sec)

Freshly squeezed Lime Juice 30ml

15 ml Agave Syrup

  • Salt a chilled glass
  • Blend 1 cup of crushed Ice in a Cup.
  • Combine all ingredients.
  • Blend until smooth
  • Pour into a hurricane glass.
  • Add a lime wedge to garnish.
