Neil Rowlinson (pictured outside court), 57, sent roses, £300 worth of jewellery, Chanel No 5 perfume and a bottle of Veuve Clicquot to Geraldine McGettrick when she dumped him

Neil Rowlinson (pictured outside court), 57, sent roses, £300 worth of jewellery, Chanel No 5 perfume and a bottle of Veuve Clicquot to Geraldine McGettrick when she dumped him

A jilted boyfriend has been fined £250 for stalking his blue-haired ex-lover after she broke off their nine-month relationship.

Neil Rowlinson, 57, sent roses, £300 worth of jewellery, Chanel No 5 perfume and a bottle of Veuve Clicquot to Geraldine McGettrick when she dumped him.

Miss McGettrick, who is in her 50s and divorced, complained to police when she got a package saying ‘food parcel’, containing vegetable peelers, carving knives and a drill.

He sent gifts to her, and she seemed alarmed and disturbed. She even considered taking her own life.

Police warned Rowlinson, a plumber from Stockport, Greater Manchester, to stay away from Miss McGettrick.

However, he became a public enemy of her ex-husband Anthony Mirdad. He posted false messages slandering him as an a paedophile for mistakingly thinking they were together.

A post said: “You realize Gerry called you a paedo by everyone. That is why she divorced from you.”

I don’t believe you’ll ever be able to have children with your partner. This is your fault. She is welcome to you.

Miss McGettrick (pictured outside court), who is in her 50s and divorced, told police when she got a package saying 'food parcel', containing vegetable peelers, carving knives and a drill

Miss McGetrick, who is divorced and in her 50s, said that she received a parcel labelled ‘food parcel. It contained vegetable peelers and carving knives.

Miss McGettrick made the following statement: “This has turned my into a nervous wreck. I am now paranoid that I will go outside since he’s caused me so much grief.

“Initially he assisted me in my hip surgery, but he quickly became dominant and hovered over my kitchen.

“I told him that I did not want him in my family anymore and that I was fed up with his behavior so I requested him to leave.

‘I knew that he was shipping items to me, and it all became excessive. At one point, I confessed that I thought of suicide.

“He bought vegetable peelers for me and sent them in the mail. I also received an electric drill, and he gave me more gifts.

She said, “This was an ongoing matter.” He is likely to continue his behavior.

Miss McGettrick, who is in her 50s and divorced, told police when she got a package saying 'food parcel', containing vegetable peelers, carving knives and a drill (pictured)

Miss McGettrick is in her 50s, divorced and told police that she received a parcel labelled ‘food parcel’. It contained vegetable peelers and carving knives, as well as a drill.

One of the posts on Rawlinson's social media showed off the flowers he bought his ex on a 'weekly' basis

Rawlinson shared a post on social media that showed the flowers he had bought for his ex, on a “weekly” basis.

Another bizarre post on his social media showed a picture of his ex-girlfriend saying he was still 'nuts in luv'

One of the most bizarre posts he made on social media was a photo of his ex girlfriend saying that he is still “nuts in love”

Mirdad claimed that his ex-wife divorced him in 2007, and that he has never been to see her again.

He started to post about me calling names, saying he had been in an affair with someone who was in paedo rings and that he wanted my pub destroyed.

“Everything that he posted about me disturbed me. We divorced because it had nothing to do paedophiles. It is just that I’m upset about it all.

“It’s beyond my comprehension why he would post this to social media for everyone to see.” This has made me afraid for my safety as well as my business.

The hearing was addressed by Miss Eileen Rogers, the prosecutor. She stated that Geraldine and the defendant had been together for nine months. It began when Geraldine moved into her home after having a hip surgery.

“But, after some time together, she decided that their relationship was not working. She also refused to stay with him because of his domineering and controlling character.

“On Dec 6, 2020, his behavior towards her became more strange and the police advised him to stop having contact.

“But, he kept in touch with Geraldine to defy her wishes. He sent her letters, presents and even texts.

“The defendant used the contact information of his family members to make contact with him.”

Continued she: “On December 9, 2020, he became abusive and aggressive toward her. She called the police to ensure her safety.

“An oral statement was obtained from her, and she was issued a warning to not contact the woman again.

He sent the following: “On January 10, 2021, he sent an envelope containing presents and items, and it was marked “food parcel”. The parcel contained a variety of kitchen knives.

“She didn’t ask for them. He was very upset and alarmed at the gifts he had sent to her. He was extremely concerned.

“He sent him a love message, winking eyes and knife emojis by electronic communication to her. She also called at one point the defendant and said she had decided to take her own life because of the bombardment.

Miss Rogers stated that Mirdad and Geraldine had been married for 19 years. She had recently divorced. But the defendant had posted messages on Facebook to Mirdad and to his pub. These messages made mention of Mirdad being in a paedophile-ring. Geraldine said that the defendant had posted the messages jealously thinking she was returning with Mirdad. But this was not true.

Gavin Clarke was his attorney. He stated: “There have been 11 distinct incidents over this span of time.

‘He has attended her property unwanted and has left flowers on two occasions, jewellery to the value of around £300, Chanel No 5 perfume, Veuve Clicquot Champagne and other gifts.

There have not been any threats or intimidation. This is unwelcome attention. He sent me cards saying that he misses you and that he loves you.

“The relationship between the two was long-lasting, but ended in December 2020.

Police spoke with the accused and told him not to contact them. He did not harass her.

Rowlinson admitted stalking between January 2020 and December 2020, and that he sent fake messages to Tameside magistrates court.

The sentence was to be served in 12 weeks prison, with a two-year suspension, and the completion of a Building Better Relationships program. He also had to do 270 hours of unpaid work.

Under a restraining ordon, he was prohibited from speaking to Miss McGettrick or Mr Mirdad for two-years.

And Rowlinson was ordered to pay Mr Mirdad £150 in compensation and also told the pay a £128 victim surcharge.