On Friday, Vice President Kamala Harris appeared to contradict President Joe Biden by expressing dismay at the acquittal for Kyle Rittenhouse, an accused Kenosha vigilante.
‘Today’s verdict speaks for itself,’ the vice president told reporters on the tarmac before boarding Air Force Two in Columbus, Ohio, on Friday.
The former California senator and San Francisco district attorney added: ‘I’ve spent a majority of my career working to make our criminal justice system more equitable.
‘It’s clear, there’s still a lot more work to do.’
Harris’ comments don’t jive with those made by Biden, who told reporters on Friday: ‘I stand by what the jury has concluded. The jury system works and we have to abide by it.’
Liberals took offense to Biden’s comments on Twitter. Later on Friday, Biden issued a written statement saying he was ‘angry’ and ‘concerned’ over the verdict.
According to Kamala Harris, Vice President Kamala Harris, the acquittal in Kenosha of Kyle Rittenhouse, an accused murderer, shows that there is still much work to be done to make the criminal justice system more ‘equitable’. (Seen in Columbus, Ohio on Friday).
Harris’ statements seemed to contradict President Joe Biden’s (seen here at the White House, Friday) comments. Biden stated that he stood by the conclusions of the jury.
On Friday, President Biden issued a statement saying: ‘While Kenosha’s verdict is sure to anger and concern many Americans, including myself, it’s important we recognize that the jury’s opinion has been heard.
‘While the verdict in Kenosha will leave many Americans feeling angry and concerned, myself included, we must acknowledge that the jury has spoken,’ the president said in his written statement.
‘I know that we’re not going to heal our country’s wounds overnight, but I remain steadfast in my commitment to do everything in my power to ensure that every American is treated equally, with fairness and dignity, under the law,’ he continued.
‘I urge everyone to express their views peacefully, consistent with the rule of law.
‘Violence and destruction of property have no place in our democracy.’
Partisan lines dominated public opinion about the verdict. Republicans were supportive of the verdict, while Democrats condemned it.
Biden said the White House and federal authorities have been in contact with Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers and offered support as Kenosha and the nation brace for fallout from the verdict.
Rittenhouse (18) collapsed as his jury cleared him of the charges in his double-murder trial. This was after four days and weeks of tortured deliberations.
Kyle Rittenhouse is not guilty of any charges. According to Kenosha (Wisconsin), the verdict was delivered Friday at 12:15 PM. There were fears that violence might erupt again.
Wendy Rittenhouse, Rittenhouse’s mom was present in the public gallery. She also burst into tears when the verdicts were read
Rittenhouse was 18 years old when the verdict was delivered. Rittenhouse began shaking as he tried to control his emotions. He couldn’t hold on to them any longer, and he fell into his chair. Then he hugged defense lawyer Corey Chirafisi.
Evidently disappointed, Thomas Binger, the prosecutor in the case, slumped in his chair and looked up at the ceiling. He then sighed as the verdict was read.
On Friday evening in New York City, demonstrators angry about the verdict held placards.
Some people outside of the Barclay Center, downtown Brooklyn, had megaphones. They were protesting injustices.
A sign is held by a person during Friday night’s protest at the Barclays Center, New York City against Kyle Rittenhouse verdict
On Friday night in New York City, protestors were gathered at the Barclays Center downtown Brooklyn to voice their anger over the verdict.
The Republicans are now requesting that Biden apologise for calling Kenosha shooting victim a white supremacist in the wake of the trial.
Mark Richards Rittenhouse’s lawyer said that he was shocked by Biden’s portrayal of Rittenhouse, a white supremacist.
“I have never seen a case and I doubt I will ever,” Richards said. Richards stated that Richards and Richards had so many different views.
‘President Biden said some things, I think are so incorrect and untrue — he is not a white supremacist. He at least respected the verdict of his jury.
Tom Cotton, Republican Senator for Arkansas, posted: “Joe Biden must publicly apologize to Kyle Rittenhouse.
Ronna McDaniel (chair of the Republican party) stated that Biden had prejudged Rittenhouse before he realized the facts. Biden lied about the case and slandered a teenage boy to gain political points. Biden’s actions were dangerously inflamatory.
‘Biden should apologize for his actions and ACT NOW, before the left continues to use lies to incite violence.
Donald Trump’s PAC Save America sent an Email soliciting donations for his campaign coffers. The email stated that there was “GREAT NEWS FOR KYLE RITTENHOUSE”, which we all knew was innocent.
The Radical Left claims that this trial was nothing other than a witch hunt. They are determined to PUNISH all law-abiding citizens.
Dan Bishop, a congressman representing North Carolina, said: ‘Don’t forget, Biden labeled a 17-year old Rittenhouse a “white supremacist.” Beyond shameful.’
Marjorie Taylor Greene, Georgia’s congresswoman, stated that Rittenhouse is ‘one the good guys.
Biden was attacked for saying that he was worried about the verdict. She also warned him of inciting violence and angrily targeted fellow Congress members who condemned Rittenhouse’s actions.
“Kyle Rittenhouse DISMISSED on all charges!” May Kyle and his loved ones now be at peace. The good guys are those who protect and help others. Kyle is one such good guy.
‘@JoeBiden is angry & concerned that the jury found Kyle Rittenhouse NOT GUILTY after being shown mountains of evidence proving his innocence.
‘Biden calling for “peaceful protest” now against the verdict. We all know what it means when the left calls for“peaceful” protest..
Lauren Boebert is the Colorado Congresswoman that has made Second Amendment protection a central pillar in her policies. Lauren tweeted: “Today’s a great moment for the Second Amendment. And the right to defend oneself.” Kyle Rittenhouse has not been found guilty in any of these cases! All praise to God
The verdict was dismaying to progressives.
Bill de Blasio was the New York Mayor.
Tweet: “Anthony Huber, Joseph Rosenbaum are victims. These two should still be around today.
‘The only reason they’re not is because a violent, dangerous man chose to take a gun across state lines and start shooting people. This is a serious miscarriage in justice.
Rittenhouse never took a gun from one state to another before the shooting. He picked it up at a Kenosha house.
Cori Bush (a Missouri congresswoman) said the verdict to be ‘white supremacy, in action’.
‘The judge. The jury. The defendant. The defendant.
‘This system isn’t built to hold white supremacists accountable. It’s why Black and brown folks are brutalized and put in cages while white supremacist murderers walk free.
The jury — a couple of them wearing masks — showed no emotion as the verdicts were read after four torturous days of deliberation and weeks of testimony.
Rittenhouse’s mother Wendy was in the public gallery and burst into tears as the verdicts were read, while Rittenhouse victim Joseph Rosenbaum’s fiancée and victim Anthony Huber’s girlfriend and great aunt tearfully listened as their loved ones’ killer walked free.
‘I’m hurt. I’m angry. I’m heartbroken.’
Pramila Jayapal (head of the Progressive Caucus) said that she was heartbroken.
“If America is to address racial injustice, it must admit that our justice system doesn’t work for Black, Brown, and Indigenous people. It must be transformed.
“It will be difficult, but I’m determined to organize alongside you to make this happen.”
Chesa Boudin, San Francisco’s district attorney – widely considered to be one of the most liberal DAs in America – also criticized this verdict.
“This verdict is a reminder that it’s more important than ever to improve the legal system. It is vital that the prosecution plays a crucial role in reforming criminal justice and providing equal legal justice.
“We will keep fighting for justice.”
Rittenhouse was 18 years old when the first verdict was delivered Friday afternoon. Rittenhouse began shaking as he tried to hold back his emotions. But by the end he could hold them no longer and he collapsed into his chair, then hugged defense attorney Corey Chirafisi.
Rittenhouse was dressed in a navy suit with a purple shirt and tie and was taken out of courtroom to be driven into an SUV. As he drove away, he smiled.
Two men in the public gallery gave each other a high-five but apart from that the ‘audience’ — as Judge Bruce Schroeder called them — remained quiet and filed out of the room.
Thomas Binger the prosecution, which has been widely criticized because of his conduct during this case, was clearly disappointed and sat down in his chair. He then looked up at his ceiling and let out a small sigh, as the verdict arrived.
Defense attorney Mark Richards slapped the table after the fifth not guilty verdict was read.
Schroeder could only compliment jurors by being cooperative and attentive. He said, “I couldn’t wish for a better jury,” before reminding the jurors that they can be elected again within four years.
The judge also said that the parties had the rights to talk to the media about the case, although he also stated that the defendants had the option not to. He did not release their names and said that any media inquiries would be dealt with by the court.
Kenosha will now be watching to see if violence erupts again.
Protestors from both sides milled on the courtroom steps — one white man saying how proud he was of Rittenhouse and the verdict, standing feet from a black woman railing about white justice.
The explosive verdict comes after a long and turbulent trial filled with drama, controversy, and drama which threatened to derail proceedings several times.
Mark Richards, defense attorney, stated that Rittenhouse had a tremendous sense of relief at receiving the verdict.
Richards explained that Richards was on his return home. He wants to move on in his life.
Richards said that Rittenhouse testified in one mock trial, while Rittenhouse was not. It was evident from the jury’s reaction that Richards had to take the stand.
He stated that the jury proceedings were more lengthy than any other case in which he was involved.
Richards claimed that the Rittenhouses were likely to leave because of the many death threats they’ve received.
“Kyle is receiving counseling for PTSD. He does not sleep well at night.
“Eventually, some anonymity will return to him but I doubt he’ll continue to live here.”
Rittenhouse stated that Rittenhouse wants to become a nurse.
Richards also criticised Thomas Binger, the prosecutor. The truth will bring justice. The truth is what the prosecution should seek. “It’s not about losing,” he stated.
However, he was kind enough to praise Judge Schroeder for having presided over a fair trial.
‘He gives you a fair trial as a defendant — but you don’t want him to sentence your client,’ he said, commenting on his reputation for handing out stiff sentences.
“If we lost, we don’t know what would have happened. He would have been sentenced to life imprisonment. We were granted a fair trial.
He said that Rittenhouse was allowed to choose from a tumbler jurors to become alternates.
Binger made it very clear that he was not going to comment on the verdict of the case.
However, his boss Kenosha county District Attorney Mike Graveley released a statement stating that he respected the verdict of the jury based upon three and a quarter days of carefully considered deliberations.
“Certainly, questions regarding self-defense are highly contentious today.”
Graveley also appealed for calm. “We request all the members of the public to accept the verdicts peacefully without resorting violence.”
Anthony Huber’s family released the following statement: “Today’s verdict does not mean that there will be any accountability for our son’s murderer.” This sends the unacceptable message that civilians with guns can appear in any community and incite violence. Then they use the threat to shoot people.
One hour before the verdict was announced, a woman suffered an epileptic seizure.
The ambulance arrived on the scene and was able to evacuate all demonstrators.
It began quietly, as Judge Schroeder worked through another case docket. He arrived at the court shortly after 9am, stopping outside to chat with a group of photographers — jokingly asking why there were so many people around neoclassical courthouse which dates back to 1850.
Unlike nearly every other judge anywhere in the country, Schroder makes a point of walking to his chambers through the public gallery in the eggshell-blue-painted court, decorated with oil paintings of local legal luminaries.
After Rosenbaum pursued Rittenhouse through a parking lot, Rittenhouse shot Joseph Rosenbaum (left), with an AR-15-style semiautomatic gun. He then threw a bag at Rittenhouse just before midnight on August 25, 2020. Rittenhouse, 26, shot and killed Anthony Huber, 26 (right), as he was speeding down the street. He had been following Rosenbaum across a parking lot.
Actors wait outside Kenosha County Courthouse while the Kyle Rittenhouse jury pronounces the verdict
On Friday, after Kyle Rittenhouse had been acquitted, officers stood guard outside Kenosha’s courthouse.
Watch as Kyle Rittenhouse’s trial is reopened before the Kenosha County Courthouse.
Tanya McLean (aunt of Jacob Blake) reacts to Kyle Rittenhouse’s verdict
He walked with a light limp and greeted journalists, lawyers, and court personnel as he went.
The court was quiet the first three hours. It became increasingly clear that there was no hope for a verdict and the jury seemed to be in limbo. Schroeder was in his chambers most of the day.
But around noon, the judge ordered that the outer door to his chambers should be closed — for the first time in the trial. The case was now over.
A few minutes later, the prosecution and defense lawyers entered the room together with Rittenhouse who was spending some time in the private room on floor 3.
Schroeder declared that jurors had reached their final verdict, and warned the public not to react. He stated, “As you can clearly see there are many members of law enforcement and you will being whisked away from here if you react,”
The seven-member jury made up of five men and five women filed in.
Schroeder instructed Rittenhouse that he would face the jury to ‘hearken’ their opinions.
Rittenhouse was initially charged with intentional homicide in the murders of Joseph Rosenbaum, Anthony Huber, and Gaige Grosskreutz. This happened on August 25, 2020.
Demonstrators have been gathered outside the Kenosha Courthouse all week, as Evers called in 500 members of the Wisconsin National Guard to counter the expected protests.