Kyle Rittenhouse’s mother has supported him in shooting and killing BLM protestors last summer. She stated that it was either her life or the lives of her teenager son who was being “chased by mobs”.
Rittenhouse was only 17 years old when he attacked and shot two white protesters.
Over the past few weeks, he has been on trial and now a jury will decide whether or not to indict him for murder.
Prosecutorial errors have marred the trial, which could result in a mistrial or an acquittal.
Wendy Rittenhouse spoke with NBC Nightly News Sunday to say that she believed her son, who sobbed while giving evidence, did a good job’.

Wendy Rittenhouse spoke with NBC Nightly News Sunday to say that she believed her son, who sobbed while giving evidence, did a good job’.
He is currently being treated for PTSD. She stated that she stands by him and claimed he would have died if he didn’t bring his AR-15 rifle with him to the riot in August.
“A lot of people shouldn’t have been there. He carried the gun to protect him and, up until this day in his memory, my son would be dead if he hadn’t.
“He came down to assist. She said that he was pursued by a mob.
Wendy claimed she was “scared” before the verdict was rendered and was a “nervous wreck” when her son stood last week.
‘Twelve people have my son’s life in their hands. I will always stand by him,’ she said.
On November 14, opening statements for the trial were made.
Rittenhouse’s lawyers claim that he was patriotic vigilante and took his gun to the Riot to defend Kenosha from the protesters.

Rittenhouse was photographed on August 25, 2020 with his AR-15 gun. He is seen that night, when he murdered two BLM demonstrators and injured another during riots in the city. Rittenhouse claims he was self-defense because he heard someone shooting behind him.

Wendy Rittenhouse is seen arriving to the courthouse for closing arguments.

One year ago, a business was set on fire and looted by Jacob Blake. This happened more than one year after Jacob Blake’s shooting. Current fears are that there may be new riots in the city.

After prosecutors had admitted to the weaknesses of their case, Judge Bruce Schroeder requested Rittenhouse confirm his agreement with the attorneys who allowed the jury to decide lesser charges for some counts.
In court, the teenage told how he had heard three seconds earlier a gunshot from behind him.
It was his self-defense, he said. He did not initiate the violence.
Rittenhouse’s team supported his argument with video footage of the riot, and prosecution witnesses.
The judge explicitly forbade them from submitting banned TikTok footage, which was also presented by the prosecution.
Kenosha’s storeowners are bracing themselves for chaos, no matter what the verdict.
Many have not yet removed the board from their windows since last year’s riot.
Wisconsin’s Governor has ordered 500 National Guard troops be available in an emergency situation. Meanwhile, police officers across the country are keeping an eye on the situation.