The French president has slammed ‘woke nonsense’ and said the European Commission needs to focus its efforts on ‘recovery, power and belonging’.
Emmanuel Macron said he does not ‘totally adhere’ to Eurocrats explaining the words ‘people can and can’t use’ just a week after Brussels withdrew its controversial guidelines for inclusive communication.
Many were furious at the EU’s attempt to cancel Christmas. Staff had been instructed to use the term ‘holiday period,’ as it might offend non-Christians.
Pictured: The French President has called ‘woken nonsense’, and stated that the European Commission should focus on its efforts to’recovery and power’.
Brussels staff were instructed to cut down on references to “women” in the new Gender Neutral Language In The European Parliament rulebook (pictured). This has been removed.
Italic politicians, where this story was first reported, accused the EU “common sense” of starting a war. The Vatican however accused Brussels of trying ‘cancel Europe’s Christian roots.
He extolled the benefits of being part of the EU such as co-ordination in vaccination technology, Covid economic recovery plans and Covid technology. However, he cautioned that it could turn off its citizens if the EU started to use politically correct language.
With France set to take over the rotating EU Council Presidency in the first half of 2022, Mr Macron made a speech at the Jacques Delors institute in Paris where he said the role would focus on ‘recovery, power and belonging’, according to The Telegraph.
He stated that a Europe which tries to tell people how to use words isn’t one to which I fully adhere. It’s nonsense, basically.’
The Vatican secretary of state Cardinal Pietro Parolin accused the EU, accusing it of trying to “cancel our roots” by disregarding Europe’s Christian heritage.
He stated that Europe is dependent on many influences. However, it’s not hard to remember that Christianity was one of those influences.
Matteo Salvini is the leader of Italy’s right-wing League party, and was previously deputy prime minister. He accused the EU’s ‘folly’ for publishing the rules.
The guide was issued by Helena Dalli (pictured), the EU’s equality Commissioner, back in October, but it only became publicly available last week
Mary, the mother. John, the father. Long live the holy Christmas … I hope that in Europe, no one will be offended,’ he tweeted.
Antonio Tajani is a former European Commissioner who was an alligator of Silvio Berlusconi. He also took to Twitter his disapproval, suggesting the EU was trying to wage war against ‘commonsense’.
Helena Dalli (EU’s equality commissioner) created the guide to support the EU’s equality agenda.
She said, “We are looking at these concerns with a view to addressing them in an upgraded version of the guidelines.”
The EU does not issue guidance for staff about inclusive language.
Back in 2018, staff at the European Parliament were issued with a similar guide that advised against using gendered language such as ‘manpower’ and ‘mankind’.
New guidelines for EU translators discourage frequent use of’man’ and ‘woman’ within official texts.
The guide suggested that words such as “chairman” should be replaced with “chairperson”, and “policeman” or?policewoman” substituted for the term ‘police officer”.
This also advised that the term stewardess be avoided, in favor of flight attendant. The principal should be replaced by headmaster or headmistress.
As other candidates come forward, it is likely that the French president will declare his election campaign for re-election in early 2022.
Valerie Pecresse, the Conservative Les Republicans party’s candidate in next April’s elections, was announced by Valerie Pecresse, who hopes to become France’s first female president.
Pecresse took on Macron, claiming that his only goal is to please. She has also called herself part-Margaret Thatcher.
She said, “He only wants to please. While I am driven to do the right thing.”
“I am aware of the difficulties involved in fighting, and I have learned to win them. I’m a woman who achieves great things.