Tory MPs from the former Red Wall seats seized from Labour in 2019 have begun to revolt against the Government’s obsession with the COP26 conference on global warming.

They demand that Ministers pay attention to illegal migration and the rising tide of it across the Channel.

They do have a point. British citizens view it as one of the biggest problems facing their country. Many would love to see what Boris Johnson will do to fix this problem, particularly since French authorities appear to lack the ability to take decisive and effective action.

Traffickers in criminal people are becoming more confident and are now shipping so many women and men across the Strait of Dover, the daily average, recently reaching 1,185.

Tory MPs want Ministers to turn their minds instead to the alarming rise in illegal migration across the Channel. (Pictured) four lifeboats and several Border Force vessels are involved in multiple rescue operations in the English Channel.

Tory MPs want Ministers to turn their minds instead to the alarming rise in illegal migration across the Channel. Four lifeboats (pictured) and several Border Force vessels were involved in rescue missions in English Channel.

Even though the weather is getting worse, the flow continues to rise, although some drownings have occurred, an unfortunate side effect of this industry. France, an advanced state, with vast technical and armed resources and large police forces has such limited control over its coast and territorial waters, it is hard to understand how it can allow these tragedies to happen. Some others may not be observed or recorded as they make their way to UK borders.

This means that every year, approximately 300,000 illegal immigrants will be crossing the Atlantic by using this route. That’s roughly equivalent to the population of Hillingdon, Brighton, and Newcastle upon Tyne.

Mail on Sunday is not judging migrants for trying to enter our country. It is clear that the success of our civilisation in peace, security and prosperity serves as an example to others from less-affluent countries.

We are not against immigration. Each country has a need for migrants. It is our belief that civilized countries have a duty to offer refuge to legitimate refugees.

Idi Amin, a half-crazed Ugandan dictator, expelled large numbers Asians from Uganda in 1972. This was a clear act racial persecution. To the great benefit of this country, thousands of them settled in Britain – where they have contributed enormously to the nation they made their home.

This was a significant political and social crisis at the time, which put a strain on resources.

Yet the total of those who came was just over 27,000 – a figure that could now be equalled by illegal cross-Channel migrants in a single month.

In the case the Ugandan Asians they chose France to Britain over Britain. The British citizens had legal British passports. They were also legally here and they suffered from cruel persecution.

Criminal people traffickers, more confident by the day, are now smuggling so many men and women across the Strait of Dover that the known daily total recently reached 1,185. A group of thirteen migrants pictured off of the coast of Lydd, Kent on Saturday morning (Pictured)

More confident criminal traffickers are now moving so many people across the Strait of Dover, the daily number of migrants has recently reached 1,185. A group consisting of 13 migrants was pictured at the Kent coast on Saturday morning. (Pictured).

Therefore, it’s quite natural and even desirable that Tory MPs are concerned by this issue. And to expect a rationaled, practical answer from Downing Street.

Tom Tugendhat discusses in today’s newspaper the alarming developments where migrants are used to attack the West at the border of Poland and Belarus. The problem is made more pressing by this ugly confrontation.

If uncontrolled migration occurs, it is unjust for those who adhere to the rules. It rewards criminal gangs.

We report the remarks of the Border Force’s outgoing chief, and they suggest that a high level of leadership is not able to see how proper border control is essential for civilized states.

Priti Patel, Home Secretary and Prime Minister of India, must work together to end this terrible scandal and tragic human condition.
