Ministers have been urged to investigate the spread of transgender ideologies in schools, as it could be causing harm to children.
Miriam Cates is a Conservative MP and has asked the Government for immediate action to prevent ‘extreme transgender views’ propagated by Stonewall or other LGBT campaigners from becoming dogma within schools across the country.
She stated that teachers are being disciplined in schools, as well as pupils for not adhering to new trans norms. Furthermore, families were left traumatised by their children’s ‘brainwashing’ by trans activists who invited them into the classrooms.

Miriam Cates is a Conservative MP who has called for urgent government action to end the ‘extreme’ views of transgender people promoted by Stonewall, and other LGBT activists
Parents have compiled a dossier of evidence about trans ideologies. It shows that:
- Many schools use ‘transgender toolskits’ created by Stonewall and other controversial lobby groups.
- Schools may be misinterpreting equality laws in order to teach transgender ideologies, parents fear.
- Schools are making unilateral decisions that allow children to change their gender, even if it’s against the parents wishes.
- One school said to children that biological sex was ‘on the spectrum’. This is contrary to government guidelines which state that any transgender teaching must ‘evidence-based.
Ms. Cates made this statement to Parliament in a speech. She said she was aware of children who complained when they were permitted to use the PE change rooms of other sexes.
Also, some schools would tell their pupils they’d be content if they switched genders even if it wasn’t clear to them.
On Sunday, Ms. Cates revealed to The Mail that she has received numerous emails complaining about brainwashing of their children since her speech.

According to some reports, schools have begun disciplining students and teachers who don’t follow the trans orthodoxy. Families are being traumatized by their children’s ‘brainwashing’ (stock image).
“They’ve told disturbing stories about how the ideology got into their schools. She said that it was alarming to see how prevalent this is.
The Government must take an active role in this matter. This government must do an investigation into the situation and issue stronger guidance.
One mother reached out to Ms. Cates and told her that her teenage daughter was allowed by her school, in an area with high incomes, to identify herself as the other sex.
The mother, who did not want to be identified to protect her child, said that she didn’t know at school that the girl was being identified as male.
The implication is that certain teachers had dealt with the situation without my knowledge, and were able to offer a safe environment. This shocks me because she considers her home to have a safe zone.
“It’s tore my family apart. This has been one of my most difficult issues to handle. “I don’t get why the society allows it to explode like this in schools.
Bayswater Support Group, which includes more than 350 parents from across the UK and whose children are transgender, is another example of schools embracing transgender ideologies.
According to the report, many schools now use “transgender schoolkits” that help teachers teach their students how to be ‘trans’. They are usually created by Stonewall, LGBT youth charities.
BSG claims that LGBT charities utilize ‘anti-bullying’ initiatives to instill ‘gender identification’ beliefs in classrooms.