The giant moose that popped its head through a homeowner’s window shocked her.
Cristina Smith, astonished by the sightings of the female moose peeking in her bathroom was shocked.
Although the curious creature stayed only for a short time, it was able to pose for photos for quite a while.
Christina Smith (pictured center right) with Don and Donna, their daughter, Hunter. Hunter is left. They live in Homer Alaska. Christina has called the home her “heaven upon earth”.
In Homer, Alaska, the curious moose stuck his head into Ms Smith’s window.
She laughed and said, “I love my privacy in the bathroom. But this cheeky animal doesn’t care whether I use the toilet or not.”
“We love the fact that there are many windows in our home, but it was quite shocking to see them all come by.
“Normally, I hear animals coming to my house.
“I stand up to watch them but this time it was completely unexpected.”
Cristina, who lives with Don, Donna, and Hunter in Homer (Alaska), USA, said: “This is my Heaven on Earth.
“My favorite luxury is my view with animals, which I almost get every day.”
In November, 2021 Joshua Dennis, 12, had been cycling through Hatcher Pass, which lies in the Talkeetna Mountains, with his friends Weston, Caiden, Nathan, and Vannin when the wild animal ran out in front of them.
Mountain biker who led the group was able brake in just enough time to keep from colliding with the animal which was only inches away.
Joshua Dennis (12 years old), is running in front of the moose, as he bikes with his friends Hatcher Pass, Alaska.
He is stopped in his tracks by the wild animal running in front of him.
Joshua runs AllOutdoorsAlaska’s YouTube channel. He and friends cycle their bikes on a narrow road.
Just moments later, an enormous moose runs in front of their path and forces Joshua to brake in order to avoid crashing into the creature.
Joshua watches the animal run away and then looks at his friends, before saying “O.”My God! This moose is running in front me. It is over!
“It was only a few feet away!”
Lisa Dennis, Joshua’s mother said that Joshua felt adrenaline rush through his veins. Joshua also was scared and excited at the time.
Joshua stops just in time so that he doesn’t collide with the animal. The animal runs off.
Twelve-year-old Cameron looks at his fellow cyclists and remarks, “It was like a foot from me!”
“When the mouse passed by, the smell of the wild animal lingered in the air.”
The largest deer species is the moose, and they are frequently found in North America, Europe, and Asia.
The animals typically feature a large nose and upper lip and adult males can be recognised by their antlers, which can spread 6ft from end to end.
Despite their large size, the wild animals can run up to 35 miles an hour over short distances and some have even been spotted swimming several miles at a time.
A nearly 800lb. moose was also discovered at an elementary school in Canada. A moose crashed through a broken glass window into a classroom of students on Thursday.
The confused animal had wandered away from its nearby natural habitat and appears to have ‘panicked’ and smashed its way into the Sylvia Fedoruk School in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, where children were quickly ushered away, according to the CBC.
Only one child sustained minor injuries, and the moose was soon tranquilized and released back into a safer area — and locals are now calling it ‘a quintessential Canadian story.’
Want to Learn? A nearly-800lb. A nearly-800lb. moose crashed through the glass of an elementary school window in Saskatoon (Saskaton), Saskatchewan, on Thursday
The incident happened just before 9 a.m., with the nearly-two-year-old moose — estimated to be on the small side at 750 to 800 lbs. — broke through a large glass window and then settled on the floor.
It was being used as a classroom for an after-school program that was run by an external provider.
According to local parent Jayme Melnyk, whose son was attending daycare across the hall, the woman in charge of the children in the classroom was able to safely get them out.
The injuries were not severe, but one child was left with minor injuries that required treatment.
‘This is a case where, due to stress I believe, there is some pets and some dogs that caused the problem,’ Steve Dobko, an inspector with the conservation officer service for the Saskatchewan Ministry of Environment, added to Canada’s Global News.
“And the moose began running, and eventually ended up at this school area where it clearly panicked and passed through a glass window.