The Met Commissioner, Dame Cressida Dick was informed by the mother to two of her murdered sisters that “time is up” this morning. Their bodies were taken and shared with their officers.
Mina Smallman criticized the police chief under fire and said, “This woman is going to address what we’re up against at the Met?”‘.
Ms Smallman – whose two murdered daughters, Bibaa and Nicole Henry, were treated in a disgraceful manner by Lewis and PCs Jaffer – was unable to call for her resignation.
The former Church of England archdeacon stated this morning that she thinks Dame Cressida should now review cases involving Sarah Everard and her daughters.
According to her, the apologies that she offered for the substandard police hunt in which her children disappeared and the statements about Wayne Couzens made outside court were enough to make her decision.
Ms Smallman said: ‘I don’t think so, time for her to go.
“She said so much, but I wasn’t disappointed until she gave the statement on the missing persons.
“She stated that she was advised by the report to apologize to the family. I then thought, “If you have to be told this way by an organization.” She knew the truth and had all of the evidence.

Mina Smallman told Met Commissioner, Dame Cressida Dick that it was ‘time for her to go’ today

Bibaa Henry, 46, and Nicole Smallman, 27, who were stabbed to death in Wembley last year
‘To compound that, when she did the statement outside the Old Bailey on behalf of Sarah Everard, I thought it was the worst presentation, she was shaking like a leaf, it was all scripted – this is the woman who is going to tackle what we are up against in the Met?
GMB was told that she had been asked repeatedly if she wanted to resign.
PC Jamie Lewis (33), and PC Deniz Jaffer (47) admitted to taking photos and sharing them of the spot where the sisters were killed in June 2013.
They were both found guilty yesterday by a disciplinary panel of gross misconduct.
Ms Smallman added: ‘We were told it had been sent out to members of the public. This is a cult-fetish, in which people pay to take pictures of deceased girls.
“There were nine additional officers who sent the WhatsApp. Jaffer was the mentor for the cadets. He actually sent this to one his mentees.

PC Deniz Jaffer & PC Jamie Lewis took and shared photos of the dead bodies of the sisters

Wayne Couzens kidnapped and raped Sarah Everard, after staging an arrest for Covid
“It was so difficult to believe that you can do it.”
These two events, which Ms. Smallman criticized in her critique of Dame Cressida’s performance on Dame Cressida, occurred September 30th and October 25th.
Following a Clapham arrest fake, Wayne Couzens (a Met Police officer) kidnapped, assaulted and killed Sarah Everard.
After his sentencing at the Old Bailey, Lady Cressida stated that she was horrified by how this man had used his trust position to coerce Sarah. I am sure you are all too.
“His actions represented a terrible betrayal for everything police work for.
He showed that he was a coward. He has destroyed the trust that the public should have in police officers, according to the judge.
“This man is a shame for the Met. We have been rocked as an organization, if I am being honest.
After a damning IOPC Report, she gave a statement to the court. She stated that her response to police reports about Ms Smallman missing girls had been poor.
Commissioner Cressida Dick said that at the time she was thinking of Nicole’s family.
‘The manner in which we responded when Nicole and Bibaa went missing over the weekend was far below what we expected and compounded the grief felt by the loved ones.
‘While they know very sadly that Nicolaa and Bibaa were killed in the early hours on Saturday 6 June 2020 before they could be reported missing,
“We could have saved them and their families immense suffering if we had responded differently.”
“I regret that our service was not up to the mark.
“We have reached out to the families to inquire if they would allow us or another senior officer, if necessary, to see them in person at a convenient time.