Nicola Sturgeon’s Depute Uses Covid Pandemic To Justify Independence Push as He Kicks Off SNP Conference Despite a surge in support FOR Scotland TO STAYING Part of the United Kingdom

  • Keith Brown will launch the SNP’s virtual annual conference today
  • Westminster should insist on Scotland’s post-Covid future. 
  • According to a new poll, voters will reject the SNP proposal to seperate the union.

Nicola Sturgeon’s Depute will use today’s Covid Pandemic to support Scottish independence – despite increasing opposition. 

Keith Brown will kick of the SNP annual conference this afternoon by claiming a message of ‘optimism and ambition’ for the future can lead the country to independence.

Following the challenges that the pandemic presented, Brown will insist on the fact that Scotland’s post-Covid future must not be limited by the ‘incessant negativity of a Westminster system that is ‘broken beyond repairs’

He accuses the London-based parties having a “can’t do attitude” and a “complete lack of vision”. This contrasts with the belief of the SNP that Scotland has what it takes to become a prosperous independent country.

After a poll, Scots are more keen to remain part of the United Kingdom in his opening speech

YouGov research suggested that another SNP attempt to break the union would not be accepted by voters, even though Ms Sturgeon renewed her promise to hold a referendum.

Only 47% supported breaking away, excluding ‘don’t know’. This is unchanged from May and the exact opposite of last summer’s Covid crisis.

Keith Brown (pictured at the SNP conference in 2019) will kick of the online event this afternoon by claiming a message of 'optimism and ambition' for the future can lead the country to independence

Keith Brown (pictured at SNP Conference 2019 in 2019,) will launch the online event today by proclaiming a message of optimism and ambition for the future that can take the country to independence

Research by YouGov suggested another SNP bid to split the union would be rejected by voters, despite Ms Sturgeon renewing her vow to hold a referendum.

YouGov research suggested that another SNP attempt to break the union would not be accepted by voters, even though Ms Sturgeon renewed her promise to hold a referendum.

Brown will inform the online conference audience that Mr Brown is in “great shape” and has “great resolve”.

He’ll speak to the gathering at its beginning and state that “The past couple of years were challenging” for everyone. These challenges have forced us to reevaluate what is important in our lives.

“As responsible government, the SNP has made it a priority to steer Scotland through the pandemic.

“While it is clear that the entire Westminster system has been irreparably damaged, we remain focused on serving the needs of every citizen in Scotland.”

He said: “As the world looks to the future we will exhort the citizens of Scotland to consider what type of country they wish to live in once the pandemic has ended.”

“Who are the most qualified to make life-altering decisions? Who are the most dedicated to making Scotland more fair, prosperous and taking on key issues such as the climate emergency?

“We won’t allow Scotland’s future be restricted by the constant negativity, can’t do attitude and complete lack of vision displayed by the unionist parties.

“Our case for Scotland’s future is one that’s based on optimism, ambition and hope. It is a belief that the nation can be an independent, successful nation.

“And that they believe the residents of this area can make better choices about their lives, rather than leaving Westminster under control.

“That will be the case in the coming months – that will bring us to independence.”

Pamela Nash is the chief executive officer of Scotland in Union’s pro-UK campaign group. She said, “With a new poll showing that 59% want to be part of the UK,” Keith Brown seems hopelessly outof touch.

“He only has tired rhetoric and arguments from yesterday. The country is moving on, and looking forward.

“Rather than worrying about the division of Scotland’s communities we can see a bright future for Britain where everyone is included and we create a recovery that benefits all.
