The father of a nine-year old boy dropped him as he was holding him over the crowd at Friday’s Astroworld Festival. Now, the boy is in an artificial coma that has severe damage to his brain, heart and lungs.

Ezra Blount, one of the many concertgoers who were injured in the stampede at Travis Scott’s show, was also hospitalized. 

Treston was the father of the boy who traveled with him to Dallas from his Dallas mother. However, the father-son trip quickly became a nightmare. 

Treston stated that Treston passed out holding Ezra’s hand so that it wouldn’t crush him. His son, Treston said, had just been admitted to a local hospital by himself as a John Doe when he reached the medical tent. 

Treston posted a GoFundMe message for his son. It raised almost $7,000 within three hours.

Ezra Blount (pictured), 9, traveled from his mother's in Dallas to see one of his favorite artists with his Dad, Treston. The boy's father said he passed out while holding the boy up so he wouldn't be crushed - when he came to at the venue's medical tent, his son had been admitted by himself to an area hospital as a John Doe

Ezra Blount (9 years old) traveled to Dallas from Dallas to visit his dad, Treston. His father claimed that the boy fell unconscious while holding him up high so that he would not be crushed. The boy arrived at the medical tent and found out his son had already been admitted as a John Doe to an area hospital.

'Due to his severe injuries which are swelling in the back of brain damage and trauma to nearly all organs we are certain that he was trampled and is still in induced coma,' Treston Blount (left) wrote on a GoFundMe initiative for his son Ezra (right), which has raised nearly $7,000 in just 3 hours

Treston Blount, left, wrote: “Due to his severe injury which is swelling in the back brain damage and traumat almost all organs. We are certain that [he] was trampled” and has started a GoFundMe effort for his son Ezra. It raised close to $7,000 in 3 hours.

Ezra's Dad Treston (pictured) is a huge Travis Scott fan, with an Astroworld graphic as his Facebook cover photo and even an Astroworld tattoo on his forearm. Now, though, he and his family are looking for answers - and Travis Scott's apologies thus far haven't cut it

Ezra’s Dad Treston (pictured above) is an avid Travis Scott fan. He has an Astroworld image as his cover photo on Facebook and an Astroworld tattoo to his forearm. He and his family now need answers and Travis Scott’s sorrys so far are not enough.

Now, like the families of the eight concertgoers who perished on Friday, Ezra's family is looking for answers - and Travis Scott's (pictured) apology, promises to cover the funeral expenses of the deceased and refund Friday's tickets won't cut it

Ezra’s loved ones, along with the 8 concertgoers who died, are now looking for answers. Travis Scott’s (pictured), apology promises to reimburse Friday’s ticket prices and cover funeral costs.

Around 2pm hundreds of fans stormed the festival's VIP entrance. About seven hours later the surge in front of the main stage killed eight people but the two events appear to be unrelated

Around 2pm many fans stormed to the VIP entry of the festival. Seven hours later, eight were killed by a crowd in front the main stage. The two incidents appear unrelated

Treston, a big Travis Scott fan has an Astroworld image as his cover photo on Facebook and an Astroworld tattoo to his forearm. Treston and his family now need answers. Travis Scott’s apologizes so far are not enough. 

“I have seen online apologies that weren’t sincere and from those who took part in the event. Why not go to the hospital and check on your friends if you are feeling so awful? You shouldn’t let concerts go this way, and allow people to get hurt. Ezra’s grandfather, Bernon Blount, told ABC13. 

“Nobody should be injured in order to make money. Nobody should lose their child or grandchild just to make the dollar. Safety should have been available for the fans.

According to the grandfather of the boy, the boy suffered so severe injuries from the incident that he was unable to breathe. 

 ‘If the mayor said there was 500 policemen there, I didn’t see 500 policemen,’ he said. ‘When it was stated that 700 security were present at the event, I didn’t see 700. I saw hundreds of children running through their gates, trampling and shoving each other. That’s all I saw.

Madison Dubiski, 23, was the eighth victim and final of the horrible incident. She was discovered on Monday. 

Scott promises to pay the funeral costs of eight of those killed at the Festival’s violent crowd surge. This comes after he is hit with numerous lawsuits by survivors, who accuse Scott of creating ‘extreme discomfort’.

One witness described the show as a 'floor of bodies' and fans were screaming to 'stop the show'

According to one witness, the show had a “floor full of bodies”, and the fans were shouting for the stop.

The eighth and final fatality at Travis Scott's Astroworld concert has been identified as Madison Dubiski, 23, of Cypress

Madison Dubiski (23), of Cypress, was the eighth and last fatality from Travis Scott’s Astroworld concert.

Many injury lawyers including Ben Crump claim Scott, Live Nation, and the other festival organizers failed to implement the security measures necessary to avoid the stampede.

Scott announced Monday that 11 additional lawsuits were filed against him. He pledged to pay all funeral expenses and will also be working with BetterHelp to provide free online counseling to concertgoers who have been affected by the terrible events at Astroworld. Scott will also refund all ticket prices.

But attendees and their lawyers, including Crump – who is representing Noah Gutierrez, 21 – said that the tragedy was ‘years in the making’ because of a history of injuries reported at Scott’s performances, including three hospitalizations at the same event in 2019.

A number of injury lawyers, including famed civil rights attorney Ben Crump, are claiming that Scott, Live Nation and other parties behind the festival failed to provide the necessary security measures to prevent the stampede

A number of injury lawyers, including famed civil rights attorney Ben Crump, are claiming that Scott, Live Nation and other parties behind the festival failed to provide the necessary security measures to prevent the stampede

Crump tweeted one TikTok video showing members of the crowd scream for the show to stop

Crump sent one TikTok Video showing the crowd screaming for the show’s end to Crump

He shared another video of a woman climbing a stage ladder and screaming to a stage hand that people were dying in the crowd

He shared another video of a woman climbing a stage ladder and screaming to a stage hand that people were dying in the crowd

The lawsuits also allege that Scott kept singing for more than 30 minutes despite numerous deaths, injuries and screams from fans for the show to stop.

Crump stated in a statement that he was hearing horrifying accounts about the terror and helplessness experienced by people, as well as the horror caused by a crowd of people and the terrible trauma of witnessing people die trying to save them.

Meanwhile, more than 10,000 people have signed a petition attempting to block the rapper from performing as a headliners at the Coachella Valley Music & Arts Festival in California next April.   

Crump set up a designated website for anyone else traumatized by the experience to reach out for legal assistance, which could be found at

“We will pursue justice for all of our clients who were injured in this tragic and preventable accident,” he said.

Thousands of people have signed a petition aimed at blocking the rapper's upcoming festival performances

Thousands signed a petition against the future festival appearances of the rapper

Crump set up a designated website for anyone else traumatized by the experience to reach out for legal assistance

Crump set up a designated website for anyone else traumatized by the experience to reach out for legal assistance

The attorney posted a TikTok clip of the crowd screaming for it to stop, and another showing a woman scaling a ladder to shout to stage hands that there were people dying.

A tweet captioned “Crowd shouting “stop the show” and waving hands at the sky to protest the Astroworld festival!” Reach out immediately if you have any friends or family members who were affected by this horrible event.

Another said, “WOW. A young girl climbed a ladder to beg staff to stop the Astroworld fest & help attendees with what we now know were DOZENS of medical emergencies & deaths! If you have suffered this terrible event or someone close to you, please reach out!  

Scott, who is not only facing disapproval from his peers, is being sued by Crump.

More than 10,000 people signed a petition Monday night to stop the rapper performing at Coachella.

The petition – directed at Coachella organizers AEG, Paul Tollet and Goldenvoice – cites the Astroworld tragedy and Scott’s alleged negligence as reason to remove him from the concert line-up.

‘With the recent tragic and unnecessary death at Travis Scott’s Astroworld concert, due to Scott’s own gross negligence and sheer lack of compassion for human life, we ask AEG, Paul Tollet, and Goldenvoice to remove his as performer at all of their festivals,’ the petition reads.

The petition also demands that Scott be removed from next weekend’s Day N Vegas Festival.

Festival organizers did not respond to the petition.    

Sean Roberts from Houston filed seven lawsuits for different survivors on Monday. Each claims that Scott and Live Nation failed to provide adequate security, a contingency plan and the necessary conditions to prevent the environment that led to the fatalities and injuries, according to TMZ, which obtained a copy of the suits.

Roberts claimed that all clients were’seriously & permanently injured.’ He is suing Roberts for negligence and seeking unspecified amounts in damages.

CNN reported that Ryan MacLeod was another attorney who is taking legal action on behalf of his client. MacLeod explained to CNN, “There’s the pain of physical injury, but there’s also the trauma of emotional scarring. That kind of silence pain is even worse.”

According to him, his client felt ‘trapped in the crowd’ and that he felt like he couldn’t breathe.

He added, “Then, he got trampled, and there was an hero, like many concertgoers proved to be, that was able to lift and rescue him from danger.”

MacLeod listed casualties at Scott’s shows that date back to 2015. Scott was charged with misdemeanours after an egregious stampede at Lollapalooza, Chicago in 2015.

According to the lawyer, “This had been years in preparation.” Travis Scott, his promoters and others know that Travis Scott was arrested in 2015 for inciting violence. He will often claim that a “mosh pit” is not a place where someone is getting hurt, when there are a lot of people at his concert.   

Scott insists that he didn’t know about the tragedy until after he performed, but MacLeod says that it was better to stop the music sooner. According to him, “During the concert even though first responders try to help, he continued the concert. It’s horrible. It’s despicable. It’s deplorable.

MacLeod said, “If you have an ear, and a pulse, then you can be alive. Travis Scott was. Your safety is at stake. CPR was being performed while Scott still sang… this cannot be repeated.

Manuel Souza filed a lawsuit with Kherkher Garcia seeking $1,000,000 in monetary relief. He claims that he suffered serious injuries from the crowd’s uncontrolled chaos, which threw him to the ground.

Kristian Paredes, 23, from Austin, Texas, filed the complaint obtained by Sunday

According to the complaint, Drake (pictured on Friday) 'came on stage alongside Travis Scott and helped incite the crowd.' He accuses Drake of continuing to perform with Travis Scott 'as the crowd became out of control' and ' while the crowd mayhem continued'

Kristian Paredes was 23 years old and hails from Austin. obtained the complaint. Travis Scott called Drake onstage for an unexpected appearance.

Steve Kherkher was Souza’s lawyer. He stated that Souza and the defendants had failed to plan the concert properly or conduct it in a safe way. They consciously failed to recognize the dangers of concertgoers and encouraged dangerous behavior in certain cases.

Yesterday’s concert-goer claimed he suffered severe injuries. He sued Scott and Canadian rapper Drake for inciting the crowd.

Kristian Paredes (23), from Austin, Texas filed the Sunday complaint accusing Live Nation, the Harris County Sports and Convention Corporation and the rappers of negligence.

What a scene of chaos and death at Travis Scott’s concert! 

At around 2.15pmBefore the concert, video captured hundreds of people racing through gates at VIP security checkspoints and rushing past security.

In that scrum, at least one person was hurt.

Houston Fire Chief Sam Pena admitted that he didn’t know what caused the rush, but stated that any extra precautions for this festival’s celebration ‘weren’t sufficient’.

Police Chief Troy Finner, who was with Travis Scott during his set, expressed concern about the energy of the crowd to The New York Times.

Scott was scheduled to perform 9:00pmThe. On a large screen, he saw a huge countdown clock that was displayed 30 minutes prior to his set.

Madeline Eskins, an ICU nurse, stated that pressure in the crowd increased the closer it was to zero.

CNN’s She said that people were pushing each other forward and back, and they had been pressed together.

Just after 9pmScott was on the podium to begin his set that also featured a surprise appearance from Drake.

People were already passing out by the time that the rapper entered the arena.

At 9.30 pmPena stated that officials had received initial reports of injury.

At around 9.30pmThe ambulance made it into the crowd. It took 10 minutes for the ambulance to reach the patient.

The video, now deleted, shows Scott being approached by two men.

Scott said to everyone, “Y’all” before turning his attention to the people, just as the music began to play again.

Then he asked his companions in the crowd to give a ‘ground shake’.

At 9.38pmAccording to the chief of fire, there was a’mass causalty event’.

Scott insists that he wasn’t aware of the seriousness of the situation, however he did stop Scott on at least three occasions in order to request help for the hurt.

At around 10.10pmThe performance was stopped. 

The complaint states that Drake “came onstage alongside Travis Scott and incited the crowd.”

Drake accuses Scott of performing with him ‘as crowd control became unmanageable’, and ‘while the crowd chaos continued.  

Paredes seeks $1million in damages for bodily injuries. Some of these injuries he says are permanent.

He claims he felt an immediate push as Travis Scott’s countdown ended. Scott entered the stage just before 9pm.

According to the filing, ‘the crowd became chaotic’ and “a stampede started leaving 8 dead and many others including Kristian Paredes seriously injured.”

According to the report, many begged Live Nation Entertainment’s security guards for their help but were refused.

Houston increased the number of officers on the police force in preparation for the concert. Live Nation hired private security.   

The deaths of Friday were a result of footage that showed multiple instances where crowds marched towards Scott during previous performances at Lollapalooza Chicago 2015, and an Arkansas outdoor venue 2017. 

Scott was found guilty of two misdemeanors. Scott was also criticised by a fan who suffered paralysis after falling from his balcony at a Scott concert. 

To determine the cause of this violent stampede, investigators now examine the safety barriers and crowd control used at the festival.

The investigation team plans to review concert proceedings and video interviews to determine the cause of the tragic accident.  

Investigators will examine the security measures and barriers as well as Scott’s performance.

Steven Adelman serves as vice president for the Event Safety Alliance industry group. It was established after seven were killed in the 2011 collapse of an Indiana State Fair stage. According to Fox News interview, he said that Security was incapable of stopping people. That’s actually really ugly. However, we don’t know what the data means.

The news outlet said that officials will also examine the event’s security plan, as well as the various permits given to organizers, to see if these were properly maintained.

Many local officials were aware of the dangers the festival posed and Houston Police Chief Troy Finner recently revealed that he visited Travis Scott his trailer to discuss crowd control just hours before he took to the stage. 

Finner knew Scott well and wanted to show his support for the community. He visited Scott’s trailer just before Friday’s performance.

According to a source, he told megastar he was worried about the energy of the crowd.

Rappers Travis Scott and Drake are being sued for over a million dollars by a man who claims he was left 'severely injured' in the crowd

Rappers Travis Scott and Drake are being sued for over a million dollars by a man who claims he was left 'severely injured' in the crowd

Travis Scott (pictured with Drake at the festival) is being sued by an individual who says he was’severely hurt’ during Friday’s crowd.

Houston added officers to his police force during the lead-up to the concert. Live Nation also hired extra private security.

But this didn’t stop hundreds of people rushing past security barriers to get into the festival venue Friday night.

 The show was called off 30 minutes before schedule, but half an hour after a ‘mass casualty event’ had already been declared by the fire department.

Fire Chief Samuel Peña said on Sunday that Scott and the organizers could have stepped in and paused the show.

Performers are the one who can truly call for and receive a tactical stop when there is a problem. They have that bully pulpit and they have a responsibility,’ Chief Peña told the NYT.

‘If somebody would have said, ‘Hey, shut this thing down and turn on the lights until this thing gets corrected’ — and that coming from the person with the mic — I think could have been very helpful.’

Scott and Live Nation refused to speak out on specific details but said they would cooperate with police investigations.

Scott pledged that he would refund Astroworld’s 50,000 ticket holders. Variety reports that Scott will not perform this Saturday at Astroworld, as he was supposed to. However, sources tell Variety that he is too distraught to participate.

He was scheduled to make a major appearance at the Day N Vegas Festival, which is a general admission event that features several artists. Fans rush to get in on a first come, first serve basis.

Scott was to perform on the Frank Stage main stage from 10.45 pm. To 11.45 pm. 

The police who investigated the grisly crush claim that a mad man infused at least one person during the chaos with opioids.

After hours of speculation about the Astroworld Fest disaster, Chief Finner announced the shocking statement at a Saturday press conference. Mayor of Houston Sylvester Turner also revealed that the victims ranged in age from 14 to 27.

“One narrative was that an individual had been injecting others with drugs. According to Finner, we do have the report of a security guard, which was treated by medical personnel last night.

‘He was reaching out to hold or grab a citizen when he felt something pinch his neck.

“He was unconscious when Narcan was administered to him. The medical personnel noticed a similar prick to what you might get from an injector. He was then revived.  

Although it is not clear what drug was administered to the security guards, Narcan can be used to revive those who have overdosed on opioids such as fentanyl.

Police chief Troy Finner (holding a press conference on Saturday), who knows Scott and felt that he had been trying to do good for his hometown, visited the musician in his trailer before the show on Friday. He told the megastar that he was concerned about 'the energy in the crowd,' a source told The New York Times.

Troy Finner from the Police Chiefs held a press conference. Finner knows Scott, and felt that Finner had tried to make a difference for his town. Finner also visited Scott’s trailer prior to the Friday show. According to The New York Times, he told Scott that he was worried about the energy of the crowd. 

It occurred at 9.15pm. Fire Chief Pena stated in a press conference that the’mass causalty incident was declared at 9.15pm. The concert was stopped by Live Nation at 10.10pm.

Mayor Turner confirmed then that two of the eight victims who died were younger than 18, 21 years old, 23 years old and 23, while one victim was 27, with one remaining unknown.

He stated that total 25 persons were taken to hospital following the “tragic event” and that 13 people are still in hospital, five of them under 18. 

Turner sent condolences on Saturday to the loved ones who lost their lives in the tragedy. Turner also stated that the city would be meeting all those involved in the festival in order to find out how it could have become so chaotic.

He wrote, “This was a significant event that took place in Harris County and the surrounding area.” “Today law enforcement will talk with concert promoters, witnesses and examine videos from the festival and within the venue.

Turner stated, “I called for a detailed explanation from all stakeholders, Live Nation, Harris County, NRG Park, Police, Fire, Office of Emergency Management, as well as other agencies, on how this event got out of hand and caused the death and injury of many attendees.”

Mayor Turner stated that an investigation is ongoing with the police department’s homicide team and the narcotics unit. He also said that local officials are speaking to representatives from Live Nation Worldwide Entertainment and the producer of the concert.

Turner stated that Turner would likely be involved for a long time in trying to figure out exactly what occurred.