One of the biggest challenges people have faced since the pandemic is motivation.
Much of this can be attributed to the unimaginable levels of uncertainty that we have been experiencing.
Surveys that examine what fear people most include a look at the unknown. Usually, the unknowable is in the top ten.
Sometimes, it’s even more than death. It’s no surprise that people feel they are losing their mojo with the way things are.
Motivation is also affected by negativity. In the middle of global crises, it can be difficult to stay focused and motivated to move forward.
Worry can stress you out and wear you down — it stops you from seeing clear ways forward in life.
Human beings need to be worried. That inner voice is what warns of danger.
It helps to remind us that bad things can happen if we follow a particular course.
PAUL McKENNA writes that one of the most difficult things for people since the pandemic was finding the motivation to do so.
Much of this can be attributed to the unimaginable levels of uncertainty that we have been experiencing.
Covid’s Covid-era problem is that negative thoughts which normally serve as safety mechanisms now risk drowning out everyone else. There are many directions we can take.
We are experiencing a tsunami of worry and negativity that is threatening our ability to function normally.
These feelings are not healthy. Recalibration is something we must be capable of doing on a consistent basis.
It’s because of this that the work we did together thus far in this week is so significant.
My new book Positivity – Confidence. Resilience. Motivation is out this Thursday.
We will now take their newfound self-belief and confidence in you, and make them motivating.
EASY WAY to STOP Self-Sabotage
It is a conflict between the desire to reach a goal and fear of not succeeding.
The brilliant technique Dr Richard Bandler developed for this purpose is amazing. This simple, yet effective technique is able to align different areas of an individual’s brain in minutes. It will allow them both to operate together and propel the person into their goals.
This was a technique I used with a young lady who could not commit to a relationship and jumped from one job to the next without clear direction.
After a few months, she found a loving relationship and a business that was thriving. She also felt a sense of purpose.
This technique works by aligning all of our parts at the subconscious level. I can give you 100 examples.
So, if you ever self-sabotage, or feel blocked, or just sense that you are not totally focused, then this technique is for you …
1. You need to identify the conflicting belief or position in your head. You might have a part that wants to be in a relationship but the other part could want you to stay out of a relationship because it thinks it will prevent you being hurt.
It is possible to feel scared and fail, which can lead to upset and failure.
2.Choose any issue in your internal conflict.
With your palms up, place your hands in front of your face. With your palms facing up, imagine the positive, exciting part of your hand in front and the cautious, more secure, part in the other.
3. Ask each part in turn what its positive intention is for you in wanting what it wants. Continue asking until you recognise that at some level, they both want the same thing — for you to feel good and for your life to work.
Even if you feel like you’re just pretending, the process can make dramatic improvements in your self-confidence.
4.Bring your hands together, and allow your unconscious to work out how the two pieces can be combined to achieve the good things you want. You may not feel them all clicking together immediately.
5. After you have decided that you believe they are compatible, put your hands on your chest to integrate them.
6. Now imagine yourself being able, with no self-sabotage whatsoever and all the protection that you could need.
You can learn to be lucky
Roger Daltrey is my best friend. He always reminds me of this when I part. He said that he believes in luck. I was curious to know why. He replied that he believed that luck can be cultivated if one thinks lucky.
This is supported by scientific research. My two very smart scientists, Dr Dean Radin, and Dr Richard Wiseman have independently investigated luck. Their findings show that certain people are luckier than others, and this can be linked to the beliefs and mindsets of these individuals.
Simply put, those who think they’re lucky are more fortunate than those who don’t believe so.
To help others increase their luck, I created a system. Remembering the times you were lucky is like any other neuro-physiological state you wish to create.
The state will be amplified if it is given a color and made brighter or bolder.
It was a technique I shared with a lot of people. They did this every day for one week, and their luck improved.
- Think back to a time when you were lucky. These memories will be vivid and you’ll feel like you are going back. It doesn’t necessarily have to be recent. You could recall a moment in your youth or years back. Feel the good feelings you had, see what you saw and hear what your ears said.
- Make the images bigger in your memory, and make them louder, more vivid, bolder, and richer.
- You will feel great if you keep going back to the past.
- Now notice the areas where you have the strongest feelings of happiness. Is it in your heart, chest or stomach?
- Imagine that the feeling of greatness has a color and you spread it up until your top and to your feet. Take time to do it now …
- Double the intensity of the colours and feelings, and then double them again until you can feel it every fiber of your body!
- Let the colours and feelings shine!
- Consider it as 120 %, 130 %, or 140 % higher.
- Take it up to one million billion trillion trillion. Brighten the color and make it strong.
- You may feel that incredible feeling, but you can imagine spreading it throughout your life. Send your luck energy to your career and personal relationships. Send it to your financial future.
You need to be filled with positive energy and good vibes right now.
This technique can be used throughout 2022 to improve your quality of life.
Take a mental fast, where you feel bad.
An electrical impulse is sent to the brain when we think.
As it repeats this process, neural pathways grow larger. It’s just like a muscle: the longer you use it the larger it becomes.
This is what causes people to become hardwired to certain behaviours, such as smoking.
An electrical impulse is sent to the brain when we think.
Stress can cause a person to feel anxious and they start firing off electrical impulses which are related to smoking. After a while any stress will trigger a craving for a cigarette.
It is possible, however, to become hardwired for positive outcomes.
Some people, for example, are wired to exercise and feel strong in the face.
You can learn this and install it in your brain just as a program for a computer.
These pages have shown me how you can train your brain for powerful motivation.
Let’s now learn how to feel more positive and happier. This is done by removing all negativity from your life.
- Whenever you find yourself feeling bad about anything — Stop and ask yourself what you are feeling bad about and notice what image, sound, or words come to mind.
- Your emotions can be thought of as signals. They tell you when something is not right and you should pay more attention. Each feeling you feel in your body can be linked to something inside.
- Listen for the message or positive intention of the emotion — Negative or uncomfortable emotions are just messengers sent by your mind and body to let you know that it’s time to pay attention to something. When I get worried and don’t notice the message or positive intention of an emotion, I might say that it is the image of a upcoming meeting. My mind alerts me to possible problems in the meeting so I can be prepared.
- Act on the message — So, in this example, I might make a list of all the things I can do to stop those problems occurring and take action on at least one of them.
Adapted from Positivity: Confidence, Resilience, Motivation by Paul McKenna, to be published by Welbeck on January 6 at £14.99. © Paul McKenna 2022
- Turn off the messenger — This is like hanging up the phone. After I listen to my conscience, I take out all of the color from the image, reduce it to size, and then send it off.
- You may find the image comes back in your head because you are still aware of something. So, learn what that is.
- Programme your desired future — Imagine that events have gone exactly the way you wanted them to and play this image in your mind right to the end of the scene.
Adapted from Positivity: Confidence, Resilience, Motivation by Paul McKenna, to be published by Welbeck on January 6 at £14.99. © Paul McKenna 2022.
To order a copy for £11.69 go to or call 020 3176 2937. Free UK delivery on orders over £20. Offer valid through 15/01/2022.