This is a wonderful way to kick off the year. Many people share shocking NYE stories. These include a couple that had naked sex, and one woman who kissed her husband in the same place.

  • All over the globe, people shared their memories of New Year’s Eve celebrations 
  • Whisper users shared their stories of being drunk and unable to speak. 
  • A woman claimed that her boyfriend and she broke up during a party.
  • A North Carolina friend made a drunken slap at her husband.

People look forward to the New Year. However, these confessions show that parties do not always turn out as planned, particularly when there is alcohol involved.

An anonymous sharing app has been used by people all over the world.Whisper You’ll find it embarrassing to admit your most outrageous behavior at New Year’s Eve celebrations – or at least they’ll force you to think back on past antics.

A woman claims she broke up with her boyfriend while attending a party. Another, from North Carolina admits that she made a drunken attack on her friend’s husband.  

The man from Greece said that the New Year was incomplete because he had been sick at random places during the countdown.

People from around the world have taken to anonymous sharing app Whisper to share memories from past New Year's Eve parties - including a woman, from North Carolina, who made a pass on her friend's husband

Whisper is an anonymous social sharing platform that allows people from all over the globe to post memories of past New Years Eve celebrations. One such person was a North Carolina woman who shared her experiences with her husband’s partner. 

One woman, believed to be in the US, said she and her boyfriend broke up while hosting a party after drinking too much alcohol

According to one woman in America, she claimed that her boyfriend and she split up after hosting an alcohol-fueled party. 

A man, from Greece, revealed he missed out on having a New Year's kiss, while being sick in an alley during the countdown

The man was from Greece and admitted that he didn’t get a New Year’s kiss because he was too sick to go in the alley. 

One woman, who lives in California, claimed her friend put high heel shoes in the freezer at a New Year's house party

California-based woman claims her friend stored high heels shoes in the freezer of her house at New Year’s Eve party

Another anonymous person, said they woke up with a Superman symbol carved on their chest after falling asleep during a party on the beach

An anonymous individual claimed that they fell asleep at the beach party and woke up to a Superman symbol on their chest. 

A woman, from Canada, told how she passed out in the middle of a New Year's party after attempting to drink away a migraine

Canada’s woman shared her story of how she collapsed at midnight after trying to stop her migraine from drinking. 

One woman was left speechless after her best friend kissed her and her boyfriend on New Year's Eve

After her best friend kissed and sex with her boyfriend, a woman found herself speechless 

Another individual claimed they were able to hook up with their ex in a toilet without being caught by anyone

A third person stated that they had been able to get together in a public toilet and were not caught. 

A woman, who lives in the US, recalled she and her husband making out with another man at a New Year's Eve party

One woman who is from the US recalled that she had sex with another man during a New Years Eve celebration. 

Another woman, from Wisconsin, claimed to have had sex with her ex while everyone was sleeping in her friend's basement

A Wisconsin woman claimed that she had sex while her friends were sleeping in the basement of her friend.

A woman from America, who was left single after cheating on her boyfriend, claimed it all worked out as their crush attended the New Year's party

One woman in America was made single by her cheating boyfriend. Her crush came to New Year’s Eve and it turned out that everything worked out.
