Pornhub’s boss, the chief executive officer has spoken for first time since last year when his $16million Montreal mansion burned to the ground.
Feras, 46 year-old Feras Anntoon’s dream house was destroyed in an arson attack.
Montreal police officers were dispatched at 11.30pm, April 25, 2021 to investigate reports that two persons had broken into the building area.
It took almost three hours for 80 firefighters to extinguish the fire of three alarms that had raged into the early morning.
Feras Antoon, 46, lost her dream Montreal home worth $16 million to arson. It was located back onto Mafia Row.
In a rare interview Antoon revealed that extremist religious groups may have been responsible for the fire.
According to Vanity Fair’s interview, he stated: “Could extremist religious groups have encouraged or incited someone to do that? Absolutely.
“When you speak out against child trafficking and use QAnon language, your words will attract the worst corners of the web.” published a report in December 2020 that Antoon, a Syrian-born man of Syria, had purchased two parcels of land for CAN$2.3million (US$1.8million) four years prior and spent many more to build the house of his dreams. It now lies among piles of rubble.

Antoon, in rare interviews, has stated that extremist religious organizations could be behind the blaze.
It had nine car garage and seven bathrooms. Before the fires, it was home to eight bedrooms.
It backs onto Montreal’s Mafia Row where many of the most notorious criminals live.
On the very spot that Antoon’s home had been being built, a gunman stood and fired a single bullet through a double-paned window, killing Nicolo Rizzuto — ‘The Canadian Godfather’ — in his kitchen in 2010.
To make way for the new owners, 220 trees were to be cut down.
The Montreal Heritage Council argued that the wooded land should be left alone as it played ‘an important ecological role… particularly with regard to biodiversity, the movement of fauna and the flow of water.’
Antoon was granted permission to construct his dream house only if he would fund 160 trees in another location.
However, Antoon – who faced a money crunch nightmare with his empire in danger of crumbling following allegations that much of the content on his leading site contains videos of underage girls – had put his unfinished mansion up for sale just weeks before the blaze.
It is infested by rape videos. It is monetizing child rapes and revenge pornography. Spy cam videos of women showering and racist content. There are also footage of women asphyxiated with plastic bags. Nicholas Kristof, a New York Times columnist, first exposed Pornhub.

Before it was destroyed by fire, the home had a 9-car garage and seven bathrooms. It also featured eight bedrooms.
“An online search for “girls younger than 18” or “14-year old” leads to over 100,000 videos in each case. Although most of these videos are not about child sexual assault, there are many.
Mastercard, Visa, and Discover are already cutting ties with Pornhub. This forced Pornhub to delete 80 per cent of its content as a way to tidy up. The site has banned the downloading of any videos, and severely restricted uploads.
Both the United States as well Canada had lawmakers drafting legislation that would make it easier to sue sexual act companies.
This mansion is now in disrepair and was originally listed for $15.9million.

Pictured: Antoons abandoned chateau after it was listed for sale. It burned in an apparent arson attack on April 20, 2021.
Antoon told Vanity Fair that he sold the mansion because it attracted too many people. It brought me a lot of negative energy. We decided to get rid of it because it wasn’t supposed to bring us joy.
Antoon is the Chief Operating Officer of MindGeek, Pornhub’s parent firm.
The New York Times claims were previously addressed by both men to the ethics committee of the Canadian Parliament.
Antoon explained why he gave the rare interview and said that his inability to answer questions for too long could be interpreted as being ‘dodgy’. He says this is not the impression he wishes to convey.