Brazilian doctors declare a preterm baby’stillborn’. It is actually ALIVE when it’s prepared to be buried

  • In Brazil, the preterm baby was declared to be a stillborn last week
  • Drs appoint funeral directors to arrange burial for the child born to the mother.
  • The doctor immediately observed that the baby’s heartbeat was normal and returned him to the hospital.
  • Augustus was the infant who was placed in a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit

Brazilian doctors declared a premature infant stillborn. However, it has since been discovered to be healthy as the body was being prepared for burial.  

The child, who was named Augustus, was born to an 18-year-old mother in the municipality of Ariquemes in the Brazilian state Rondonia last week after she sought medical attention for severe pain and bleeding.

Doctors refused to admit she was pregnant. She later gave birth without medical assistance, at 2lbs, 3oz.  

At seven months of age, doctors called the baby stillborn. They also designated a funeral director who would take away the body to be buried.    

But during preparations, he noticed the baby had a heartbeat and immediately returned the newborn to the hospital where he was placed in a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit.

He is understood to be in a stable condition and responding well to treatment. Mother was released.  

A premature baby declared stillborn by doctors has been found to be alive as it was prepared for burial and has been placed in intensive care (pictured) in Ariquemes, Brazil

A stillborn baby was declared premature by doctors. The infant has since been placed in intensive medical care, in Ariquemes in Brazil.

Doctors declared the child, born at seven months, a stillborn (pictured, the death certificate) and called a funeral director to take the body away to prepare it for burial

Doctors declared that the baby, who was born at 7 months old, was a stillborn. The death certificate is shown in the photo. A funeral director was commissioned to transport the body to the cemetery to make it suitable for burial.

According to the baby’s grandmother, he was moving a lot yesterday. He moved his arms and legs quite a bit and his heartbeat is very high. 

When the funeral director arrived at the scene, he noticed that the baby had not died yet. He was making preparations for the burial. 

He noticed Augustus was still alive when he sighed and later checked the newborn’s heart, which was beating, G1 reported. 

She said that the grandmother was outraged because she did not see her efforts to “let’s save this child’s” life.

During burial preparations, the funeral director noticed the baby had a heartbeat and immediately returned the newborn to the hospital where he was placed in a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit

During funeral preparations, the funeral director observed that the baby was having a heartbeat. He immediately took the infant to hospital and placed him in a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit.

The baby, named Augustus, is understood to be in a stable condition and responding well to treatment

Augustus the baby is in stable health and responds well to treatments.

The Civil Police and the Public Ministry of Rondônia said they had opened an investigation into the bizarre incident. 

But the Ariquemes health department has insisted the baby was dead when it arrived at the hospital. 

According to a spokesperson from the department, “It’s a miracle.” I heard the doctor speak and it was clear that she wanted me to believe this baby had died.

“The funeral home arrived to take him, and he was already dead.” But somehow, the heartbeat returned. 
