Professional signer exposed flaw in plan B’s new face mask regulations by singing during shopping so she doesn’t need to cover her nose or mouth.

In England, measures have been tightened to limit the spread Omicron virus. 

But footage shows a maskless Louise Grayford, who works for the Street Theatre Company, buying cheese and wine while carolling along to a rendition of ‘Ding dong merrily on high’ in the dairy aisle of a Waitrose branch.

She sings lyrics mocking an apparent Christmas party held at Downing Street last December.

Then she sang, “Christmas, buying wine and cheese, no mask, singing keeps me in line.” 

LBC recorded the video. It shows officials saying that they could allow shoppers to take off their facial coverings in supermarkets, provided they sing around. 

“There will, of course, be exceptions when it is not practicable, such as eating, drinking, or singing.”

Downing Street updated regulations and stated that anyone may remove a mask if they feel it’s necessary to sing. 

These occasions can include singing in a choir or at a rehearsal or service, as well as performing.

Downing Street stated that it was difficult to justify people using a “reasonable excuse” to take off their masks while shopping under the new rules. 

Some Britons were seen appearing to disregard the new rules completely, going maskless in a Manchester shopping center, while others remained true to the guidelines in cinemas and theatres.

Footage shows a maskless Louise Grayford (pictured above), who works for the Street Theatre Company, buying cheese and wine while carolling along to a rendition of 'Ding dong merrily on high' inside a Waitrose branch

Footage depicts a maskless Louise Grayford (pictured below), working for Street Theatre Company. She buys cheese and wine, while singing along to “Ding dong Merrily On High” in a Waitrose branch.

In lyrics poking fun at an alleged Christmas party at Downing Street last year, she sings: 'Once in royal Boris' city, stood a lowly Downing Street, where a mother laid her baby, Covid rules were not applied'

She sings, “Once in Royal Boris’ city stood a lowly Downing Street where a mother laid her child, Covid rules weren’t applied.”

The legal requirement that you wear masks in England has been extended from Friday to include indoor spaces such as museums, galleries, and community centres.

Regulations for sports stadia were also published Thursday night. However, the Department of Health has confirmed that face covers will be required only indoors.

A scientist who advised the Government said that tighter restrictions were a “necessary evil” and that the Government should not be overreact. 

This announcement comes just as Nicola Sturgeon announced that entire Scottish families will be forced to isolate themselves for 10 days if a household member is positive for coronavirus. She also warned the nation about a ‘tsunami of Omicron cases’.

The Scottish First Minister stated that all family members of confirmed Covid cases should be isolated from tomorrow, regardless of vaccination status or if they receive a negative DNA test.

Ms. Sturgeon acknowledged that this was not an easy process and stated there would be exceptions for crucial services.

She also sings: 'Christmas time, buying cheese and wine, no mask but singing's keeping me in line.' The video follows officials appearing to say that shoppers could be allowed to remove their masks in supermarkets if they walked around singing

The singer also sang: “Christmas time”, buying wine and cheese. Officials appear to suggest that customers could remove their masks from supermarkets if shoppers were to sing.

Ms Grayford seen picking up some cheese from the dairy aisle during the video. From Friday, in England the legal requirement to wear masks has been extended to more indoor spaces including museums, galleries and community centres

In the video, Ms Grayford is seen taking out some cheese from the dairy aisle. Since Friday in England, the law requiring that masks be worn indoors is now extended to museums, galleries, and community centers.

The Waitrose store in London where a maskless Ms Grayford walked around singing. Downing Street has since updated the regulations to state that someone may take a mask off if it is 'reasonably necessary' to sing

London’s Waitrose Store was where Ms Grayford, a naked woman without a mask, sang. Downing Street updated regulations so that if it’s’reasonably needed’, someone can take off the mask to sing.

UK Government already has a plan C to fight Omicron. Care homes could be subjected to more restrictions, such as mandatory use of masks in bars and restaurants, and new regulations in the lead up to Christmas.

As part of Downing Street’s contingency plans, vaccine passports that are controversial could be extended to additional venues if Omicron super mutant proves as hazardous as scientists think.

The Daily Telegraph quotes an anonymous Government source who says it is “very likely” that social care workers will have fewer visitors than the three identified visitors. This was part of plans being evaluated by ministers.

The UK Health Security Agency reported that there had been 817 confirmed Omicron cases in the UK.

John Edmunds is a member the Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies. He said the cases of this variant would continue rising.

Meanwhile, some shoppers have been spotted appearing to ignore the new measures completely by going maskless inside a crowded Arndale shopping centre in Manchester

In Manchester’s Arndale Shopping Centre, shoppers are seen going completely maskless to avoid the new regulations.

Most shoppers are seen wearing masks while a couple are without in Manchester's Arndale shopping centre. There were a total of 817 confirmed cases of the Omicron variant in the UK as of Thursday, the UK Health Security Agency said

Many shoppers wear masks, while some others are not wearing one in Manchester’s Arndale Shopping Centre. The UK Health Security Agency reported that there had been 817 Omicron cases in Britain as of Thursday.

Shoppers in a crowded Arndale shopping centre are seen without face coverings in Manchester City Centre this morning. Professor John Edmunds, a member of the Sage, has said cases of the variant will keep rising

Manchester City Centre saw shoppers without covering their faces in the crowded Arndale shopping center. John Edmunds from the Sage has confirmed that cases of this variant are likely to continue rising.

Some shoppers seen without face masks inside a shopping centre today. Health Secretary Sajid Javid has warned that the number of UK Omicron infections could hit one million by the end of the month

Today’s shopping center saw some shoppers without masks. Sajid Javid, Health Secretary has said that Omicron infection rates in the UK could reach one million before the end of this month.

He spoke out about restrictions to a Royal Society of Medicine briefing. “It’s necessary evil…it’s very harmful for parts of economy, especially the hospitality sector and retail sector – they will be affected.”

We have to. It spreads at an alarming rate, with the virus increasing in frequency every two to three days.

He stated that even though the cases are few and seem overreactive, this isn’t an excessive reaction.

Sajid Javid, Health Secretary has said that Omicron infection rates in the UK could reach one million before the end of this month.

He insists that new steps are needed to build our collective defenses against the fast-growing variant.

Theatregoers wear masks, some not covering their nose and mouth, while attending the Snow White pantomime at the Sunderland Empire this afternoon on the day it became compulsory to wear face coverings in theatres and cinema

While attending the Snow White pantomime at Sunderland Empire, theatregoers don masks. Some do not cover their mouths. This is the first time that face covers were required in cinemas and theatres.

Theatregoers wear masks while attending the Snow White pantomime as new Plan B measures came into effect today

New Plan B measures have made it possible for theatregoers to use masks during the Snow White pantomime.

The introduction of tougher regulations has been criticized by ministers, and anger within the Conservative party was fuelled in part by suspicions that new restrictions were introduced to distract the Prime Minister from his troubles regarding an alleged Downing Street staff member during the December lockdown.

Friday’s actions come before a Monday return to work and mandatory Covid passports at large venues starting Wednesday. This is all as part of the Government’s Plan B.

These new regulations are going to be debated and voted on in the Commons this week. Labour support is required for them to be approved, even though there may be a significant Conservative rebellion.

You don’t have to wear a mask in hospitality venues like restaurants and pubs, as well as in gyms or nightclubs.

Before their January 26 expiry, the Plan B plans will be reviewed.