Court hears that 35-year old property boss assaulted wife during drunken row. He pointed out a woman on a train platform who looked like the woman with whom he had an affair, and he then attacked her.

  • One property boss in Woking, Surrey assaulted his wife after a row over booze 
  • Adil Burtally, 35, ‘pushed wife towards wall’ at London Bridge station last month 
  • He pointed out a rail passenger who “looked just like a woman with whom he was having an affair”
  • Burtally completed 30 days worth of rehabilitation activities and did 120 hours of unpaid labor

An abusive property boss attacked his wife in a train station, during a drunken row. He pointed out that a fellow passenger looked just like the woman with whom he was having an affair. A court heard.

Adil Burtally, 35, grabbed Natasha Knights and rammed her into a wall after an argument started at London Bridge station on October 24.

The couple, who have two children but no longer live together, were out ‘celebrating their anniversary’ when the row took place.

Prosecutor Sudara Weerasena, ‘He pointed out a woman who looked like the woman he had an affair with,’ she told Westminster Magistrates court. 

Burtally, the owner and director of Knights Property Services, based in Camberley, Surrey, was ‘under the influence of alcohol’ when he attacked his wife. 

Adil Burtally, 35, (right) grabbed Natasha Knights (left) and rammed her into a wall after a drunken row started at London Bridge station on October 24

Adil Burtally (35), grabbed Natasha Knights (35) and drove her against a wall. This happened after an argument at London Bridge Station on October 24, 2015.

The couple, who have two children but no longer live together, were out ‘celebrating their anniversary’ when Burtally (right) pointed out a rail passenger 'who looked like the woman he had an affair with', prosecutor Sudara Weerasena

The couple, who have two children but no longer live together, were out ‘celebrating their anniversary’ when Burtally (right) pointed out a rail passenger ‘who looked like the woman he had an affair with’, prosecutor Sudara Weerasena

Weersena told the court: ‘The defendant pushes her towards the wall and then he holds her towards the wall.’

He said that his wife is seen trying to run away repeatedly from him. He also reaches with his left hand and grabs her right breast.’

Burtally was attempting to get help from a female commuter, but she grabbed her again when she tried to leave.

‘You can see on the footage she looks visibly distressed,’ said the prosecutor.

‘He said he didn’t believe he had done any harm to her. It shows a lack of insight into how serious domestic abuse is.’

Adil Burtally, 35, (right) grabbed Natasha Knights (left

Adil Burtally, 35, (right) grabbed Natasha Knights (left

The court heard that a female commuter attempted to intercede before Burtally (right). He grabbed his wife as she tried walking away again, and the court was informed. Pictured left: Mrs Knights

Burtally, the owner and director of Knights Property Services, based in Camberley, Surrey, was ‘under the influence of alcohol’ when he attacked his Mrs Knights (pictured)

Burtally, the owner and director of Knights Property Services, based in Camberley, Surrey, was ‘under the influence of alcohol’ when he attacked his Mrs Knights (pictured)

Ms Weerasena told the court Ms Knights had previously called police to their home after Burtally ‘dragged her by her hair down the stairs’.

Nathan Alleyne-Brown, defending, said Burtally has since described it as ‘stupid mistake that never should have happened.’

He added: ‘In his police interview he accepted the wrongdoing that took place.

‘This was an isolated incident and it is not a feature of a recurring dynamic within this relationship.’

Magistrate Maeve Bromwich told Burtally: ‘Whatever anyone may say, this was a nasty offence committed in public.

‘There are a number of aggravating factors including drink.’

Burtally was sent to rehabilitation for 30 days and unpaid work for 120 hours.

The magistrate also ordered Burtally to stay away from his wife’s home in Camberley and her work address.

Burtally of Scarlett Close in Woking, Surrey admitted to being beaten. 
