A father of five-year old amputee, who became the youngest person ever to climb Snowdon, has expressed his pride in his son’s accomplishment.

Albie-Junior Thomas from Holywell (Wales) celebrated his fifth birthday today. He appeared on This Morning with his father and climbing partner Daniel.  

Daniel explained to presenters Alison Hammond and Dermot O’Leary that his son was born with a condition known as fibula hemimelia – a rare condition, which is estimated to occur in one in 40,000 births, and is a partial or total absence of the fibula bone in the calf. 

Albie and Rachel, Albie’s mom Rachel, were offered the choice of amputating his leg or by extending it through pinning. 

Daniel stated that Daniel was left with a deformed foot and that his left leg measured 5cm longer than his right. He has the tibia bone, but not the fibula bone. You had two choices: have your foot amputated, or pin it.

Albie-Junior Thomas, from Holywell, Wales, who is celebrating his fifth birthday today, appeared on This Morning alongside his dad and climbing partner Daniel (pictured, together)

Albie-Junior Thomas from Holywell in Wales celebrated his fifth birthday today. He appeared on This Morning with his father and climbing partner Daniel.

Daniel said it was a proud moment when he and son Albie put their hands together at the top of Snowdon (pictured)

Daniel said that it was an proud moment for him and his son Albie when they joined hands at the summit of Snowdon (pictured).

He said, “That would mean that if it was pinned it would be four times during certain periods of his childhood.” He would have had a big, metal object around his leg that could be wrapped around his foot. At the end it might even allow him to amputate his foot. 

It was difficult for me but the easiest of all. This was my favorite.

One in every 40,000 babies is affected by a rare birth defect: How can fibular Hemielia be treated? 

Fibular haimelia refers to a deficiency of one or more limbs.

According to estimates, it occurs in 1 in 40 000 births.

Two long bones are found in the lower leg. The thicker is known as the tibia, while the thinner is the fibula. Fibular hemomelia causes the tibia to be shorter than normal, and the fibula may not develop properly.

Fibular hemimelia can make a leg appear shorter than if it is not. A bent tibia and shortened foot can result in fewer toes and a bent ankle. A misaligned knee can also cause abnormal movement.

The condition is more common in males than it is for females. This was confirmed by Oscar Pistorius, the Paralympic Paralympics winner.

The majority of cases of fibular hemomelia occur without any reason.

The severity and normality of your foot will determine the treatment.

The leg can be lengthened if the foot is normal. However, a twisted foot may need to be corrected with surgery.

The best option is to remove the foot through the ankle.

In almost every case, prosthetic limbs are possible.

Source: Steps Charity

Daniel continued to talk about how his son has not been held back by the amputation – and that it was something that made him so proud. Albie, for her bravery and climbing to the summit of Wales at 3,560ft – in spite storm Arwen.

Daniel explained that there were icy areas, but he was still walking up it because the slopes downward. Albie laughed and joked about how he thought this mountain was meant to be big. I replied, “Don’t let yourself get carried away!” 

He said he was proud to have his hands on top of the mounting when he did so.

Albie’s inspiring father said, “I knew already what he could do,” 

Albie, who is two years old, has enjoyed running on a prosthetic leg and dreams of participating in the Paralympics. 

Daniel explained that he handed Albie to the nurse when he gave him his hand. He said, “I swear to you I’m going get you into the Paralympics.”

“So I closed my small jointery shop and applied for a PT training course. Now, after going to university, I am doing more sports therapy. I also want to learn as much as I can about my client and him. 

Dermot asked Daniel when the racing began. 

Daniel said, “I was more interested in the weights, but running wasn’t my favorite sport.” “But, I wanted to demonstrate that you can do anything in your life.”

“Running was quite a challenge, but I eventually found an ultra-running club. 

They showed me another side of it.

Alison complimented Daniel for being an inspiring dad. Albie inquired about Daniel’s dad, and Daniel said: ‘Tell me lies…big me up!

Albie joked: ‘No!’ 

Daniel shared his story about how Snowdon was born. He explained that he walked up mountains in Wales when he was just two years old and took the difficult routes. It was difficult for him to manage it because he didn’t have a blade.

He said, “I had Snowdon in my head when I was walking it.” I’ve even got Everest in my head now! 

“I want to go Ben Nevis this Year, but that depends on my safety.

Daniel went on to say how Albie often says: ‘I want to go running with daddy in the mountains.’

He added, “As long he is willing to do this stuff. I’m there. And will push him when needed. He’s capable.’ 

Daniel said the icy parts were the hardest bits

Albie often asks if he can go running with his daddy

Daniel shared how Albie, pictured left to right with Daniel, often said: “I want daddy to run in the mountains.”

Alison branded Daniel an 'inspiring' dad to Albie. Pictured, together on This Morning

Alison described Daniel as an inspiring dad to Albie. Photo of them together, This Morning